
Showing posts from May, 2023

North Korea's Kim Yo Jong vows more spy satellite launches -KCNA - The Jerusalem Post

North Korea's Kim Yo Jong vows more spy satellite launches -KCNA - The Jerusalem Post : North Korea's Kim Yo Jong has said her country's military spy satellite will soon enter into orbit and vowed t

USGS | M 5.2 - Seram, Indonesia

USGS | M 5.2 - Seram, Indonesia  

Canada to introduce mandatory warning labels on individual cigarettes, becoming first country to do so | Fox News

Canada to introduce mandatory warning labels on individual cigarettes, becoming first country to do so | Fox News : Canada will implement new regulations requiring warning labels on individual cigarettes, making it the first country to do so. The move is aimed at helping people quit smoking.

Moment missile debris crashed down into traffic in Kyiv captured on dashcam - YouTube

Moment missile debris crashed down into traffic in Kyiv captured on dashcam - YouTube : Dashcam footage shows missile debris falling from the sky and crashing into traffic on a busy road in Kyiv. Russia fired 11 ballistic and cruise missiles at ...

Amazon to pay $30m over Alexa and Ring privacy violations - BBC News

Amazon to pay $30m over Alexa and Ring privacy violations - BBC News : It will also pay out after allowing employees of its Ring doorbell system access to customer recordings.

Tillamook Issues Allergy Alert on Undeclared Wheat and Soy in Tillamook Waffle Cone Swirl Ice Cream Packaged in Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Carton | FDA

Tillamook Issues Allergy Alert on Undeclared Wheat and Soy in Tillamook Waffle Cone Swirl Ice Cream Packaged in Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Carton | FDA : Tillamook County Creamery Association is voluntarily recalling a limited quantity of family-size 1.5qt cartons of Tillamook Waffle Cone Swirl ice cream mistakenly packaged in a Tillamook Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream carton, lot TL-41-80, BB041324, due to undeclared wheat and soy. The Waffle Con

Yugoslav war: UN increases sentence on two Serbian war criminals - BBC News

Yugoslav war: UN increases sentence on two Serbian war criminals - BBC News : Jovica Stanišic and Franko Simatovic trained death squads accused of ethnic cleansing, the Hague says.

Worthy Brief - May 31, 2023

Worthy Brief - May 31, 2023 Change your landscape by planting some seeds! Matthew 13:23 But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” There was a mailman, John Hand, who rode his mail truck through Los Altos Hills of California on his 50-mile route each day. The route was plain, all brown, and virtually no color. One day he began to throw wildflower seeds out of the window as he drove. Today, if you travel his route in the Los Altos Hills you'll find beautiful patches of flowers throughout, blossoming in many colors. We all travel different roads. Sadly, many of us miss wonderful opportunities to change and bring added beauty to our landscapes. In our families, at our jobs, in the world around us, God has given us opportunities to color those landscapes! It's far easier for us to complain and resign ourselves to settling for those landscapes than it is t

Today's Daily Encounter Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Behind the Scenes Blessing "The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives—the first, whose name was Shiphrah, and the second, whose name was Puah— "When you help the Hebrew women give birth, observe them as they deliver. If the child is a son, kill him, but if it's a daughter, she may live." The midwives, however, feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt had told them; they let the boys live…. So, God was good to the midwives, and the people multiplied and became very numerous."1 Some people enjoy being in the spotlight, while others are content being out of sight and behind the scenes. Whether we're talking about Broadway productions or church ministry, both roles are necessary, and both are equally important. God can use a person that is following just as much as a person that is leading, so long as that person has a servant's heart — in today's Scripture passage that was quite literal.   Th

Scripture Image - Mark 2: 27-28


This Day's Verse 31st May 2023

This Day's Verse 31st May 2023 Wisdom is a fountain of life to him who has it, but folly is the chastisement of fools. Proverbs 16:22 The Revised Standard Version

This Day's Thought 31st May 2023

This Day's Thought 31st May 2023 Don’t make the mistake of taking your will for God’s will. Unknown

Vigil — Shakad | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Vigil — Shakad | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : Today’s word, “vigil” is one of many words and phrases commonly found in the Bible. We have provided a collection of biblical words and phrases for you to learn in Hebrew!

Israel’s Fight for Freedom | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Israel’s Fight for Freedom | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : Israel continues to take such a stand. Israel's fight for freedom is to preserve our families and our existence.

North Korea elected to World Health Organization executive board | Fox News

North Korea elected to World Health Organization executive board | Fox News : The North Korean Ministry of Public Health's Dr. Jong Min Pak has been elected to the executive board of the World Health Organization until at least 2026.

Iran prepared for ‘wholesale export’ of weapons to its allies, top general says | Fox News

Iran prepared for ‘wholesale export’ of weapons to its allies, top general says | Fox News : Iran is ramping up its efforts to export military equipment and training to its allies in the Middle East and across the globe, a top Iranian general said.

Gunmen open fire on polio workers in former Taliban stronghold, killing soldier, injuring another | Fox News

Gunmen open fire on polio workers in former Taliban stronghold, killing soldier, injuring another | Fox News : Police said armed individuals attacked security forces who were escorting polio workers during an inoculation campaign in a region previously under the rule of the Pakistani Taliban.

Blast in east Lebanon kills 5 in base controlled by Palestinian faction, Israel denies role | Fox News

Blast in east Lebanon kills 5 in base controlled by Palestinian faction, Israel denies role | Fox News : Two Palestinian officials said an explosion at a military base has killed five militants of a Syria-backed Palestinian faction in eastern Lebanon and wounded 10 others.

Over dozen children in hospital after incident in Winnipeg - The Jerusalem Post

Over dozen children in hospital after incident in Winnipeg - The Jerusalem Post : At least 17 people, including 16 children, were taken to hospital on Wednesday after falling inside the histor

NIS 250,000 robbed from Tel Aviv bank, manhunt underway - The Jerusalem Post

NIS 250,000 robbed from Tel Aviv bank, manhunt underway - The Jerusalem Post : A quarter million shekel was robbed from a bank at Dizengoff Center in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, according to Maa

Former US VP Mike Pence plans 2024 campaign launch next week - The Jerusalem Post

Former US VP Mike Pence plans 2024 campaign launch next week - The Jerusalem Post : Former Republican Vice President Mike Pence, who incurred Donald Trump's wrath by refusing to support his effo

Moscow drone attacks: A new phase in the Ukraine war? - BBC Newsnight - YouTube

Moscow drone attacks: A new phase in the Ukraine war? - BBC Newsnight - YouTube : What might happen next in the conflict in Ukraine? After Moscow was hit in rare drone attacks yesterday, Russia said it reserves the right to take the "harsh...

Streams in the Desert - May 31 - Daily Devotional

Streams in the Desert - May 31 - Daily Devotional : Read Streams in the Desert - May 31 from today's daily devotional. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly devotionals.

