
Showing posts from February, 2023

Is the the time for the spring rain (the Malkosh)? - YouTube

Is the the time for the spring rain (the Malkosh)? - YouTube : George Whitten, editor, and founder of Worthy News, dives into the current events in Russia, Ukraine, and Israel. He goes into detail about the events takin...

Denmark scraps public holiday to boost defence budget - BBC News

Denmark scraps public holiday to boost defence budget - BBC News : The extra day of work will provide an additional $400m to the economy.

FDA advisers recommend world's first RSV vaccine from Pfizer

FDA advisers recommend world's first RSV vaccine from Pfizer : An FDA committee has narrowly recommended that the agency approve the country's first RSV vaccine, which is made by Pfizer for people ages 60 and up.

Pilot gives passengers unforgettable view of northern lights - YouTube

Pilot gives passengers unforgettable view of northern lights - YouTube : An EasyJet pilot made a 360-degree turn so passengers on both sides of his plane got a stunning view of the northern lights.The flight was travelling from Ic...

USGS | M 5.3 - 45 km S of Puerto San José, Guatemala

USGS | M 5.3 - 45 km S of Puerto San José, Guatemala  

Finland starts construction of Russia border fence - BBC News

Finland starts construction of Russia border fence - BBC News : The Finnish government has sought to boost border security since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

(1) Jewish Voice Ministries International on Twitter: "Share if you say “NO” to anti-Semitism! #JewishVoice #SupportIsrael #Israel #JewishPeople #LoveIsrael #StopAnti-Semitism #StandWithIsrael" / Twitter

(1) Jewish Voice Ministries International on Twitter: "Share if you say “NO” to anti-Semitism! #JewishVoice #SupportIsrael #Israel #JewishPeople #LoveIsrael #StopAnti-Semitism #StandWithIsrael" / Twitter

FAA investigating 'close call' between JetBlue flight, Learjet at Boston airport | Fox Business

FAA investigating 'close call' between JetBlue flight, Learjet at Boston airport | Fox Business : The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating a Monday incident in which a Learjet took off in Boston while a JetBlue flight was preparing to land.

Iran to discuss origin of near weapons-grade uranium with IAEA - The Jerusalem Post

Iran to discuss origin of near weapons-grade uranium with IAEA - The Jerusalem Post : Diplomats said last week that the agency had found the traces at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP), where Iran is enriching uranium to up to 60% purity.

Israel Police thwart plot to assassinate Itamar Ben-Gvir - report - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post

Israel Police thwart plot to assassinate Itamar Ben-Gvir - report - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post : The suspect allegedly planned to steal police license plates so that he could get close to Ben-Gvir.

Anti-government protest held in Moldova's capitol, protestors chant 'down with the dictatorship!' | Fox News

Anti-government protest held in Moldova's capitol, protestors chant 'down with the dictatorship!' | Fox News : A protest was held in Moldova's capitol on Tuesday. The protest was organized by an antigovernment group that is supported by members of the country's Russia-friendly Shor Party.

Somalia drought 'extremely critical' but no famine projected | Fox News

Somalia drought 'extremely critical' but no famine projected | Fox News : Somalia's drought is being described as "extremely critical," but there is no famine projected. 3.8 million people have been displaced due to Somalia's battles with al-Shabab.

Sudanese security forces fatally shoot protester near capital | Fox News

Sudanese security forces fatally shoot protester near capital | Fox News : Sudanese security forces fatally shot a protester in the chest near the country's capital on Tuesday. The man was participating in an anti-government protest.

Assad approved Syria quake aid with a UAE nudge - Reuters News Agency

Assad approved Syria quake aid with a UAE nudge - Reuters News Agency : Reuters was first to reveal that President Bashar al-Assad ceded to calls for additional aid access to Syria after prodding from the UAE. This is a

Snow covers parts of Spain as Arctic air brings cold temperatures - YouTube

Snow covers parts of Spain as Arctic air brings cold temperatures - YouTube : Snow covers parts of Mallorca and Sotres, with massive icicles forming on homes. Low temperatures are expected to stay for the rest of the week.#skynews #spa...

Mafia boss escapes from high security prison using bed sheets as manhunt under way | World News | Sky News

Mafia boss escapes from high security prison using bed sheets as manhunt under way | World News | Sky News : Marco Raduano was serving a 19-year jail sentence for various mafia crimes when he made his getaway at the weekend. It comes two months after the capture of a figurehead of the mafia underworld, Matteo Messina Denaro.

Today's selected anniversaries: 28th February 2023

Today's selected anniversaries: 28th February 2023 1897: Ranavalona III, the last sovereign ruler of the Kingdom of Madagascar, was deposed by French military forces. 1928: Indian physicist C. V. Raman and his colleagues discovered what is now known as Raman scattering, for which he later became the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. 1947: Nationalist soldiers fired on protesters in Taipei (crowd pictured), triggering widespread uprisings and the violent suppression in the Taiwanese White Terror. 1975: A London Underground train failed to stop at the terminal Moorgate station, crashing and causing the deaths of 43 people.

USS Indiana (BB-1) - Wikipedia

USS Indiana (BB-1) - Wikipedia

Prayer Points | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Prayer Points | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : Prayer Points and the Fellowship Prayer Team unites Jews and Christians around the world to raise a chorus of prayer to God for the security,

Worthy Brief - February 28, 2023

Worthy Brief - February 28, 2023 be wary of institutionalism! 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 Now the Lord is the Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, `there' is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit. Revivals, that is, genuine Divinely ordained seasons of the activity of God among men, have a universally unusual character. Normal activities and behaviors give way to the tangible influence of God's Holy Spirit, whose inspiration brings a freedom of expression, emotion, conviction, worship, and other variations from normal experience. Students of revival have observed certain patterns in the development of these social/spiritual events, one of which is the strong tendency of men to apply structure to the unfettered activity of the Spirit. Time and again, revival gives way to human intervention, which yields such phenomena as denominations, min

Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, February 28, 2023 His Greatest Cheerleader An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.1 We've heard it said that behind a great man is a great woman. This was definitely the case with today's couple. David's marriage to his third wife, Abigail, came prior to his reign as king of Israel. Their meeting took place due to a very unfortunate situation. During the time that David was hiding from the wrath of King Saul, he would travel from place to place with his mighty men. Coming upon a large property, David sent forth ten of his men to ask for provisions from the wealthy owner. His name was Nabal (meaning 'fool') and he was an evil man; unwilling to lend a hand or share. He was, however, blessed with a great woman; beautiful, kind, and intelligent. When David learned that Nabal would not help him, he was enraged and immediately decided to kill this wicked man. When Nabal&#

This Day's Verse 28th February 2023

This Day's Verse 28th February 2023 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and to an inheritance which is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 1 Peter 1:3-5 The Revised Standard Version

Suspect in random attack that killed former CBC journalist surrenders to police | CTV News

Suspect in random attack that killed former CBC journalist surrenders to police | CTV News : A suspect wanted in connection with the death of a long-time CBC journalist has been arrested and charged with manslaughter.

Lead from Our Experiences | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Lead from Our Experiences | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : We are all leaders, and we all have the ability to lead from our experiences. We all have valuable life experiences that can help others.

