Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 4

 Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 4


“The wages of sin is death.” 

Genesis 3:1-19 

The present portion of Scripture contains the sad record of the Fall, in which through our first parents we all fell 

Genesis 3:1 

The devil often begins as if he were an enquirer. 

Genesis 3:3 

She should have been more precise. God did not say, “lest ye die,” but “ye shall surely die.” Error commences in little departures from truth. 

Genesis 3:5 

He cruelly slanders God. He hints that God was afraid that man would grow too great. 

Genesis 3:6 

See the progress of sin, she listened, she saw, she took, she gave to Adam. She had been wiser if she had turned away at first. 

Genesis 3:12 

He throws the blame on God for giving him a wife. Alas! what wretched ingratitude. 

Genesis 3:13 

Sinners are ready with excuses, and yet they have never a good one. Open confession of our wrongdoing is far better. 

Genesis 3:15 

Here a blessed promise lies like a pearl in a shell. The serpent’s curse is for us a blessing, for Jesus our Saviour is therein foretold. 

Genesis 3:17 

See how obliquely the curse falls. It glances rather on the ground than on man. Wondrous is God’s mercy. 

Genesis 3:19 

Thus sin when it is finished bringeth forth death. 

Yet, mighty God, thy wondrous love 

Can make our nature clean, 

While Christ and grace prevail above 

The tempter, death, and sin. 

The second Adam shall restore 

The ruins of the first, 

Hosanna to the sovereign power 

That new creates our dust. 


“The Lord our righteousness.” 

Romans 10:12-21 

The New Testament is the key to the Old. There we find an explanation of the position of Adam in reference to the race of man. He represented us all, and we all share the sad effects of his transgression. He was the door through which both sin and death entered into our world. So the apostle Paul teaches us in 

Romans 5:12 

All men sinned in Adam who stood as representative for them all, and therefore all men die. 

Romans 5:14 

It is clear that there was sin in the world before the law because men died; that sin came in through the fall, 

Genesis 5:14 

even infants die through Adam’s sin, though without personal guilt, 

Genesis 5:14 

For Jesus is the second head of the race, the second representative man. As we fell by our union with Adam, so if we are in Christ we shall rise by virtue of our union with the Lord Jesus, who is here intended by the term, “him that was to come.” But he is the Head and Leader of a believing people: the great question is, are we believers in him? 

Romans 5:15 

Note that salvation is not the reward of merit, but a free gift; and mark how God’s grace outruns human sin. The apostle speaks of “much more,” as if he meant, more likely, more easily, more abundantly. It was Gods strange work when he condemned the race for Adam’s sin; but it is his delight to accept men for the sake of his dear Son. 

Romans 5:16 

One sin destroyed us, but grace blots out many sins. 

Romans 5:17 

Ruined by one man’s sin, restored by one man’s righteousness. The rise will be greater than the fall. 

Romans 5:18 

All in Adam fell by Adam, all in Christ are restored by Christ. 

Romans 5:19 

This is the fundamental doctrine of the gospel; Jesus makes us righteous in his righteousness. We are accepted in the Beloved. 

Romans 5:20 

The law of Moses makes us conscious of sin, it probes our wounds, it brings out into action the evil which lurks in our hearts, and so by the blessing of the Holy Spirit it drives us from self-dependence, and compels us to look to the grace of God in Christ Jesus. 

The floods of grace prevail above the mountains of our sins. Almighty love paints a rainbow on the blackest clouds of human transgression. 

Romans 5:21 

Happy are those in whom reigning grace has implanted spiritual life, for the same grace will sustain, increase, and perfect that life till it melts into glory. Are all the members of this family saved in Christ Jesus? Endeavour every one of you to answer the question. Let us not be divided, but let us together seek the Lord, and may we all meet in heaven. 

We were lost, but we are found, 

Dead, but now alive are we; 

We were sore in bondage bound, 

But our Jesus sets us free. 

Strangers, and he takes us in, 

Naked, he becomes our dress, 

Sick, and he from stain of sin 

Cleanses with his righteousness. 

Therefore will we sing his praise 

Who his lost ones hath restored, 

Hearts and voices both shall raise 

Hallelujahs to the Lord. 

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This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain".


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