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 31st May 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 31st May 2023 May 31 John 2:23-25 23Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name. 24But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men. 25He did not need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man. This was the first Passover Feast of Jesus' ministry. He had been going every year, but now the Spirit had directed Him to do miraculous things to confirm the words that He spoke. The Jews believed that miracles authenticated the ministry of the prophet. In Jesus' case, He would do miracles that were beyond the scope of any prophet and some which were signs of being the Messiah. Though the people believed in Him, He did not entrust (or commit) himself to them. He understood the nature of man. Since the Spirit had not been poured out, Jesus knew He could count on man to be self-centered and treacherous. The Old Testament tells us that if we

Daily Open Windows Devotional: May 31st

Daily Open Windows Devotional: May 31st Get out of your country… to a land that I will show you. I will bless you. (Genesis 12:1,2) The call of God contains both grace and truth. Truth is the separating instrument. “Get thee out.” Grace is the promise.“I will bless and make a blessing.” Man often grasps at the grace, the “I will bless” of God, and fails to comply with the demand thereof– “Get thee out.” Now this does not only apply in the matter of our salvation in its first steps, but it comes in new revelations and calls at different times in the Christian life. The call of God to some fuller and higher acceptance of truth and ministry; of testimony and witness; of surrender and experience, will undoubtedly come by one or another of the Divine forms of visitation to such as the Lord wishes to lead in grace. This will be timed, definite, and challenging. A messenger may come as out from nowhere; the nowhere of reputation, recognition, worldly fame or honor. He will deliver a message,

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: May 31st

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: May 31st “Be of Good Cheer ” - John 16:33 My LORD’s words are true as to the tribulation. I have my share of it beyond all doubt. The flail is not hung up out of the way, nor can I hope that it will be laid aside so long as I lie upon the threshing floor, How can I look to be at home in the enemy’s country, joyful while in exile, or comfortable in a wilderness? This is not my rest. This is the place of the furnace, and the forge, and the hammer. My experience tallies with my LORD’s words. I note how He bids me "be of good cheer." Alas! I am far too apt to be downcast. My spirit soon sinks when I am sorely tried. But I must not give way to this feeling. When my LORD bids me cheer up I must not dare to be cast down. What is the argument which He uses to encourage me? Why, it is His own victory. He says, "I have overcome the world." His battle was much more severe than mine. I have not yet resisted un

Daily Light on the Daily Path Devotional: May 31st

Daily Light on the Daily Path Devotional: May 31st Morning: Thy name shall be called Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. By his strength he had power with God: yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed: he wept, and made supplication unto him. Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Lord, In

Devotional: May 31st - Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 31st - Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer - Daily Devotionals -

When To Rejoice

When To Rejoice

Suffering with Christ

Suffering with Christ

Daily Christian Quote 31st May 2023

Daily Christian Quote 31st May 2023 A consistently stressed Christian is one who has not learned to navigate through stressful experiences by trusting in a consistently faithful God.

'Don't Focus on Wealth — It Will Disappear' — Proverbs 23:4-5 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Don't Focus on Wealth — It Will Disappear' — Proverbs 23:4-5 NLT (Spiritual Warfare) : Prayer: Lord, grant me contentment. Help me to be at peace and satisfied with what I have and what You plan for me to have. Forgive me for...

"Prayer Opens Us to the Direction and Mission of God" — Acts 10:9 (Unstoppable!)

"Prayer Opens Us to the Direction and Mission of God" — Acts 10:9 (Unstoppable!) : Key Thought: The apostles knew that a devoted prayer life was essential to their leadership of Jesus' unstoppable movement of grace and faith. They....

Hebrews 13:7 — Today's Verse for Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Hebrews 13:7 — Today's Verse for Wednesday, May 31, 2023 : Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of..... [ Read devo thought and prayer for this Bible verse ]

"Shake the Dust from Your Feet" — Luke 9:2-5 (What Jesus Did!)

"Shake the Dust from Your Feet" — Luke 9:2-5 (What Jesus Did!) : Key Thought: Some folks are determined to reject the message of Jesus. There are many reasons why they do, but all the reasons boil down to one...

Quotemeal for Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Quotemeal for Wednesday, May 31, 2023 : We must always speak of the efficacy of the ministry in such a manner that the entire praise of the work may be reserved... — Quote by John Calvin

Psalm 34:10 — Daily Wisdom for Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Psalm 34:10 — Daily Wisdom for Wednesday, May 31, 2023 : The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

Morning, May 31st (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, May 31st (Spurgeon's Devotional) : Thought: David passed that gloomy brook when flying with his mourning company from his traitor son. The man after God's own heart was not..... [ More Morning & Evening ]

'Compelled by Love' — 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:21 (Praying with Paul)

'Compelled by Love' — 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:21 (Praying with Paul) : Prayer: Dear Father, invisible but absolutely real, May I be compelled by the love of Christ, convinced that he died that I might no longer... [ Read More ]

'You Give Great Victories' (Passion for Praise)

'You Give Great Victories' (Passion for Praise) : For this, O LORD, I will praise you among the nations; I will sing praises to your name. You give great victories to your... — Psalm 18:49-50

'Helping Solve the Puzzle' — Acts 10:19 NLT (God's Holy Fire)

'Helping Solve the Puzzle' — Acts 10:19 NLT (God's Holy Fire) : Key Thought: Peter wants to know the meaning of his vision — read Acts 10 for the details of that vision. What he learns about the vision is.....

How Were Abraham and David Justified?

How Were Abraham and David Justified? : How did God save people before Jesus Christ died on the cross? Genesis 15:6 Romans 4:3-8 The righteousness of Jesus Christ was credited to Abraham, David and all who believed in His coming in the Old Testament.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 CJB - For the Lord himself will come down - Bible Gateway

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 CJB - For the Lord himself will come down - Bible Gateway : For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a rousing cry, with a call from one of the ruling angels, and with God’s shofar; those who died united with the Messiah will be the first to rise; then we who are left still alive will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we will always be with the Lord.

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "COMOROS: Pray that Christians will find ways to meet for Bible study, which can result in imprisonment." / Twitter

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "COMOROS: Pray that Christians will find ways to meet for Bible study, which can result in imprisonment." / Twitter

(1) Jewish Voice Ministries International on Twitter: "“The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as He did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes,” – Deuteronomy 11:30 #ScriptureOfTheDay #BibleVerse #DailyDevotional" / Twitter

(1) Jewish Voice Ministries International on Twitter: "“The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as He did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes,” – Deuteronomy 11:30 #ScriptureOfTheDay #BibleVerse #DailyDevotional" / Twitter

Smoke from massive wildfire near Cannich in the Scottish Highlands visible from space | UK News | Sky News

Smoke from massive wildfire near Cannich in the Scottish Highlands visible from space | UK News | Sky News : Two firefighters responding to the incident were injured when their all-terrain vehicle crashed. The fire burned across eight square kilometres of land near Cannich.

Russia Threatens Using Nuclear Weapons After Moscow Attacks (Worthy News In-Depth)

Russia Threatens Using Nuclear Weapons After Moscow Attacks (Worthy News In-Depth) : Russia’s president accused Ukraine of terrorism after drones hit Moscow, the capital, and at least one of his allies suggested using nuclear weapons in response.