Streams in the Desert - February 28 - Daily Devotional

Streams in the Desert - February 28 - Daily Devotional : Read Streams in the Desert - February 28 from today's daily devotional. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly devotionals.

Go Back to the Beginning

Go Back to the Beginning : Harvest Daily Devotion by Pastor Greg Laurie – “Go Back to the Beginning” – A spiritual awakening starts with each one of us.

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 28th February 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 28th February 2023 February 28 Matthew 13:28-30 (NIV) 28"'An enemy did this,' he replied. "The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?' 29"'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'" Jesus shared a parable about a wheat field in which weeds were discovered. The owner of the field knew that an enemy had sown the weed seeds. Those who worked the field asked if they should pull the weeds up. The owner was concerned that the wheat would be too damaged in the process, so he told them to wait until the harvest. Then they would be able to separate the good from the bad. This is one of the parables that Jesus later explained. We know exactly wh

A Bible Devotional 28th February 2023

A Bible Devotional 28th February 2023 Overcome That Problem You Face I JOHN 5:4 NIV 4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Yes, we do face difficulties in life, but they only give us an opportunity to trust the Lord and overcome. Without problems we would have nothing to overcome, and thus not be able to receive all the blessings promised to those who do overcome. There are seven promises given to overcomers in the second and third chapters of Revelation. Here is the last one: REVELATION 3:21 NIV 21 To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. As you face the problems of life, keep your eyes on your destination, just as Jesus did. Walk close to God and depend on Him. He will not fail you. I JOHN 4:4 NIV 4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in

Vancouver weather: Snowfall warning issued as drivers face messy commute | CTV News

Vancouver weather: Snowfall warning issued as drivers face messy commute | CTV News : Drivers in Metro Vancouver are facing a challenging morning commute during the region’s latest snowstorm, which has prompted several weather warnings on B.C.'s South Coast.

Trust Without Wavering

Trust Without Wavering

Daily Christian Quote 28th February 2023

Daily Christian Quote 28th February 2023 Joni Eareckson Tada February 28, 2023 You don't have to be alone in your hurt! Comfort is yours. Joy is an option. And it's all been made possible by your Saviour. He went without comfort so you might have it. He postponed joy so you might share in it. He willingly chose isolation so you might never be alone in your hurt and sorrow.

"A Strong Response to the Sermon" — Luke 4:28-30 (What Jesus Did!)

"A Strong Response to the Sermon" — Luke 4:28-30 (What Jesus Did!) : Key Thought: In some church cultures, after a message is given, an invitation is offered for people to respond to that message. Well, Jesus got a...

"They'd Been with Jesus" — Acts 4:13 (Unstoppable!)

"They'd Been with Jesus" — Acts 4:13 (Unstoppable!) : Key Thought: Whoa! Peter and John's critics and opponents on the Jewish ruling council were impressed with the forthright clarity with which they...

"Plow Up the Hard Ground of Your Hearts" — Hosea 10:12 (Together in Christ)

"Plow Up the Hard Ground of Your Hearts" — Hosea 10:12 (Together in Christ) : Key Thought: Jesus called us to be salt in a world of decay and light in a world enveloped in darkness. [1] He has chosen us to be His...

Romans 15:14 — Today's Verse for Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Romans 15:14 — Today's Verse for Tuesday, February 28, 2023 : I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in... [ Read devo thought and prayer for this Bible verse ]

Quotemeal for Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Quotemeal for Tuesday, February 28, 2023 : No man is ever more than four steps from God: conviction, repentance, consecration, and faith. — Quote by Roy L. Smith

'Mutual Acceptance' — Romans 14:1-16 (Praying with Paul)

'Mutual Acceptance' — Romans 14:1-16 (Praying with Paul) : Prayer: Dear Father, foundation of all our lives, Make me compassionate and generous toward my brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us welcome..... [ Read More ]

'No One Can Measure' (Passion for Praise)

'No One Can Measure' (Passion for Praise) : I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever. I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you... — Psalm 145:1-4

Morning, February 28th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, February 28th (Spurgeon's Devotional) : Thought: It is the believer's privilege to use this language. If he is looking for aught from the world, it is a poor "expectation" indeed.... [ More Morning & Evening ]

'Anointed with the Holy Spirit' — Acts 10:38 MESSAGE (God's Holy Fire)

'Anointed with the Holy Spirit' — Acts 10:38 MESSAGE (God's Holy Fire) : Key Thought: The Bible talks about the Holy Spirit as the promised gift of God. While there are many amazing things about this gift, one of the most...

Proverbs 27:17 — Daily Wisdom for Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Proverbs 27:17 — Daily Wisdom for Tuesday, February 28, 2023 : As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Wisdom for Trials

Wisdom for Trials : As we make ourselves available to the Holy Spirit He lives in and through us giving us wisdom, grace and power. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God.

2 Timothy 1:7 CJB - For God gave us a Spirit who produces - Bible Gateway

2 Timothy 1:7 CJB - For God gave us a Spirit who produces - Bible Gateway : For God gave us a Spirit who produces not timidity, but power, love and self-discipline.

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "SOMALIA: Pray for believers who are mourning the recent deaths of Christian leaders." / Twitter

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "SOMALIA: Pray for believers who are mourning the recent deaths of Christian leaders." / Twitter

Putin orders increased border security after night of drone attacks as fighting in Ukraine intensifies | Fox News

Putin orders increased border security after night of drone attacks as fighting in Ukraine intensifies | Fox News : Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered officials to tighten up border security after Russia saw several overnight drone attacks target oil depots.

NATO chief says Ukraine will 'become a member of our alliance' in the 'long term' | Fox News

NATO chief says Ukraine will 'become a member of our alliance' in the 'long term' | Fox News : NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg indicated Tuesday it is a matter of when, not if, Ukraine will join the alliance and said member nations would continue to support Ukraine in its war against Russia.

Italy migrant boat shipwreck: Police arrest three for alleged trafficking - BBC News

Italy migrant boat shipwreck: Police arrest three for alleged trafficking - BBC News : The disaster's death toll rises to 64, with three detained men accused of being human traffickers.

Peruvian delivery man carried ancient mummy around in his bag - BBC News

Peruvian delivery man carried ancient mummy around in his bag - BBC News : The Peruvian man said he wanted to show off the mummy, which is at least 600 years old, to his friends.

Russia, Belarus agree Russian gas price to stay at 2022 level until 2025 - The Jerusalem Post

Russia, Belarus agree Russian gas price to stay at 2022 level until 2025 - The Jerusalem Post : Russia and Belarus have agreed that Russia will continue to supply natural gas to Belarus at the 2022 price un

US defense official does not foresee significant Russian gains - The Jerusalem Post

US defense official does not foresee significant Russian gains - The Jerusalem Post : Colin Kahl, the US under secretary of defense for policy, described the front line in Ukraine on Tuesday as a

US policy allowing some US tech shipments to China’s Huawei - The Jerusalem Post

US policy allowing some US tech shipments to China’s Huawei - The Jerusalem Post : A Trump administration policy that allowed companies to ship some US technology below the “5G level” to China'

Russian forces hit by Ukrainian artillery near Vuhledar in Donetsk - YouTube

Russian forces hit by Ukrainian artillery near Vuhledar in Donetsk - YouTube : Drone footage purports to show Russian tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles being blown up by mines or stopped in their tracks by Ukrainian strikes as ...

