Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, February 28, 2023

His Greatest Cheerleader

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.1

We've heard it said that behind a great man is a great woman. This was definitely the case with today's couple. David's marriage to his third wife, Abigail, came prior to his reign as king of Israel. Their meeting took place due to a very unfortunate situation. During the time that David was hiding from the wrath of King Saul, he would travel from place to place with his mighty men. Coming upon a large property, David sent forth ten of his men to ask for provisions from the wealthy owner. His name was Nabal (meaning 'fool') and he was an evil man; unwilling to lend a hand or share. He was, however, blessed with a great woman; beautiful, kind, and intelligent. When David learned that Nabal would not help him, he was enraged and immediately decided to kill this wicked man. When Nabal's wife, Abigail, heard of the happenings she decided to take matters into her own hands! Knowing how stubborn her husband was, without telling him, she prepared a meal, gathered extra provisions, and hurried out to meet David and his men before they could find Nabal and do something regretful. David, completely taken by this woman's generosity, not to mention the fact that she risked her own life by intervening, accepted her gift and thanked her for keeping him from his revenge. For David, this encounter was love at first sight. The Bible says that when Nabal knew of Abigail's doings, his heart turned to stone in his chest. He died soon after. Upon hearing this news, David wasted no time in making Abigail his wife.2

Often considered a model spouse among David's wives, Abigail was the epitome of the virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31. She was exactly the kind of woman that David needed to be a successful king. Abigail is an example to all women who have had the opportunity to stand behind their husbands to help them achieve their goals or dreams. Husbands that can attribute their success to a great woman are truly blessed, and wives who allow God to use them in that position are blessed because they receive a double portion of God's grace. This is the secret to a happy marriage; a relationship where putting the other first is top priority. Be your husband's or wife's greatest cheerleader! Their success is magnified by your support.

Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for my spouse and their diligence in providing or making a home for our family. Help me to always be an encourager and my words be uplifting. Allow us to give you the glory for all of our successes. In Jesus' name, Amen.

1.    Proverbs 12:4.

2.    1 Samuel 25

Today's Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

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