(1) Maranatha777 on Twitter: "The only way to defeat the spirit of the antichrist roaming this world is to seek knowledge and wisdom! Knowledge is to know and understand what the Scripture says - wisdom is how to apply it. We need the knowledge to see the red light, but we need the wisdom to hit the brakes.…" / Twitter

(1) Maranatha777 on Twitter: "The only way to defeat the spirit of the antichrist roaming this world is to seek knowledge and wisdom! Knowledge is to know and understand what the Scripture says - wisdom is how to apply it. We need the knowledge to see the red light, but we need the wisdom to hit the brakes.…" / Twitter

USGS | M 5.5 - off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

USGS | M 5.5 - off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia  

Jordan prepares for royal wedding of Crown Prince Hussein and Rajwa Alseif | World News | Sky News

Jordan prepares for royal wedding of Crown Prince Hussein and Rajwa Alseif | World News | Sky News : Sandhurst-educated Crown Prince Hussein will marry Saudi architect Rajwa Alseif on Thursday. US First Lady Jill Biden is set to attend alongside royal family members from around the world.

Ukraine War: 'Worse than Chernobyl': The nuclear power plant where workers fear disaster - YouTube

Ukraine War: 'Worse than Chernobyl': The nuclear power plant where workers fear disaster - YouTube : The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was taken under Russia control in March 2022, becoming one of the first major areas to be captured by Vladimir Putin's f...

Moldova says Europe summit signals condemnation of Russian invasion - The Jerusalem Post

Moldova says Europe summit signals condemnation of Russian invasion - The Jerusalem Post : Moldovan President Maia Sandu said on Wednesday that the European Political Community summit hosted by her cou

American caught smuggling 6.5 kg of gold through Ben-Gurion Airport - The Jerusalem Post

American caught smuggling 6.5 kg of gold through Ben-Gurion Airport - The Jerusalem Post : An American woman was caught trying to smuggle 6.5 kg of gold and $36,000 in her suitcase as Ben-Gurion Airpor

Auschwitz Museum condemns Polish ruling party video - BBC News

Auschwitz Museum condemns Polish ruling party video - BBC News : The museum said a video released by the ruling PiS party is an insult to the camp's victims.

Three children die in hot cars across the US | US News | Sky News

Three children die in hot cars across the US | US News | Sky News : "It's horrifying," police have said, after three children were found dead in Washington State, Texas and Florida in separate incidents. In 2022, 33 child deaths were linked to being left in hot cars in the United States.

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny appears in Moscow court - YouTube

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny appears in Moscow court - YouTube : A court in Moscow considers an appeal against a verdict of the imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.#Russia #AlexeiNavalny #Court #Live #Putin...

Roads turn to rivers in Spain flash floods - YouTube

Roads turn to rivers in Spain flash floods - YouTube : While the rain has caused #chaos and economic damage, it has also been welcomed by many in Spain, which had been on track to register the driest spring since...

Migrant crisis: The people found at sea - YouTube

Migrant crisis: The people found at sea - YouTube : Sky News has been on board one of the biggest-ever migrant rescue missions on the Mediterranean Sea with more than 600 people spotted by rescue forces cramme...

Netanyahu, Paraguay's Santiago Peña talk embassy move to Jerusalem - The Jerusalem Post

Netanyahu, Paraguay's Santiago Peña talk embassy move to Jerusalem - The Jerusalem Post : Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Paraguay president-elect Santiago Pea on Tuesday evening to congr

Kosovo clashes: NATO-led troops put up barbed wire barriers after protests in northern towns | World News | Sky News

Kosovo clashes: NATO-led troops put up barbed wire barriers after protests in northern towns | World News | Sky News : Violence has broken out in Kosovo after ethnic Albanian mayors were installed in Serbian-dominated areas. They were elected in a vote overwhelmingly boycotted by Serbs.

Woman shot, seriously injured in Rahat - The Jerusalem Post

Woman shot, seriously injured in Rahat - The Jerusalem Post : A woman was shot and seriously injured in the Bedouin town of Rahat on Wednesday morning, according to Walla.M

Russia says its forces take Ukrainian positions near Donetsk region - The Jerusalem Post

Russia says its forces take Ukrainian positions near Donetsk region - The Jerusalem Post : Russia's Defence Ministry said on Wednesday that its forces had pushed Ukrainian units out of positions around

Prigozhin asks prosecutors to investigate 'crimes' by top officials - The Jerusalem Post

Prigozhin asks prosecutors to investigate 'crimes' by top officials - The Jerusalem Post : Russia's most powerful mercenary, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said on Wednesday that he had asked prosecutors to invest

Magnitude 5.7 earthquake strikes Auckland Islands, New Zealand - The Jerusalem Post

Magnitude 5.7 earthquake strikes Auckland Islands, New Zealand - The Jerusalem Post

IDF forces arrest ten wanted people in joint operation raids - The Jerusalem Post

IDF forces arrest ten wanted people in joint operation raids - The Jerusalem Post : IDF soldiers operating throughout the West Bank on Tuesday night arrested eight wanted Palestinians, according

UN begins salvage operation to stop catastrophic oil spill off Yemen - BBC News

UN begins salvage operation to stop catastrophic oil spill off Yemen - BBC News : The FSO Safer, moored off Yemen's coast, holds more than a million barrels of oil.

USGS | M 5.8 - 125 km WSW of Myitkyina, Myanmar

USGS | M 5.8 - 125 km WSW of Myitkyina, Myanmar

Early release of terrorist denied parole hearing - The Jerusalem Post

Early release of terrorist denied parole hearing - The Jerusalem Post : The early release of terrorist Walid Daqqah was denied by a parole hearing on Wednesday, after a protest and s

Boeing 737 MAX relatives may pursue pre-impact victim compensation claim - The Jerusalem Post

Boeing 737 MAX relatives may pursue pre-impact victim compensation claim - The Jerusalem Post : A US district judge late on Tuesday ruled that relatives of those killed in a 2019 Boeing BA.N 737 MAX Ethiopi

North Korea spy satellite launch ends in failure - BBC News - YouTube

North Korea spy satellite launch ends in failure - BBC News - YouTube : North Korea has said an accident happened as it planned to send up its first space satellite, causing it to crash into the sea.Pyongyang announced earlier it...

Ukraine war: The mothers going to get their children back from Russia - BBC News

Ukraine war: The mothers going to get their children back from Russia - BBC News : Russia is taking Ukrainian children. Their mothers are travelling into enemy territory to save them.

Tree of Life synagogue: Gunman driven by 'malice and hate' - BBC News

Tree of Life synagogue: Gunman driven by 'malice and hate' - BBC News : The trial's opening hears emotional testimony from survivors of the Pittsburgh attack that left 11 dead.

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "CHINA: Pray that Christians will stand firmly for biblical truth amid governmental pressure." / Twitter

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "CHINA: Pray that Christians will stand firmly for biblical truth amid governmental pressure." / Twitter

South Korean military salvaging parts of North Korea's space vehicle - The Jerusalem Post

South Korean military salvaging parts of North Korea's space vehicle - The Jerusalem Post : South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Wednesday it was conducting a salvaging operation to recover what

USGS | M 6.2 - Auckland Islands, New Zealand region

USGS | M 6.2 - Auckland Islands, New Zealand region  

Dutch Abortion ‘To Save The Planet’ Sparks Christian Outcry

Dutch Abortion ‘To Save The Planet’ Sparks Christian Outcry : Christian activists in the Netherlands have warned of “a culture of death” after a woman was hailed as a hero for aborting her unborn baby “to save the planet.”