USGS | M 5.1 - 95 km E of Laikit, Laikit II (Dimembe), Indonesia

USGS | M 5.1 - 95 km E of Laikit, Laikit II (Dimembe), Indonesia

'Smugglers' charged €8,000 each for migrants' 'voyage of death' to southern Italy, police say | World News | Sky News

'Smugglers' charged €8,000 each for migrants' 'voyage of death' to southern Italy, police say | World News | Sky News : At least 65 people, including 14 children, died when their overcrowded wooden boat slammed into a sandbank a few hundred metres off Italy's Calabrian coast and broke apart in rough seas early on Sunday.

Inside Crimea, the Russian-annexed territory Ukraine is hoping to retake

Inside Crimea, the Russian-annexed territory Ukraine is hoping to retake : NBC News took a rare trip inside Crimea, the peninsula annexed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2014 and now a target for Ukraine ahead of new offensives.

Tesco recalls Tesco Arrabbiata Sauce because of undeclared milk | Food Standards Agency

Tesco recalls Tesco Arrabbiata Sauce because of undeclared milk | Food Standards Agency

Protestant Council of Rwanda directs health facilities to stop carrying out all abortions | Fox News

Protestant Council of Rwanda directs health facilities to stop carrying out all abortions | Fox News : The Protestant Council of Rwanda recently described abortion as a sin. The council has directed health facilities run by its members to stop carrying out abortions.

Iran investigating poisoning of 650 schoolgirls with toxic gas - BBC News

Iran investigating poisoning of 650 schoolgirls with toxic gas - BBC News : Many Iranians believe the toxic gas poisonings are a deliberate attempt to force schools to close.

Nigeria election 2023: Opposition calls for poll to be scrapped - BBC News

Nigeria election 2023: Opposition calls for poll to be scrapped - BBC News : Three parties are demanding fresh presidential elections, alleging widespread irregularities.

Professional cyclist Antonio Tiberi fined for shooting San Marino minister's cat - BBC News

Professional cyclist Antonio Tiberi fined for shooting San Marino minister's cat - BBC News : Antonio Tiberi said he was trying out an air rifle when he aimed at his neighbour's pet and fired.

Christian Students Travel To Share The Gospel And God’s Love On College Campuses

Christian Students Travel To Share The Gospel And God’s Love On College Campuses : Students from Cedarville Christian university in Ohio have been traveling to share the love of God and the message of salvation at other colleges, especially at Michigan State University which has been grieving the loss of three students killed in a mass shooting earlier this month, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

Hong Kong to lift COVID mask mandate for both outside, inside areas on Wednesday | Fox News

Hong Kong to lift COVID mask mandate for both outside, inside areas on Wednesday | Fox News : Hong Kong plans to lift its coronavirus mask mandate by Wednesday. Residents will no longer need to mask when they’re outdoors and indoors, including in public transit.

India revives civil militia after 7 Hindus were killed in disputed region of Kashmir | Fox News

India revives civil militia after 7 Hindus were killed in disputed region of Kashmir | Fox News : The Indian government is rearming and training villagers to revive a civil militia after seven Hindus were killed in Kashmir, a disputed region between India and Pakistan.

Jesus Revolution' Astounds Entertainment Industry, Places Third At Box Office

Jesus Revolution' Astounds Entertainment Industry, Places Third At Box Office : The new faith-based film Jesus Revolution opened big this past weekend, finishing at number 3 at the box office.

USGS | M 5.5 - Carlsberg Ridge

USGS | M 5.5 - Carlsberg Ridge  

Israeli foreign minister: Will continue to build in West Bank - The Jerusalem Post

Israeli foreign minister: Will continue to build in West Bank - The Jerusalem Post : Israel's foreign minister, Eli Cohen, said that Israeli settlements in the West Bank would continue to be buil

Twenty-two people died in cholera outbreak post-quake in northwest Syria - The Jerusalem Post

Twenty-two people died in cholera outbreak post-quake in northwest Syria - The Jerusalem Post : The Syrian opposition-run civil defense said on Tuesday 22 people had died from an outbreak of cholera in the

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko heading to Beijing for 3-day visit | Fox News

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko heading to Beijing for 3-day visit | Fox News : The president of Belarus is heading to Beijing as tensions rise over Russia's invasion of Ukraine. There has been growing concerns that China will provide military assistance to Russia

China plans to begin training foreign astronauts for trips to newly completed orbiting space station | Fox News

China plans to begin training foreign astronauts for trips to newly completed orbiting space station | Fox News : China recently completed building the Tiangong Station, an orbitting space station. The country will soon begin training foreign astronauts for trips to the station.

US asks Mexico to extradite son of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman | World News | Sky News

US asks Mexico to extradite son of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman | World News | Sky News : The younger Guzman was arrested in January, prompting a massive wave of violence in the Mexican city of Culiacan, the centre of the Sinaloa drugs cartel.

Abby Choi: Police search landfill for missing body parts of Hong Kong model whose legs were found in fridge | World News | Sky News

Abby Choi: Police search landfill for missing body parts of Hong Kong model whose legs were found in fridge | World News | Sky News : Warning: The following article contains details of a graphic nature.

UN Security Council To Hold 3rd Emergency Meet On West Bank Violence Since New Gov’t

UN Security Council To Hold 3rd Emergency Meet On West Bank Violence Since New Gov’t : The UN Security Council will convene an emergency session on Tuesday, in light of the deadly violence that took place over the weekend in the northern West Bank town of Huwara, a senior diplomat for a country on the panel told The Times of Israel.

Ukraine Open For Chinese Peace Plan, But Confusion Remains (Worthy News Radio)

Ukraine Open For Chinese Peace Plan, But Confusion Remains (Worthy News Radio) : There was confusion Saturday over a Chinese peace plan to end the war in Ukraine after Washington said it had intelligence that Beijing is considering providing Russia with weapons. Yet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made clear he wants to meet China's leader Xi Jinping to discuss Beijing's proposals, despite concerns about Chinese-Russian relations.

Ukraine War: 'Putin is feeling more and more isolated' - YouTube

Ukraine War: 'Putin is feeling more and more isolated' - YouTube : Former Head of the British Army Lord Richard Dannatt tells Sky News the Russian President is "under huge pressure himself".He also comments on the future of ...

Papua New Guinea Will Open Embassy In Jerusalem

Papua New Guinea Will Open Embassy In Jerusalem : Predominantly Christian Papua New Guinea has announced plans to establish its embassy mission to Israel in Jerusalem, recognizing that the ancient Biblical city is the true capital of Israel, the Jerusalem Post reports. Israel and Papua New Guinea established diplomatic relations in 1978, but this will be the first embassy the south-east Asian island country has opened in Israel.

Nigeria election results 2023: Tinubu ahead of Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi - BBC News

Nigeria election results 2023: Tinubu ahead of Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi - BBC News : The ruling party's candidate has 44% of tallied votes, but the opposition says counting is flawed.

Iran reissues threat to 'kill Trump, Pompeo' for Soleimani death when announcing long-range cruise missile | Fox News

Iran reissues threat to 'kill Trump, Pompeo' for Soleimani death when announcing long-range cruise missile | Fox News : Iran has renewed threats to target former President Donald Trump and his former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for the 2020 killing of Qasem Soleimani.

