Today's Daily Encounter Monday, December 4, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Monday, December 4, 2023

Times of Testing

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."1

They say that spiritual warfare in a believer's life is often an unusual sign of grace. It is the anointing, the powerful presence of God in a believer, that draws the attention of the enemy. It's as if the anointing oil attracts flies!

This is because where we are most vulnerable is what we place the most value on. For some, it's their business or finances that may decline. For others, it will be their integrity or reputation that may be called into question. Important relationships may be threatened.

In verses 31-32 of today's passage, Jesus tells Peter that Satan asked to sift them like wheat. But then he assures him that he is praying for him, so that his faith will not falter. In other words, the Lord didn't send the test, but He didn't stop it either. Instead, he allowed the test. Whatever the source, the test will put pressure on you and force you to honestly rethink where you find your confidence, stability, and sense of security.

Pressure is meant to purify. When everything is shaking, we can stand firm and stand, but this is possible if we build on indestructible, immovable, eternal foundations.

Like Simon Peter, the Lord is on your side. You will not be tested more than he knows you can bear. You may waver, but your faith will not fail, and you will emerge from the trial refined, revitalized, and with a renewed mind.

In the case of temptation, the source is always the enemy, and its purpose is to make you fail and then condemn you - make you feel guilty and ashamed.

On the other hand, in the case of testing, the source is God, and the purpose is for you to overcome it, to stand firm, and to emerge victorious, purified, sanctified, and willing.

No matter what trial you face in your life, let it teach you something, and consider it training for the task God is reserving for you. Let the trial serve as a formation for what God has ordained for you.

Suggested Prayer: My precious Lord Jesus, thank you for calling us and then empowering us. Thank you that when we are put to the test, you ensure that everything turns out for our good. May this time of trial be an opportunity for greater faith, deeper trust, and a stronger conviction that you, who have called me, are faithful and with me so I will overcome. In the precious name of my beloved Jesus, Amen.

1.    Lucas 22:31-32 (NIV).

Today's Encounter was written by: Rosina N.

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ACTS International


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