Fire at oil refinery in Russia's Krasnodar likely caused by drone - gov - The Jerusalem Post

Fire at oil refinery in Russia's Krasnodar likely caused by drone - gov - The Jerusalem Post : A fire broke out at an oil refinery in Russia's Krasnodar region, likely caused by a drone, the region's Gover

White House says it condemns North Korea space launch - The Jerusalem Post

White House says it condemns North Korea space launch - The Jerusalem Post : The White House said on Tuesday it condemned a North Korean space launch using ballistic missile technology an

Chinese fighter jet buzzed US military plane, says Pentagon - BBC News

Chinese fighter jet buzzed US military plane, says Pentagon - BBC News : A Chinese fighter jet performed an "aggressive manoeuvre" in front of a US Air Force plane, says the US.

Nigeria: 50 Members Of Plateau Baptist Convention Murdered By Jihadists

Nigeria: 50 Members Of Plateau Baptist Convention Murdered By Jihadists : Fifty members of the Baptist Conference in Nigeria’s Plateau state have been killed in a recent spate of attacks by Islamic jihadists in Mangu and Barkin Ladi Local Government Areas, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.

Navigating the two sides of Somalia's capital Mogadishu - BBC News

Navigating the two sides of Somalia's capital Mogadishu - BBC News : Journalist Soraya Ali travels to Somalia to see if it really is how her mother remembers it.

Myanmar coup: The soldiers refusing to fight - BBC News

Myanmar coup: The soldiers refusing to fight - BBC News : Despite Russia's help, the Myanmar military is still failing to control the country and its soldiers are defecting.

North Korea missile launch puts South Korea, Japan on high alert | Fox News

North Korea missile launch puts South Korea, Japan on high alert | Fox News : North Korea launched a rocket early Wednesday morning, putting South Korea and Japan on high alert as residents were advised to take shelter.

14-year-old fatally shot in the back by S.C. store owner, sheriff says

14-year-old fatally shot in the back by S.C. store owner, sheriff says : A 14-year-old was fatally shot in the back Sunday by a South Carolina convenience store owner who wrongly accused him of shoplifting and chased him after a confrontation, authorities said.

North Korea fires space satellite -S.Korea military - The Jerusalem Post

North Korea fires space satellite -S.Korea military - The Jerusalem Post : North Korea fired what it called a space satellite toward the south on Wednesday, South Korea's military said.

Sky News joins rescue of migrants in the Mediterranean - YouTube

Sky News joins rescue of migrants in the Mediterranean - YouTube : Sky News has joined Italian coastguards and Médecins Sans Frontières as 600 migrants were rescued from a sinking ship off the coast of Italy.They had been tr...

Skeletons from 79 AD discovered in Pompeii - YouTube

Skeletons from 79 AD discovered in Pompeii - YouTube : Archaeologists have discovered three skeletons dating back to 79 AD at new excavation site in Pompeii. #shorts #pompeii #discovery SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube ...

UN warns of unprecedented humanitarian stress as 70% of Syria's population requires aid | Fox News

UN warns of unprecedented humanitarian stress as 70% of Syria's population requires aid | Fox News : The United Nations announced that 70% of Syria's population is in need of humanitarian aid, as a devastating earthquake has exacerbated an already precarious situation.

Macau facing increased restrictions under expanded security law - BBC News

Macau facing increased restrictions under expanded security law - BBC News : The government in the Chinese territory says the changes are in line with legislation in Hong Kong.

South Africa plans law change over Putin ICC arrest warrant - BBC News

South Africa plans law change over Putin ICC arrest warrant - BBC News : Pretoria wants the power to decide whether to detain leaders wanted by the International Criminal Court.

US says Chinese fighter pilot performed 'unnecessarily aggressive' manoeuvre over South China Sea | US News | Sky News

US says Chinese fighter pilot performed 'unnecessarily aggressive' manoeuvre over South China Sea | US News | Sky News : The US military claims the Chinese jet passed directly in front of the nose of the US Air Force plane during the intercept on 26 May.

Notre Dame’s roof gets rebuilt with medieval techniques | Fox News

Notre Dame’s roof gets rebuilt with medieval techniques | Fox News : Carpenters working on the roof of France's Notre Dame Cathedral which was ravaged by a fire in 2019 are using medieval techniques to rebuild the structure.

9 dead after Turkish migrant boat sinks off Greek resort island Mykonos | Fox News

9 dead after Turkish migrant boat sinks off Greek resort island Mykonos | Fox News : The death toll of a Turkish migrant speedboat that sank near Mykonos, Greece, last week has tripled from three to nine. Six people are still missing.

153 people arrested during El Salvador’s crackdown on street gangs die in custody, report says | Fox News

153 people arrested during El Salvador’s crackdown on street gangs die in custody, report says | Fox News : At least 153 people incarcerated in El Salvador under emergency powers initiated to combat a surge in gang violence have died from torture and serious injuries, according to a report.

Boko Haram Attack in Cameroon - International Christian Concern

Boko Haram Attack in Cameroon - International Christian Concern : Boko Haram fighters in northern Cameroon killed three customs officers, three soldiers, and two civilians on Tuesday.

Former first lady Rosalynn Carter is diagnosed with dementia

Former first lady Rosalynn Carter is diagnosed with dementia : Former first lady Rosalynn Carter has dementia, the Carter Center said Tuesday.

5 people unaccounted for in partially collapsed Iowa apartment complex, 2 believed to still be in building

5 people unaccounted for in partially collapsed Iowa apartment complex, 2 believed to still be in building : Five people are unaccounted for after a historic Iowa apartment building partially collapsed, and officials said Tuesday that two of them are thought to be inside the building.

Nato to send 700 more troops to Kosovo after clashes - BBC News

Nato to send 700 more troops to Kosovo after clashes - BBC News : The reinforcements come after 30 Nato peacekeepers and 52 protesters were hurt in clashes.

USGS | M 5.5 - 68 km SW of La Tirana, Chile

USGS | M 5.5 - 68 km SW of La Tirana, Chile

Worthy Brief - May 30, 2023

Worthy Brief - May 30, 2023 Are you in love? 1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Have you ever noticed that when people are in love, they tend to forget everything else? Everything becomes secondary -- cars, houses, money -- nothing matters -- it is all secondary to love. Then, when they fall out of love, as in a divorce, all of a sudden those things mean everything! They argue about all the little meaningless things they ever owned together. Each wants it all for himself. The same is true with the Lord. Before we know Him, all we really have are possessions. But when we come to know God -- truly know Him -- those things mean very little -- we're in love! We're willing to give up everything. Those people who are most in love with God and filled with His love are the least possessive and the least materialistic. If we have been wrapped up in our possessions, we've lost sigh

Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, May 30, 2023 Great Significance On the next day we departed and came to Caesarea, and we entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him. He had four unmarried daughters, who prophesied.1 Nothing in the Bible was written without being inspired by God Himself, which means that He had a reason for everything, and everyone mentioned in Scripture; even though they may seem insignificant. While Jesus walked this earth, He personally spoke with people who were considered insignificant by others but mattered greatly to our Lord; nothing or no one went unnoticed. Everyone we read about in the Bible, God used to forward His plan of Salvation, and He gave their stories to us as lessons so that we might learn from their lives. We've read about Jesus' ministry and the ministry carried on by His twelve disciples. Then the disciples chose another seven men to help them further their ministries (Acts 6). Their stor

Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, May 30, 2023 Great Significance On the next day we departed and came to Caesarea, and we entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him. He had four unmarried daughters, who prophesied.1 Nothing in the Bible was written without being inspired by God Himself, which means that He had a reason for everything, and everyone mentioned in Scripture; even though they may seem insignificant. While Jesus walked this earth, He personally spoke with people who were considered insignificant by others but mattered greatly to our Lord; nothing or no one went unnoticed. Everyone we read about in the Bible, God used to forward His plan of Salvation, and He gave their stories to us as lessons so that we might learn from their lives. We've read about Jesus' ministry and the ministry carried on by His twelve disciples. Then the disciples chose another seven men to help them further their ministries (Acts 6). Their stor

This Day's Verse 30th May 2023

This Day's Verse 30th May 2023 It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, Psalm 92:1-2 The New International Version This Day's Verse It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, Psalm 92:1-2 The New International Version

Spirituality — Ruchaniut | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Spirituality — Ruchaniut | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : Today’s word, “spirituality” is one of many words and phrases commonly found in the Bible. We have provided a collection of biblical words and phrases for you to learn in Hebrew!

Choose to Be Free | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Choose to Be Free | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : For some people, it’s easier to remain a slave in spirit than step out into the great wide world of freedom. We must choose to be free.

Streams in the Desert - May 30 - Daily Devotional

Streams in the Desert - May 30 - Daily Devotional : Read Streams in the Desert - May 30 from today's daily devotional. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly devotionals.

Through the Bible Daily Devotions - Today's Devotion

Through the Bible Daily Devotions - Today's Devotion

Devotional: May 30th - Daily Open Windows - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 30th - Daily Open Windows - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 30th - Daily Light on the Daily Path - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 30th - Daily Light on the Daily Path - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 30th - Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 30th - Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer - Daily Devotionals -

Jesus' Invitation

Jesus' Invitation

When it is Good to Suffer

When it is Good to Suffer

Daily Christian Quote 30th May 2023

Daily Christian Quote 30th May 2023 If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things. It is we, of course, to whom things look little or big. Elisabeth Elliot

"Seasons" — Heartlight®

"Seasons" — Heartlight® : The seasons, in life and in nature, are reminders of God's power to bring life and warmth out of death and decay.

"Living Love in Real Life with Real People" — Ephesians 5:1-2 (Together in Christ)

"Living Love in Real Life with Real People" — Ephesians 5:1-2 (Together in Christ) : Key Thought: The Scriptures repeatedly have challenged us to be like God, our heavenly Father. We are told to be holy, [1]...

'God Does What Seems Impossible' — Luke 18:27 GWT (Spiritual Warfare)

'God Does What Seems Impossible' — Luke 18:27 GWT (Spiritual Warfare) : Prayer: Lord, I confess that my faith is still small. I look at my problems and try to fix them with my ideas, human analysis, and earth-bound....

"Authority!" — Luke 9:1-2 (What Jesus Did!)

"Authority!" — Luke 9:1-2 (What Jesus Did!) : Key Thought: Power, or "the right and authority to powerfully act" as the Greek word more appropriately means, is something that belongs to...

"Immediate Obedience" — Acts 10:7-8 (Unstoppable!)

"Immediate Obedience" — Acts 10:7-8 (Unstoppable!) : Key Thought: I love that Cornelius didn't keep his vision of an angel to himself. He risked losing the loyalty and respect of his servants and his.....

Morning, May 30th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, May 30th (Spurgeon's Devotional) : Thought: A little thorn may cause much suffering. A little cloud may hide the sun. Little foxes spoil the vines; and little sins do... [ More Morning & Evening ]

Psalm 107:31 — Today's Verse for Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Psalm 107:31 — Today's Verse for Tuesday, May 30, 2023 : Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men. [ Read devo thought and prayer for this Bible verse ]

Job 5:17 — Daily Wisdom for Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Job 5:17 — Daily Wisdom for Tuesday, May 30, 2023 : "Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty."

'Weight of Glory' — 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:21 (Praying with Paul)

'Weight of Glory' — 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:21 (Praying with Paul) : Prayer: Dear Father, invisible but absolutely real, Let me not lose heart. I know from your word that my light and momentary troubles are... [ Read More ]

'Proven Promises' (Passion for Praise)

'Proven Promises' (Passion for Praise) : God's way is perfect. All the LORD's promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. For who is..... — Psalm 18:30-31

'They Prospered Wonderfully' — Acts 9:30-31 MESSAGE (God's Holy Fire)

'They Prospered Wonderfully' — Acts 9:30-31 MESSAGE (God's Holy Fire) : Key Thought: I love the sentence, "They prospered wonderfully." This statement does not mean they were all healthy, wealthy, and wise. In the Holy.....

Scripture Image - Psalm 81:7


Evidence that Demands Our Faith

Evidence that Demands Our Faith : The resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof that God the Father accepted the sacrifice of His Son on the sinner's behalf. I need no other evidence. The payment has been paid in full

Psalm 56:4 CJB - when I am afraid, I put my trust in - Bible Gateway

Psalm 56:4 CJB - when I am afraid, I put my trust in - Bible Gateway : when I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

Former German tax inspector sentenced to over 8 years in prison for one of biggest frauds in country's history | Fox News

Former German tax inspector sentenced to over 8 years in prison for one of biggest frauds in country's history | Fox News : A former tax inspector was sentenced to over eight years in prison in one of Germany's biggest frauds. Hanno Berger fled to Switzerland in 2012 before being extradited to Germany.

Extremist rebels in eastern Congo kill at least 17 civilians | Fox News

Extremist rebels in eastern Congo kill at least 17 civilians | Fox News : At least 17 civilians were killed by the Allied Democratic Forces in eastern Congo. Hundreds of people have been abducted or killed by ADF since last April.

Underage ISIS terrorist planned bomb attack in northern Italy, authorities allege | Fox News

Underage ISIS terrorist planned bomb attack in northern Italy, authorities allege | Fox News : Italian police arrested a minor who was suspected of being a supporter of the ISIS terror network. He was was allegedly planning an explosive attack in the area where he lived.

Two firefighters airlifted to hospital as crews battle wildfire near Cannich in Scottish Highlands | UK News | Sky News

Two firefighters airlifted to hospital as crews battle wildfire near Cannich in Scottish Highlands | UK News | Sky News : The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) had warned of a "very high risk" of wildfires across the country due to the hot weather.

Serbia’s President Vucic addresses media as tensions escalate in Northern Kosovo - YouTube

Serbia’s President Vucic addresses media as tensions escalate in Northern Kosovo - YouTube : President Aleksander Vucic addressed the media, after tensions between Serbia and Kosovo flared up this weekend after Kosovo's police raided Serb-dominated a...

Rishi Sunak to head to Washington for talks with Joe Biden | Politics News | Sky News

Rishi Sunak to head to Washington for talks with Joe Biden | Politics News | Sky News : Support for Ukraine will be high on the agenda when the two leaders meet in the US capital.

New York City sinking a few millimetres a year, study says - YouTube

New York City sinking a few millimetres a year, study says - YouTube : Over a trillion tonnes of concrete, steel and glass are contributing to a natural process which is slowly causing New York City to drop ever nearer to the se...