Missing man found in shark's stomach after family identifies his tattoo | World News | Sky News

Missing man found in shark's stomach after family identifies his tattoo | World News | Sky News : Argentinian authorities say it is likely that Diego Barria had an accident in his vehicle before being dragged to his death.

Shooter critically injures one, himself near German primary school - The Jerusalem Post

Shooter critically injures one, himself near German primary school - The Jerusalem Post : A shooter critically injured one person near a German primary school in the north-western town of Bramsche on

Russian court fines Wikipedia over 'fake information' - The Jerusalem Post

Russian court fines Wikipedia over 'fake information' - The Jerusalem Post : The Wikimedia Foundation was fined 2 million roubles ($27,000) in Russia on Tuesday over what authorities said

Operation Break the Wave: Eight terror suspects arrested overnight - The Jerusalem Post

Operation Break the Wave: Eight terror suspects arrested overnight - The Jerusalem Post : IDF, Shin Bet and Israel Border Police forces operated across the West Bank throughout Monday night, arresting

Moscow accuses US of preparing 'toxic chemicals' provocation in Ukraine - The Jerusalem Post

Moscow accuses US of preparing 'toxic chemicals' provocation in Ukraine - The Jerusalem Post : The United States is planning a provocation in Ukraine using toxic chemicals, the Russian defense ministry sai

Migrant shipwreck death toll up to 64-Reuters witnesses - The Jerusalem Post

Migrant shipwreck death toll up to 64-Reuters witnesses - The Jerusalem Post : The death toll from a migrant shipwreck near the southern Italian coast has risen to 64, two Reuters witnesses

Kremlin: Russia open to Ukraine talks, but won't give up annexed regions - The Jerusalem Post

Kremlin: Russia open to Ukraine talks, but won't give up annexed regions - The Jerusalem Post : The Kremlin on Tuesday repeated its position that Russia was open to negotiations to end the Ukraine conflict,

German foreign minister: concerned about Israel's judicial independence - The Jerusalem Post

German foreign minister: concerned about Israel's judicial independence - The Jerusalem Post : German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Tuesday expressed concern about judicial independence in Israel a

EU calls for Israelis, Palestinians to 'end the cycle of violence - The Jerusalem Post

EU calls for Israelis, Palestinians to 'end the cycle of violence - The Jerusalem Post : The European Union has voiced concerns about the rising violence between Israelis and Palestinians, Hebrew med

Drone downed near gas distribution station outside Moscow - The Jerusalem Post

Drone downed near gas distribution station outside Moscow - The Jerusalem Post : A drone was downed in the Moscow region on Tuesday that had probably been intended to attack civil infrastruct

East Palestine train derailment: Toxic waste removal restarts in Ohio town - BBC News

East Palestine train derailment: Toxic waste removal restarts in Ohio town - BBC News : It comes two days after residents who say they feel ill urged the government to provide answers.

China hits out at US over TikTok ban on federal devices - BBC News

China hits out at US over TikTok ban on federal devices - BBC News : Beijing accuses Washington of attempting to use state power to suppress foreign companies.

USGS | M 5.2 - 272 km SSE of Katsuura, Japan

USGS | M 5.2 - 272 km SSE of Katsuura, Japan 

USGS | M 5.0 - Tajikistan-Xinjiang border region

USGS | M 5.0 - Tajikistan-Xinjiang border region 

(1) Hannah Dreier on Twitter: "The US is seeing an unprecedented wave of migrant child labor right now. Thousands of kids are working overnight in dangerous factories for brands like Cheerios, Fruit of the Loom and Ford. They're here alone and they're being failed in the most basic way." / Twitter

(1) Hannah Dreier on Twitter: "The US is seeing an unprecedented wave of migrant child labor right now. Thousands of kids are working overnight in dangerous factories for brands like Cheerios, Fruit of the Loom and Ford. They're here alone and they're being failed in the most basic way." / Twitter

New York City struggles to keep up with migrant influx - BBC News

New York City struggles to keep up with migrant influx - BBC News : More than 45,000 migrants have arrived in less than a year, overwhelming shelters and resources.

Serbia, Kosovo back EU diplomacy plan | Fox News

Serbia, Kosovo back EU diplomacy plan | Fox News : The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Albin Kurti, implicitly agreed to a European Union-sponsored plan to ease tensions between the two nations.

Hopes for Libyan unity dashed by electoral disputes | Fox News

Hopes for Libyan unity dashed by electoral disputes | Fox News : The United Nations is attempting to broker a deal between rival Libyan political factions to establish concrete timelines for presidential and legislative elections.

'Major' U.S. Marshals Service hack compromises sensitive info

'Major' U.S. Marshals Service hack compromises sensitive info : The U.S. Marshals Service suffered a security breach, with sensitive data taken from one of its systems just over a week ago.

Ukraine war: Zelensky says situation in Bakhmut worsening - BBC News

Ukraine war: Zelensky says situation in Bakhmut worsening - BBC News : Russian forces have been trying to capture the eastern city of Bakhmut for over six months.

Ukraine war: Viral conspiracy theories falsely claim the war is fake - BBC News

Ukraine war: Viral conspiracy theories falsely claim the war is fake - BBC News : False claims that the war in Ukraine is a hoax have been shared online as the country marked the first anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion.

Tesla, Musk sued by shareholders over self-driving safety claims - The Jerusalem Post

Tesla, Musk sued by shareholders over self-driving safety claims - The Jerusalem Post : Tesla Inc TSLA.O and its Chief Executive Elon Musk were sued on Monday by shareholders who accused them of ove

Russia will not resume START talks until Washington listens to Moscow - The Jerusalem Post

Russia will not resume START talks until Washington listens to Moscow - The Jerusalem Post : Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in remarks published on Tuesday that Russia will not resume participation

Japan's ispace on track for late April touchdown attempt - The Jerusalem Post

Japan's ispace on track for late April touchdown attempt - The Jerusalem Post

Storm Juliette: Cold snap leaves Barcelona covered in snow - BBC News

Storm Juliette: Cold snap leaves Barcelona covered in snow - BBC News : Storm Juliette sets off a weather alert in parts of northern Spain as cold air comes in from the Arctic.

Belarus seeks lengthy prison terms for opposition leaders | Fox News

Belarus seeks lengthy prison terms for opposition leaders | Fox News : Belarus is seeking lengthy prison terms for five exiled opposition leaders. They are being charged with trying to overthrow the government and leading an extremist group.

IRA splinter group claims responsibility for police shooting | Fox News

IRA splinter group claims responsibility for police shooting | Fox News : An Irish Republican Army splinter group has claimed responsibility for the shooting of a senior officer. The off-duty officer was shot in front of his son after coaching a soccer game.

Rishi Sunak hails new NI Brexit deal but DUP concerns remain - BBC News

Rishi Sunak hails new NI Brexit deal but DUP concerns remain - BBC News : The PM says the agreement for Northern Ireland is a breakthrough, as many Tory MPs express support.

