Today's Daily Encounter Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Today's Daily Encounter Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Perfect Peace
"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."1
Each of us desires peace. In our hearts, we wish for the cessation of difficult situations and for peace to reign in our lives. Many people pray for political peace, others hope for peace of mind, financial provision, and peace within the family this Christmas season.
When we seek an antidote to the symptoms of discomfort we experience, we look for external means to help us, not realizing that Christ wants to do an inner work in us, which strengthens our hearts and relieves the stress of our minds.
Jesus has much to say about peace. It's mentioned 430 times in Scripture, which means it's an important topic; an area where we need help in order to live fully.
In today's verse, God says that He will keep us in perfect peace, if our minds are firm and confident in Him. If we look at the context of this passage, we see that this is a people trapped in exile, and like them, many of us are trapped in spiritual exile. For this reason, we all need a close encounter with the Prince of Peace.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is the calm in the midst of the storm in interpersonal relationships. When storms rage in our lives, he brings tranquility. When we fix our minds on God, we find His peace. Storms designed to destabilize us will be dissolved by the peace that lives within us.
This Christmas season we can be a people of unity and peace. Peace is not a trophy to be held onto, but a gift that can be shared. We can encourage others with words of hope, offer help with our hands, or open our hearts to those who need to experience peace in the midst of life's chaos. By receiving Christ's perfect peace, we will be equipped to bring it to the world.
This Christmas season, remember that peace is not a state of mind or a feeling that is achieved, but the peace of Christ in our lives. You may experience problems, but God's peace will always be with you. So put your worries in God's hands and receive His love and perfect peace.
What does it mean for your life that your peace is found in the perfect person who is Christ, and what is the consequence of His power being at work in you?
Suggested Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, thank you that you are the Prince of Peace and my life is in your hands. I pray that in the midst of the cares and worries of this world, your peace will be what will helps me to continue. Lord, I need you so I can share your peace with those who need it most. Help me to calm my heart and receive your great love. I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
1. Isaías 26:3 (NVI).
Today's Encounter was written by: Rosina N.
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