Murder investigation launched after woman's body found in River Severn | UK News | Sky News

Murder investigation launched after woman's body found in River Severn | UK News | Sky News : Dyfed-Powys Police said the body of a 34-year-old woman was discovered in the river outside Llanidloes at around 4pm on Sunday and are appealing for witnesses.

Hollywood, Florida: Several injured including children, after shooting at a beach - YouTube

Hollywood, Florida: Several injured including children, after shooting at a beach - YouTube : Six adults and three children have been injured in a shooting at a beach boardwalk in the city of the city of Hollywood in Florida.Authorities have not yet r...

Thousands of refugees in Kenya affected by cholera outbreak | Fox News

Thousands of refugees in Kenya affected by cholera outbreak | Fox News : A cholera outbreak is threatening thousands of lives among Kenya’s refugee camps as the facilities face issues of overcrowding and strained resources.

Canada's top spy agency warns Hong Kong-born lawmaker she is on China's ‘evergreen’ target list | Fox News

Canada's top spy agency warns Hong Kong-born lawmaker she is on China's ‘evergreen’ target list | Fox News : Hong Kong-born Canadian Parliament member Jenny Kwan said that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service said she is on China's "evergreen" target list.

Ukraine denies drone 'terror attack' on Russia - BBC News - YouTube

Ukraine denies drone 'terror attack' on Russia - BBC News - YouTube : Ukraine has denied attacking Russia with drones after the Kremlin accused Kyiv of staging a "terrorist attack" on Moscow.Explosions were heard and windows sh...

Iowa building collapse: Woman rescued after 24 hours - BBC News

Iowa building collapse: Woman rescued after 24 hours - BBC News : Lisa Brooks is the ninth person rescued from a partially collapsed block in Davenport.

(1) OODA on Twitter: "Covid: Top Chinese scientist says don’t rule out lab leak #globalrisk" / Twitter

(1) OODA on Twitter: "Covid: Top Chinese scientist says don’t rule out lab leak #globalrisk" / Twitter

(1) OODA on Twitter: "Dozens of NATO peacekeepers injured during clashes in northern Kosovo #globalrisk" / Twitter

(1) OODA on Twitter: "Dozens of NATO peacekeepers injured during clashes in northern Kosovo #globalrisk" / Twitter

(1) OODA on Twitter: "Denmark boosts military spending, announces more aid for Ukraine #globalrisk" / Twitter

(1) OODA on Twitter: "Denmark boosts military spending, announces more aid for Ukraine #globalrisk" / Twitter

Italian authorities finally discover why Venice's Grand Canal turned fluorescent green | ITV News

Italian authorities finally discover why Venice's Grand Canal turned fluorescent green | ITV News : Italian authorities finally discover why Venice's Grand Canal turned fluorescent green

India: Man dies after 'killer' elephant Arikomban goes on rampage | World News | Sky News

India: Man dies after 'killer' elephant Arikomban goes on rampage | World News | Sky News : The rogue animal is also believed to have destroyed around 300 homes and businesses in his attacks on villages in recent months.

Hindu pilgrim bus skids off bridge into gorge in India killing at least 10, 55 others injured | Fox News

Hindu pilgrim bus skids off bridge into gorge in India killing at least 10, 55 others injured | Fox News : At least 10 people died, and 55 others were injured when a pilgrim bus skidded off of a bridge in India. Residents and authorities launched a rescue operation.

3 patients die in Austria after fire erupts at a hospital overnight | Fox News

3 patients die in Austria after fire erupts at a hospital overnight | Fox News : A fire broke out in a hospital room outside of Vienna, Austria. About 90 patients were evacuated, but at least three men died in the blaze. It is not clear what caused the fire.

Wildfire breaks out in Ashkelon open field, firefighting forces on hand - The Jerusalem Post

Wildfire breaks out in Ashkelon open field, firefighting forces on hand - The Jerusalem Post : Israel Fire and Rescue Services firefighters are at the scene of a large wildfire that broke out in an open fi

US issues fresh Syria-related sanctions - The Jerusalem Post

US issues fresh Syria-related sanctions - The Jerusalem Post : The United States issued new Syria-related sanctions on Tuesday, the Treasury Department website showed.

Russia says it struck 'decision-making centers' in Ukraine - The Jerusalem Post

Russia says it struck 'decision-making centers' in Ukraine - The Jerusalem Post : Russia's Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that its forces carried out strikes on Ukrainian "decision-making ce

Russia puts Ukraine's top general on wanted list - RIA - The Jerusalem Post

Russia puts Ukraine's top general on wanted list - RIA - The Jerusalem Post : Russia's Interior Ministry has put Ukraine's top general Valeriy Zaluzhnyi on a "wanted list," the state-run R

Lebanese army frees kidnapped Saudi national - statement - The Jerusalem Post

Lebanese army frees kidnapped Saudi national - statement - The Jerusalem Post : Lebanese Army Intelligence has freed a Saudi national who was abducted on Sunday in Beirut and arrested some p

Israeli baby seriously injured after being hit by a car in Gilboa region - The Jerusalem Post

Israeli baby seriously injured after being hit by a car in Gilboa region - The Jerusalem Post : A one-year-old child was seriously injured after being hit by a car near the Musheirifa intersection in the Gi

IAEA resolves nuclear issues with Iran - Iranian Media - The Jerusalem Post

IAEA resolves nuclear issues with Iran - Iranian Media - The Jerusalem Post : The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has resolved nuclear issues with Iran relating to one of three s

China's Xi says speed needed for modernization of country's security - The Jerusalem Post

China's Xi says speed needed for modernization of country's security - The Jerusalem Post : China President Xi Jinping said it was necessary for the country to speed up the modernization of its national

China welcomes Elon Musk's visit -foreign ministry - The Jerusalem Post

China welcomes Elon Musk's visit -foreign ministry - The Jerusalem Post : China welcomes Elon Musk and other business leaders to visit China and promotes mutual beneficial cooperation,

Israeli murdered in West Bank shooting, IDF on terrorist manhunt - The Jerusalem Post

Israeli murdered in West Bank shooting, IDF on terrorist manhunt - The Jerusalem Post : Security forces are currently on a manhunt to catch the terrorist perpetrators near the northern West Bank settlement of Hermesh.

Video appears to show drone flying over Il'inskii area of Moscow - BBC News

Video appears to show drone flying over Il'inskii area of Moscow - BBC News : Mobile phone footage appears to capture footage of a drone flying in the south east of Moscow.

Polish probe into 'Russian influence' angers EU - BBC News

Polish probe into 'Russian influence' angers EU - BBC News : Opposition MPs say the new panel probing Russia links aims to bar its leader Donald Tusk from office.

Nigeria fuel subsidy: Tinubu's plan to scrap measure sparks rush to stock up - BBC News

Nigeria fuel subsidy: Tinubu's plan to scrap measure sparks rush to stock up - BBC News : People are trying to stockpile petrol as fears grow of big price rises due to high inflation.

Moscow drone attack: 'The windows of my home shook' - BBC News

Moscow drone attack: 'The windows of my home shook' - BBC News : BBC Russia editor Steve Rosenberg describes hearing and feeling a drone attack on Moscow.