Shots fired at Israeli vehicle near Tapuah village, no casualties - The Jerusalem Post

Shots fired at Israeli vehicle near Tapuah village, no casualties - The Jerusalem Post : Shots were fired at an Israeli vehicle on the road between the towns of Tapuah and Migdalim in the West Bank.

American citizen confirmed dead in West Bank terror attack | Fox News

American citizen confirmed dead in West Bank terror attack | Fox News : A U.S.-Israel dual citizen was shot and killed in the West Bank Monday as the region is reeling from the proliferation of violence in recent days.

Wizz Air to suspend Moldova flights over airspace safety - BBC News

Wizz Air to suspend Moldova flights over airspace safety - BBC News : The suspension, from 14 March, comes after a Russian missile crossed Moldovan skies.

Iran forces female students to attend hijab ‘counseling’ after months of women’s rights protests | Fox News

Iran forces female students to attend hijab ‘counseling’ after months of women’s rights protests | Fox News : Dozens of female students across Iran have been forced to take a "mandatory counseling session" for failing to wear their hijab correctly.

Egypt's foreign minister pays earthquake-ravaged Turkey rare visit | Fox News

Egypt's foreign minister pays earthquake-ravaged Turkey rare visit | Fox News : Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry visited Turkey in his country's first high-level diplomatic visit to the earthquake-ravaged nation after years of political discord.

(1) Yael Eckstein on Twitter: "I am grateful for my father and the origins of our ministry over the last 40 years. I am grateful to you, for giving me the strength to lead our efforts like never seen before. I am grateful to God—with whom all things are possible.❤️ #FellowshipFlashback #Fellowship40" / Twitter

(1) Yael Eckstein on Twitter: "I am grateful for my father and the origins of our ministry over the last 40 years. I am grateful to you, for giving me the strength to lead our efforts like never seen before. I am grateful to God—with whom all things are possible.❤️ #FellowshipFlashback #Fellowship40" / Twitter

Poland reports African swine fever outbreak in local livestock | Fox News

Poland reports African swine fever outbreak in local livestock | Fox News : Poland has reported cases of African swine fever in five wild boar in the nation's northern region, the World Organisation for Animal Health announced Monday.

Earthquake strikes El Salvador - The Jerusalem Post

Earthquake strikes El Salvador - The Jerusalem Post

Inside the town of Vuhledar on Ukraine's frontline where 'everything is bombed' | World News | Sky News

Inside the town of Vuhledar on Ukraine's frontline where 'everything is bombed' | World News | Sky News : Sky News reports from the town in the Donetsk region, where Ukrainian defenders survive in a desolate place of burned out buildings under relentless attack by Russian forces.

Polio case suspected in northern Israel - Health Ministry - The Jerusalem Post

Polio case suspected in northern Israel - Health Ministry - The Jerusalem Post : The Health Ministry announced on Monday evening that an 8-year-old living near the Israeli city of Safed was a

Israel calls up army battalions as serious violence hits West Bank following murder of Israeli brothers | Fox News

Israel calls up army battalions as serious violence hits West Bank following murder of Israeli brothers | Fox News : Tensions are rising in Israel following an uptick in terror attacks. On Sunday two Israeli brothers were murdered in cold-blood which led to violent rioting by Israeli settlers in a nearby Palestinian village.

Kidnapped archaeologist, 2 others released after being held hostage in Papua New Guinea for ransom | Fox News

Kidnapped archaeologist, 2 others released after being held hostage in Papua New Guinea for ransom | Fox News : After being held hostage in Papua New Guinea for a week, New Zealand citizen and archaeologist Bryce Barker will finally return to Australia. Two other hostages were also released.

Haiti's former interim Prime Minister Gérard Latortue dies at the age of 88 | Fox News

Haiti's former interim Prime Minister Gérard Latortue dies at the age of 88 | Fox News : The former interim prime minister of Haiti died at the age of 88. Gérard Latortue was the prime minister in the mid-2000s and helped rebuild the country after a coup.

Lebanon news agency's photo archive stolen in 'crime of national proportions' - BBC News

Lebanon news agency's photo archive stolen in 'crime of national proportions' - BBC News : A minister calls the theft of the server containing the archive a "crime of national proportions".

Israelis protest settler pogrom in Huwara, block Tel Aviv main roads - The Jerusalem Post

Israelis protest settler pogrom in Huwara, block Tel Aviv main roads - The Jerusalem Post : Demonstrators in Tel Aviv protested on Monday evening against the violence committed by settlers in the West B

The Philippines joins the US in search for missing Taiwanese fishing vessel carrying 6 people | Fox News

The Philippines joins the US in search for missing Taiwanese fishing vessel carrying 6 people | Fox News : The Philippine coast guard has joined the U.S. and other Taiwanese counterparts in search for a Taiwanese fishing vessel that disappeared 10 days ago.

Japan, New Zealand foreign ministers agree to speed up talks on intelligence sharing as China concerns grow | Fox News

Japan, New Zealand foreign ministers agree to speed up talks on intelligence sharing as China concerns grow | Fox News : Japan and New Zealand foreign ministers agreed to speed up talks regarding intelligence sharing as concerns about China continue to grow.

Islamic State land mines kill 10 workers, injure 12 others in central Syria | Fox News

Islamic State land mines kill 10 workers, injure 12 others in central Syria | Fox News : A couple of land mines that were left behind by the Islamic State years ago were set off near Salamiyeh, Syria, which killed 10 workers and wounded 12 others.

Worthy Brief - February 27, 2023

Worthy Brief - February 27, 2023 Be careful what you try to stamp out! Matthew 13:27-29 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. In the late 1800s, an awakening in South Africa led by Andrew Murray was a powerful move of God. Studying that revival yields essential insights concerning the events occurring now throughout the United States. As the spirit of God began to move in Cape Town, Murray compared the SA revival with past experiences of revivals in Europe. He decided that the intense “emotionalism” was a false experience of God and charged in to break up the meeting. Stepping out of the church, he encountered his father standing and weeping. His father rebuked Andrew, “How dare you stop someth

Today's Daily Encounter Monday, February 27, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Monday, February 27, 2023 Adapting to God's Plan "Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins'… When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."1 Joseph was a faithful man of God who loved Mary and was, undoubtedly, excited to start their life together. But before Mary went to live with him, he discovered that she was pregnant. Infidelity came with serious consequences in their day, and even if Joseph was feeling heartbroken, he loved Mary so much

This Day's Verse 27th February 2023

This Day's Verse 27th February 2023 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24 The New King James Version

This Day's Thought 27th February 2023

This Day's Thought 27th February 2023 MORNING PRAYER Here, Lord, is my life. I place it on the altar today. Use it as You will. Albert Schweitzer

Burgundy | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Burgundy | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : The Hebrew word for the color burgundy is Burgundy. Check back every day to learn more Hebrew words, phrases and pronunciations.

Our True Calling | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Our True Calling | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : Our true calling as people of faith is to serve God — to make an offering to Him — every day, morning and evening.

Left Alone - Streams in the Desert - February 27 - Daily Devotional

Left Alone - Streams in the Desert - February 27 - Daily Devotional : Read Left Alone - Streams in the Desert - February 27 from today's daily devotional. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly devotionals.

Don’t Ignore Open Doors

Don’t Ignore Open Doors : Harvest Daily Devotion by Pastor Greg Laurie – “Don’t Ignore Open Doors” – It’s God who opens doors, but we must walk through them.

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 27th February 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 27th February 2023 February 27 Matthew 13:22-23 (NIV) 22The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. 23But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." Perhaps the most famous of all of Jesus' parables is the parable of the sower. The seed was illustrative of the word of God. It was sown on a path, rocky ground, weed filled ground, and good soil. The seed on the hard path was eaten by birds. That which grew in the rocks withered from heat, because the roots were shallow. The seed that grew with the weeds bore no fruit because of the choking power of the weeds. The seed in the good ground multiplied from 30 to 100 times the amount of seed. The soil is a picture of man's heart

A Bible Devotional 27th February 2023

A Bible Devotional 27th February 2023 Control Your Words 1 PETER 4:11 NIV 11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. . . . When you speak what the Bible says, you are speaking the very words of God. Anything contrary to what the Bible says, should never be spoken by a Christian. EPHESIANS 4:29 NIV 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. JAMES 4:11 NKJ 11 Do not speak evil of one another . . . . TITUS 3:2 NKJ 2 to speak evil of no one . . . . You are responsible for what you say. If you cannot say something good, the Bible is clear: keep quiet. SAY THIS: Lord please help me to keep quiet unless I have something to say that would be acceptable to you. To give: Devotions in book form: To hear audio teachings by the author of this devotional, visit https://adevotion.us11.list

Lend Without a Return

Lend Without a Return

(1) Jewish Voice Ministries International on Twitter: "“What the wicked dread will overtake them; what the righteous desire will be granted.” – Proverbs 10:24" / Twitter

(1) Jewish Voice Ministries International on Twitter: "“What the wicked dread will overtake them; what the righteous desire will be granted.” – Proverbs 10:24" / Twitter

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "SRI LANKA: Pray that Christian families will have access to burial grounds to bury their deceased loved ones." / Twitter

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "SRI LANKA: Pray that Christian families will have access to burial grounds to bury their deceased loved ones." / Twitter

"God Cares for More Than Just Us!" — Luke 4:25-27 (What Jesus Did!)

"God Cares for More Than Just Us!" — Luke 4:25-27 (What Jesus Did!) : Key Thought: God didn't love Israel to love only Israel. God chose Abraham and his descendants through Isaac to bring his gracious blessings to.....

"Jesus Is the Only Way!" — Acts 4:11-12 (Unstoppable!)

"Jesus Is the Only Way!" — Acts 4:11-12 (Unstoppable!) : Key Thought: Peter quoted from the Psalms as he answered the religious powerbrokers about the power he had invoked to heal the man at the gate of...

"Once Again!" — Micah 7:18-19 (Together in Christ)

"Once Again!" — Micah 7:18-19 (Together in Christ) : Key Thought: Because of Jesus, we can be sure that when we confess our sins, God not only forgives them but also purifies and makes us new...

Isaiah 2:22 — Today's Verse for Monday, February 27, 2023

Isaiah 2:22 — Today's Verse for Monday, February 27, 2023 : Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he? [ Read devo thought and prayer for this Bible verse ]

Quotemeal for Monday, February 27, 2023

Quotemeal for Monday, February 27, 2023 : Nothing is too great and nothing is too small to commit into the hands of the Lord. — Quote by A. W. Pink

'Staying Awake' — Romans 13:11-14 (Praying with Paul)

'Staying Awake' — Romans 13:11-14 (Praying with Paul) : Prayer: Dear Father, victorious deliverer, May I be found in Christ, not trusting any righteousness of my own. Let me know him and the power of... [ Read More ]

'He Keeps our Feet from Stumbling' (Passion for Praise)

'He Keeps our Feet from Stumbling' (Passion for Praise) : Let the whole world bless our God and loudly sing his praises. Our lives are in his hands, and he keeps our feet from... — Psalm 66:8-9

Morning, February 27th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, February 27th (Spurgeon's Devotional) : Thought: The Israelites in the wilderness were continually exposed to change. Whenever the pillar stayed its motion, the tents were... [ More Morning & Evening ]

'The Anointing Teaches You Truth' — 1 John 2:26-27 NIV (God's Holy Fire)

'The Anointing Teaches You Truth' — 1 John 2:26-27 NIV (God's Holy Fire) : Key Thought: We live in a world of competing voices, many of them deceptive. How do we filter these voices and know the truth about Jesus? We know.....

Proverbs 10:9 — Daily Wisdom for Monday, February 27, 2023

Proverbs 10:9 — Daily Wisdom for Monday, February 27, 2023 : The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.

Sanctified in Christ

Sanctified in Christ : The believer’s sanctification is at once both complete and incomplete. You are in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption.

1 John 3:18 CJB - Children, let us love not with words - Bible Gateway

1 John 3:18 CJB - Children, let us love not with words - Bible Gateway : Children, let us love not with words and talk, but with actions and in reality!

Winter storm brings snow to California and tornadoes to central US - BBC News

Winter storm brings snow to California and tornadoes to central US - BBC News : California's severe weather has moved eastward, with seven tornadoes reported in Oklahoma.

Germany seeks to set up new wind power network with its North Sea neighbors | Fox News

Germany seeks to set up new wind power network with its North Sea neighbors | Fox News : The German government wants to set up an offshore network of wind power lines with its North Sea neighbors, which could rectify bottlenecks in Europe’s energy market.

Turkey earthquake: Erdogan seeks forgiveness over quake rescue delays - BBC News

Turkey earthquake: Erdogan seeks forgiveness over quake rescue delays - BBC News : The Turkish leader told survivors in one area that tremors and bad weather were to blame.

2 experts slam World Health Organization's investigation into sexual abuse allegations in Congo | Fox News

2 experts slam World Health Organization's investigation into sexual abuse allegations in Congo | Fox News : The WHO's investigation into sexual abuse allegations against their employees in Congo was "an absurdity," according to experts. Experts are upset no senior officials have been fired.

Mexican army clashes with angry border residents after soldiers randomly fired into a pickup truck, killing 3 | Fox News

Mexican army clashes with angry border residents after soldiers randomly fired into a pickup truck, killing 3 | Fox News : Army soldiers in Mexico clashed with residents of border town Nuevo Laredo Sunday. The residents were angry after soldiers indiscriminately fired into a truck and killed three people.

Hundreds protest in Baghdad to denounce a proposed law that would increase Iraq’s electoral district size | Fox News

Hundreds protest in Baghdad to denounce a proposed law that would increase Iraq’s electoral district size | Fox News : People in Baghdad protested a law proposal aimed at increasing the size of Iraq’s electoral districts, which could possibly undermine independent candidates.

Canada banning TikTok on staff devices - National Post | Reuters

Canada banning TikTok on staff devices - National Post | Reuters : Canada is banning Chinese social media app TikTok from all government-issued devices effective Tuesday, according to a report in the National Post on Monday, citing official communication to an internal department.

New 5.6 magnitude earthquake hits Turkey, killing one and injuring over 100 | World News | Sky News

New 5.6 magnitude earthquake hits Turkey, killing one and injuring over 100 | World News | Sky News : Fresh quake comes three weeks after earthquakes with magnitudes of 7.8 and 7.6 ripped through Turkey's southern provinces, leaving more than 44,000 people dead in the country.