Moscow drone attack: Russia accuses Ukraine of 'terrorist' strike - BBC News

Moscow drone attack: Russia accuses Ukraine of 'terrorist' strike - BBC News : Ukraine denies involvement, after some drones fall on an exclusive western suburb used by the elite.

Malaysia detains Chinese ship suspected of looting British WW2 wrecks - BBC News

Malaysia detains Chinese ship suspected of looting British WW2 wrecks - BBC News : Malaysia says it has detained a Chinese vessel suspected of raiding two British maritime war graves.

Kosovo-Serbia row leaves Nato peacekeepers under attack - BBC News

Kosovo-Serbia row leaves Nato peacekeepers under attack - BBC News : The leaders of Kosovo and Serbia trade accusations after Nato soldiers are hurt in fierce clashes.

Foxconn: iPhone maker hikes pay ahead of new model launch - BBC News

Foxconn: iPhone maker hikes pay ahead of new model launch - BBC News : Foxconn's move comes ahead of the expected launch of Apple's iPhone 15 later this year.

Alleged former Russian spy whale spotted off Sweden's coast - BBC News

Alleged former Russian spy whale spotted off Sweden's coast - BBC News : Hvaldimir the beluga whale was first found off Norway's coast in 2019 wearing a Russian harness.

Just What Are You Thinking? Your Thought Life Impacts Your Atmosphere - Katherine Walden

Just What Are You Thinking? Your Thought Life Impacts Your Atmosphere - Katherine Walden : A slip of the tongue is nothing more than a thought leak. Whatever controls our thoughts will eventually control our tongues.

Ukraine war: Russian air strikes target Kyiv for third night running - BBC News

Ukraine war: Russian air strikes target Kyiv for third night running - BBC News : At least one death is reported and buildings are left burning in Ukraine's capital.

Three die in paper warehouse fire near Moscow - The Jerusalem Post

Three die in paper warehouse fire near Moscow - The Jerusalem Post : Three people died when a fire broke out in a paper warehouse near Moscow in the early hours of Tuesday, Russia

China launches Shenzhou-16 mission to Chinese space station - The Jerusalem Post

China launches Shenzhou-16 mission to Chinese space station - The Jerusalem Post : China on Tuesday sent three astronauts to its now fully operational space station as part of crew rotation, ac

Florida: Nine people injured in shooting near beach in Hollywood | US News | Sky News

Florida: Nine people injured in shooting near beach in Hollywood | US News | Sky News : Nine people have been injured in a shooting near a Hollywood Beach, Florida.

USGS | M 5.8 - Volcano Islands, Japan region

USGS | M 5.8 - Volcano Islands, Japan region 

Italy: Agents die when boat capsizes on Lake Maggiore - BBC News

Italy: Agents die when boat capsizes on Lake Maggiore - BBC News : Two Italian intelligence agents and a former member of Israel's security forces are among four victims.

Lula welcomes back banned Venezuelan leader Maduro - BBC News

Lula welcomes back banned Venezuelan leader Maduro - BBC News : Nicolás Maduro was banned from visiting Brazil by the country's former far-right leader.

(1) Jewish Voice Ministries International on Twitter: "Names are important. So, it's safe to say the name 'Yeshua' has a pretty important purpose behind it. ​ What is that purpose, you ask? Jonathan & Ezra have the answer in this week's episode of Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis!​ WATCH NOW 👉" / Twitter

(1) Jewish Voice Ministries International on Twitter: "Names are important. So, it's safe to say the name 'Yeshua' has a pretty important purpose behind it. ​ What is that purpose, you ask? Jonathan & Ezra have the answer in this week's episode of Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis!​ WATCH NOW 👉" / Twitter

(1) Dr. Nicole LePera on Twitter: "I WISH MORE PEOPLE KNEW: 1. We all have a critical voice in our heads 2. We all fear we're not good enough 3. We all want to be seen for who we actually are, not what we do 4. We all have regrets and are struggling to forgive ourselves 5. We all carry shame that doesn't actually…" / Twitter

(1) Dr. Nicole LePera on Twitter: "I WISH MORE PEOPLE KNEW: 1. We all have a critical voice in our heads 2. We all fear we're not good enough 3. We all want to be seen for who we actually are, not what we do 4. We all have regrets and are struggling to forgive ourselves 5. We all carry shame that doesn't actually…" / Twitter

USGS | M 5.6 - southwest of Africa

USGS | M 5.6 - southwest of Africa

Sudan: Refugees with gunshot wounds stream into Chad to escape 'daily death' - YouTube

Sudan: Refugees with gunshot wounds stream into Chad to escape 'daily death' - YouTube : More than 350,000 refugees have fled across Sudan's borders since war between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) erupted in April.Of th...

News At Ten Live: Rescuing 600 people attempting the most dangerous migrant crossing - YouTube

News At Ten Live: Rescuing 600 people attempting the most dangerous migrant crossing - YouTube : Sky News Europe correspondent, Adam Parsons, witnessed the rescue of hundreds of people from a hopelessly dilapidated and overloaded fishing boat. The Medite...

China rebuffs US request for a meeting between defense chiefs - The Jerusalem Post

China rebuffs US request for a meeting between defense chiefs - The Jerusalem Post : China has rejected a request by the United States for a meeting between their defense chiefs on the sidelines

IDF vehicle damaged in shooting near Kiryat Arba, no injuries reported - The Jerusalem Post

IDF vehicle damaged in shooting near Kiryat Arba, no injuries reported - The Jerusalem Post : An IDF vehicle was damaged after shots were fired toward Israeli forces on Highway 60 near Kiryat Arba on Mond

Kosovo police, NATO peacekeepers clash with Serb protesters as tensions in the region escalate | Fox News

Kosovo police, NATO peacekeepers clash with Serb protesters as tensions in the region escalate | Fox News : Violent protests erupted in Northern Kosovo Monday between local police and NATO-led forces and ethnic Serbs, leading to injuries on both sides.

Israel's Netanyahu congratulates Erdogan on winning Turkey's elections - The Jerusalem Post

Israel's Netanyahu congratulates Erdogan on winning Turkey's elections - The Jerusalem Post : Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday over

Zelensky: US Patriot anti-missile systems ensure 100% interception - The Jerusalem Post

Zelensky: US Patriot anti-missile systems ensure 100% interception - The Jerusalem Post : Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Monday that using U.S.-provided Patriot anti-missile systems en

Japanese PM's son resigns government post over executive residence partying scandal | Fox News

Japanese PM's son resigns government post over executive residence partying scandal | Fox News : Shotaro Kishida, son of conservative Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, has resigned from his position as the Asian nation's executive secretary for political affairs.

7 appear in Northern Irish court for policeman's attempted murder | Fox News

7 appear in Northern Irish court for policeman's attempted murder | Fox News : Seven men, ranging in age from 28 to 72, appeared in a Northern Irish court Monday on attempted murder charges relating to the February shooting of a police officer.

Mother pleads guilty to murder after six-year-old son starves to death in Arizona | US News | Sky News

Mother pleads guilty to murder after six-year-old son starves to death in Arizona | US News | Sky News : Deshaun Martinez had been locked inside a small bedroom closet without food until he died in March 2020, according to reports.

Refugees with gunshot wounds stream in from Darfur after violence in Sudan | World News | Sky News

Refugees with gunshot wounds stream in from Darfur after violence in Sudan | World News | Sky News : More than 350,000 refugees have fled across Sudan's borders since war between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) erupted in April, with more than 90,000 people coming to eastern Chad to seek safety from the conflict.

Brazil's Lula favors bid by Venezuela to join BRICS - The Jerusalem Post

Brazil's Lula favors bid by Venezuela to join BRICS - The Jerusalem Post : Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Monday he would support a bid by neighboring Venezuela t

Ukraine war: Russian attacks on Kyiv after intense drone barrage - BBC News - YouTube

Ukraine war: Russian attacks on Kyiv after intense drone barrage - BBC News - YouTube : Russian missiles have hit Ukraine's capital, Kyiv, following two nights of heavy drone strikes.They were all reportedly shot down and there are no reports of...
Worthy Brief - May 29, 2023 Be transformed! Leviticus 23:15-17 And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall offer a new grain offering to the Lord. You shall bring from your dwellings two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah. They shall be of fine flour; they shall be baked with leaven. They are the firstfruits to the Lord. As the world celebrated the feast of Pentecost this past Sunday, it's important to understand its deeper implications for us as believers in Yeshua (Jesus).  The Lord (YHVH) commanded the grain offering on Shavuot, (known as Pentecost among Christians), to be made of the finest flour, baked with yeast, that is, leaven. Leaven, in the Bible, is almost universally, a symbol for "sin", and in the OT is strictly forbidden on the altar of YHVH., yet here, in the Feast of

Today's Daily Encounter Monday, May 29, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Monday, May 29, 2023 The Supreme Sacrifice Jesus said, "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."1 On November 11, 1918, "World War I ended when Germany, bereft of manpower, supplies and food, signed an armistice agreement. The war's tolls were at least ten million dead, six million of them civilians, and 21 million wounded." How tragic and insane war is. The carnage, the killing, the maiming for life, the emotional trauma and scars, the grief of loved ones all because one man or a few men have an insatiable thirst for power with the grandiose dream of conquering and ruling the world or a significant part of it. But thank God that when such men rise to power, that our young men and women rise up to defend the rest of us and are willing to sacrifice their life in order to save ours. Today in the U.S.A. is Memorial Day, when all grateful citizens and residents especially remember all service men a

This Day's Verse 29th May 2023

This Day's Verse 29th May 2023 Your dead shall live; Together with my dead body they shall arise.  Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; For your dew is like the dew of herbs, And the earth shall cast out the dead. Isaiah 26:19 The New King James Version

Phylacteries — Tefillin | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Phylacteries — Tefillin | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : Today’s word, “phylacteries” is one of many words and phrases commonly found in the Bible. We have provided a collection of biblical words and phrases for you to learn in Hebrew!

True Freedom Is in Obedience | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

True Freedom Is in Obedience | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : We are better off listening to God’s Word instead of our own impulsive feelings. True freedom comes in our obedience to God.

Same Terms - Streams in the Desert - May 29 - Daily Devotional

Same Terms - Streams in the Desert - May 29 - Daily Devotional : Read Same Terms - Streams in the Desert - May 29 from today's daily devotional. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly devotionals.

Devotional: May 29th - Daily Open Windows - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 29th - Daily Open Windows - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 29th - Charles Spurgeon's 'Faith's Checkbook' - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 29th - Charles Spurgeon's 'Faith's Checkbook' - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 29th - Daily Light on the Daily Path - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 29th - Daily Light on the Daily Path - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 29th - Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer - Daily Devotionals -

Devotional: May 29th - Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer - Daily Devotionals -

The Gold Mine of the Psalms

The Gold Mine of the Psalms : Harvest Daily Devotion by Pastor Greg Laurie – “The Gold Mine of the Psalms” – The psalm for anyone who faces danger.

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 29th May 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 29th May 2023 May 29 John 1:48,50-51 48"How do you know me?" Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, "I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you." 50Jesus said, "You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You shall see greater things than that." 51He then added, "I tell you the truth, youshall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man." The Apostle John gives us a description of the other apostles' first encounters with Jesus. He describes how Philip invited Nathanael to "come and see". Philip was already using Jesus' words. Nathanael had a hard time believing the Messiah could come from Nazareth. Jesus told Nathaniel that he was an Israelite in whom nothing false could be found. When Nathanael asked Jesus how He knew that, Jesus told him that He had seen him under the fig tree before Philip came to Him. It seems th

A Bible Devotional 29th May 2023

A Bible Devotional 29th May 2023 Speak To Your Mountain MARK 11:23 NKJ 23 "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, `Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. "Talk to mountains? Do you think I'm crazy?" Jesus talked to things, and taught that "whoever" could also speak to mountains. A mountain is primarily any obstacle that stands in your way. Faced with obstacles, most Christians pray to God. But Jesus told us to speak directly to the obstacle and tell it to be removed. There is nothing wrong with discussing things with God. You should. But when something is blocking your progress -- Jesus said YOU should tell it to get out of the way. Most Christians just speak to God about the mountain, instead of following Jesus' directions and speaking directly to the mountain. Are you just talking to God about the problems i

Open My Eyes

Open My Eyes

'God's Gift, Jesus' Sacrifice, Our Life!' — John 3:16 AMP (Spiritual Warfare)

'God's Gift, Jesus' Sacrifice, Our Life!' — John 3:16 AMP (Spiritual Warfare) : Prayer: Lord, when I think about all my mistakes, faults, sins, and bad habits, I realize how unworthy I am. I know how I have such a tendency...

"Divine Direction" — Acts 10:4-6 (Unstoppable!)

"Divine Direction" — Acts 10:4-6 (Unstoppable!) : Key Thought: When the angel of the Lord appeared to Cornelius, the messenger from God terrified him. As the heavenly messenger communicated God's...

Exodus 28:29 — Today's Verse for Monday, May 29, 2023

Exodus 28:29 — Today's Verse for Monday, May 29, 2023 : Whenever Aaron enters the Holy Place, he will bear the names of the sons of Israel over his... [ Read devo thought and prayer for this Bible verse ]

Morning, May 29th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, May 29th (Spurgeon's Devotional) : Thought: "Be ye angry, and sin not." There can hardly be goodness in a man if he be not angry at sin; he who loves truth must hate every... [ More Morning & Evening ]

"Broken Relationships Are Strong in the Wrong places" — Proverbs 18:19 (Together in Christ)

"Broken Relationships Are Strong in the Wrong places" — Proverbs 18:19 (Together in Christ) : Key Thought: Wounding or betraying a friend can break someone precious to God, leading them to erect barriers with high and strong walls between....

1 Chronicles 28:9 — Daily Wisdom for Monday, May 29, 2023

1 Chronicles 28:9 — Daily Wisdom for Monday, May 29, 2023 : "And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every...

"Her Life Returned" — Luke 8:54-56 (What Jesus Did!)

"Her Life Returned" — Luke 8:54-56 (What Jesus Did!) : Key Thought: I had a good friend who lost his hearing when he was just a boy. He talked about the next words he would ever hear. At the coming of...

Quotemeal for Monday, May 29, 2023

Quotemeal for Monday, May 29, 2023 : Knowledge of God can be fully given to man only in a Person, never in a doctrine. Faith is not the holding of correct... — Quote by William Temple