Peter Obi takes Lagos in Nigeria's closest ever presidential election | World News | Sky News

Peter Obi takes Lagos in Nigeria's closest ever presidential election | World News | Sky News : Bola Ahmed Tinubu, a former governor of Lagos, has lost his home state to the 61-year-old ex-banker. Overall, the votes to determine who will be president are still being counted.

First inmates transferred to El Salvador 'mega prison' in crackdown on gangs | World News | Sky News

First inmates transferred to El Salvador 'mega prison' in crackdown on gangs | World News | Sky News : The Terrorism Confinement Centre is considered to be the largest jail in the Americas and was built in just seven months - but human rights groups fear the drive to capture gang members is also leading to the detention of many innocent people.

Pakistani police arrest retired army general on charges of inciting the public against national institutions | Fox News

Pakistani police arrest retired army general on charges of inciting the public against national institutions | Fox News : Retired Army General Amjad Shoaib of Pakistan was arrested on charges of inciting the public against national institutions. He is a supporter of former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Dead Hong Kong model Abby Choi's ex-husband, former in-laws detained on murder charges | Fox News

Dead Hong Kong model Abby Choi's ex-husband, former in-laws detained on murder charges | Fox News : The ex-husband and former in-laws of Abby Choi have been detained and charged in the murder of the Hong Kong model after a skull and parts of her body were found dismembered.

Northern Ireland: UK and EU agree 'new deal' on post-Brexit trade rules - YouTube

Northern Ireland: UK and EU agree 'new deal' on post-Brexit trade rules - YouTube : A new deal on Northern Ireland's post-Brexit trade rules has been agreed by the UK government and the EU, a senior government source told Sky News. For weeks...

Clashes in Huwara resume, two stun grenades thrown - report - The Jerusalem Post

Clashes in Huwara resume, two stun grenades thrown - report - The Jerusalem Post : Violence in the town of Huwara resumed on Monday afternoon, according to a report from KAN News.Israeli securi

Canada targets IRGC, law enforcement officials in fresh Iran sanctions - The Jerusalem Post

Canada targets IRGC, law enforcement officials in fresh Iran sanctions - The Jerusalem Post : The Canadian government on Monday said it was imposing sanctions on 12 senior officials from Iran's Islamic Re

United Nations suspends flights in eastern Congo following helicopter attack | Fox News

United Nations suspends flights in eastern Congo following helicopter attack | Fox News : Last week a United Nations helicopter was attacked in eastern Congo. The UN decided to suspend flights above eastern Congo following the attack.

Japan eases coronavirus measures for tourists from China by only testing random passengers | Fox News

Japan eases coronavirus measures for tourists from China by only testing random passengers | Fox News : Japan will only be testing random passengers from China in the country's latest attempt to ease COVID border measures. Direct flights from China will also be expanded to more airports.

Fishrot: The corruption scandal entwining Namibia and Iceland - BBC News

Fishrot: The corruption scandal entwining Namibia and Iceland - BBC News : Lucrative fishing contracts are at the centre of a corruption trial encompassing both countries.

Twitter reportedly lays off 200 more employees - BBC News

Twitter reportedly lays off 200 more employees - BBC News : The cuts account for about 10% of Twitter's remaining 2,000 workers, down from 7,500 in 2022.

North Korea holds conference to improve farming sector amid food shortage | Fox News

North Korea holds conference to improve farming sector amid food shortage | Fox News : North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un held a major political meeting to address the country's agriculture as the country battles one of its worst food shortage since Kim took power in 2011.

Settlers rampage in West Bank villages after Israelis killed - BBC News

Settlers rampage in West Bank villages after Israelis killed - BBC News : Israeli settlers burn Palestinian homes and cars in several villages after two settlers are shot dead.

Italy migrant boat shipwreck: More than 100 people feared dead - BBC News

Italy migrant boat shipwreck: More than 100 people feared dead - BBC News : At least 62 migrants have died, including children, with many still missing after the boat sank in rough seas.

Nigeria election results 2023: Peter Obi wins Lagos against Bola Tinubu - provisional - BBC News

Nigeria election results 2023: Peter Obi wins Lagos against Bola Tinubu - provisional - BBC News : Third-party candidate Peter Obi win Lagos state but many results are still to come from Nigeria's election.

Kremlin says China's Ukraine peace plan should be analyzed in detail - The Jerusalem Post

Kremlin says China's Ukraine peace plan should be analyzed in detail - The Jerusalem Post : The Kremlin said on Monday that a Chinese peace plan on Ukraine that urges both sides to agree to a gradual de

New Turkey earthquake kills one person, flattens more buildings - The Jerusalem Post

New Turkey earthquake kills one person, flattens more buildings - The Jerusalem Post : The latest aftershock, with a magnitude of 5.6 and depth of 6.15 km, hit three weeks after a massive quake that killed more than 50,000 people in Turkey and Syria.

Russia ditches nuclear security amid China visit, ‘dangerous decade’ ahead, expert warns | Fox News

Russia ditches nuclear security amid China visit, ‘dangerous decade’ ahead, expert warns | Fox News : Russian President Putin's decision to suspend New START treaty renews global nuclear concerns as he expands ties with China, and a nuclear expert details how U.S. must respond.

Moment motorhome falls into river after storm hits California - YouTube

Moment motorhome falls into river after storm hits California - YouTube : Watch the moment a motorhome falls into a river after storms hit California.Authorities are blaming 'one of the strongest storms ever to hit the region' for ...

Liberal Democrats will support Northern Ireland deal if it 'makes sense' - YouTube

Liberal Democrats will support Northern Ireland deal if it 'makes sense' - YouTube : Opposition parties are continuing to give their - conditional - support to the agreement Rishi Sunak is looking to announce on Northern Ireland.Liberal Democ...

Northern Ireland Protocol will always 'be a problem', says Robert Buckland - YouTube

Northern Ireland Protocol will always 'be a problem', says Robert Buckland - YouTube : Conservative and member of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committe, Robert Buckland, told Kay Burley that there is always "going to be a problem" with the Nort...

UN rights chief warns of backsliding on global freedoms - The Jerusalem Post

UN rights chief warns of backsliding on global freedoms - The Jerusalem Post : The United Nations Human Rights chief Volker Turk warned on Monday that human rights gains made in recent deca

COVID-19 most likely leaked from Wuhan lab, says US Energy Department | World News | Sky News

COVID-19 most likely leaked from Wuhan lab, says US Energy Department | World News | Sky News : A classified intelligence report concluded that the virus which sparked the pandemic probably came from a Chinese lab but was not part of a weapons program.

Belarusian opposition says it damaged Russian warplane - BBC News

Belarusian opposition says it damaged Russian warplane - BBC News : The aircraft was struck multiple times at the Machulishchy air base near Belarus' capital, Minsk.

Pastor Mukhtar: A Martyr for Christ in Pakistan - International Christian Concern

Pastor Mukhtar: A Martyr for Christ in Pakistan - International Christian Concern : 02/27/2023 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – When I think of struggling persecuted Christians, I think of Mrs. Mukhtar. She was married to a pastor in Pakistan, a man who was incredibly bold for Christ. In Pastor Mukhtar’s neighborhood, people heard the Muslim call to prayer five times a day from minarets atop the local mosques. […]

Police arrest Bet Shemesh man suspected of sexually abusing minors - The Jerusalem Post

Police arrest Bet Shemesh man suspected of sexually abusing minors - The Jerusalem Post : A man from Bet Shemesh was arrested on Monday on suspicion of sexually assaulting a minor, according to an Isr

China says it will take resolute countermeasures to US sanctions - The Jerusalem Post

China says it will take resolute countermeasures to US sanctions - The Jerusalem Post : China will take resolute countermeasures in response to US sanctions, the Chinese foreign ministry said at a r

Unexplained explosions around Russian-occupied Mariupol since Tuesday - The Jerusalem Post

Unexplained explosions around Russian-occupied Mariupol since Tuesday - The Jerusalem Post : Sites caught in explosions include an ammo cache at an airport, two fuel deports, and a makeshift military base.

Thai drug dealer had plastic surgery to look like Korean man, police say - BBC News

Thai drug dealer had plastic surgery to look like Korean man, police say - BBC News : The Thai drug dealer underwent extensive plastic surgery to throw off investigators, police say.

SpaceX, NASA postpone launch of space station crew in final minutes - The Jerusalem Post

SpaceX, NASA postpone launch of space station crew in final minutes - The Jerusalem Post : NASA and SpaceX early on Monday postponed the launch of two US astronauts, a Russian cosmonaut and a United Ar

Extra Givati battalion to reinforce West Bank troops - The Jerusalem Post

Extra Givati battalion to reinforce West Bank troops - The Jerusalem Post : An extra Givati battalion will reinforce the troops in the West Bank, the IDF Spokesperson Unit reported on Mo

Ukraine war: How Russia took the south - and then got stuck - BBC News

Ukraine war: How Russia took the south - and then got stuck - BBC News : The story of Russia's rapid advance in southern Ukraine, told by the people who managed to stop it.

USGS | M 5.6 - 67 km WSW of Poso, Indonesia

USGS | M 5.6 - 67 km WSW of Poso, Indonesia  

Bao Fan: Missing Chinese billionaire assisting authorities, firm says - BBC News

Bao Fan: Missing Chinese billionaire assisting authorities, firm says - BBC News : Bao Fan's disappearance has renewed concerns of a potential crackdown on finance and tech figures.

Mexico protests: Huge crowds rally against electoral reform - BBC News

Mexico protests: Huge crowds rally against electoral reform - BBC News : Protesters gathered near the presidential palace in Mexico City, and organisers claim 500,000 took part.

(1) BBC Breaking News on Twitter: "Betty Boothroyd, first woman to become Commons Speaker in UK parliament, has died aged 93" / Twitter

(1) BBC Breaking News on Twitter: "Betty Boothroyd, first woman to become Commons Speaker in UK parliament, has died aged 93" / Twitter

(1) Lucrezia Millarini on Twitter: "Very sad news. What a woman!" / Twitter

(1) Lucrezia Millarini on Twitter: "Very sad news. What a woman!" / Twitter

Three Syrian children who have lost everything in the deadly earthquake| ITV News - YouTube

Three Syrian children who have lost everything in the deadly earthquake| ITV News - YouTube : Weeks after the deadly Turkey-Syria earthquake, children have been left traumatised, alone and with nothing. Many are mourning the loss of their loved ones, ...

Kawasho Foods USA Inc. Announces a Voluntary Recall of a Single Lot of GEISHA Medium Shrimp 4oz. Because of Possible Health Risk | FDA

Kawasho Foods USA Inc. Announces a Voluntary Recall of a Single Lot of GEISHA Medium Shrimp 4oz. Because of Possible Health Risk | FDA : Kawasho Foods USA Inc. of New York, NY, is voluntarily recalling one lot of canned GEISHA Medium Shrimp 4oz. because of reported swelling, leaking, or bursting cans. There is a possibility that the product has been under processed, which could lead to the potential for spoilage organisms or pathogen

Ukraine war: On board low-flying helicopter with renowned airman - BBC News

Ukraine war: On board low-flying helicopter with renowned airman - BBC News : The BBC gets rare access to a renowned airman and his ageing helicopter during a low-flying mission.

East Palestine resident: ‘I’m scared to death’ - YouTube

East Palestine resident: ‘I’m scared to death’ - YouTube : Three weeks after a derailed train spilled toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio, residents still wonder if their homes are contaminated and if they can co...

NI Protocol: 'Final talks' due between Rishi Sunak and Ursula von der Leyen - BBC News

NI Protocol: 'Final talks' due between Rishi Sunak and Ursula von der Leyen - BBC News : The EU's Ursula von der Leyen will be in the UK on Monday for face-to-face talks with PM Rishi Sunak.

Royal Ontario Museum returns Chief Poundmaker artifacts to family descendants | CTV News

Royal Ontario Museum returns Chief Poundmaker artifacts to family descendants | CTV News : A saddle and a ceremonial pipe owned by Chief Poundmaker were returned to his descendants at a ceremony in Toronto on Wednesday, after being held by the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) for 99 years.

Zelensky fires a top Ukrainian military commander - The Jerusalem Post

Zelensky fires a top Ukrainian military commander - The Jerusalem Post : Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday fired a senior military commander helping lead the fight agai

Palestinian gunman shoots and kills two Israeli brothers in West Bank | Fox News

Palestinian gunman shoots and kills two Israeli brothers in West Bank | Fox News : A Palestinian gunman shot and killed two Israeli brothers in the northern West Bank on Sunday, casting a shadow over peace talks that took place in Jordan.

Extra SNAP food stamp benefits are being cut, causing new worries for people in need

Extra SNAP food stamp benefits are being cut, causing new worries for people in need : Enhanced food stamp payments under a pandemic-era SNAP policy are set to end in 32 states, ending a program that economists have linked to reductions in poverty.

CIA director says he warned Russian counterpart against using nuclear weapons in Ukraine | Fox News

CIA director says he warned Russian counterpart against using nuclear weapons in Ukraine | Fox News : CIA director William Burns said he promised Russia's spy chief Sergei Naryshkin severe consequences from the United States if Moscow uses nuclear weapons on the Ukrainian battlefield.

Italy shipwreck: Coast guard says dozens dead after migrant craft crashes off coast | Fox News

Italy shipwreck: Coast guard says dozens dead after migrant craft crashes off coast | Fox News : At least 60 migrants are reportedly dead, and at least one allege human trafficker among some 80 survivors has been charged after a makeshift wooden vessel crashed off Italy's coast.

North Korean parents to get prison time for letting their kids watch Hollywood, foreign films: report | Fox News

North Korean parents to get prison time for letting their kids watch Hollywood, foreign films: report | Fox News : North Korean parents will face prison if their children watch South Korean or Hollywood films as the government cracks down on foreign influences.

NI Protocol: Sunak to meet European Commission president - YouTube

NI Protocol: Sunak to meet European Commission president - YouTube : The Prime Minister will meet Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president to solve a "range of complex challenges around the Protocol on Ireland a...

Syria earthquake: 'I told them to cut my leg' - YouTube

Syria earthquake: 'I told them to cut my leg' - YouTube : Reema was trapped following the Syria earthquake and had to face the dilemma of having her leg amputated to be freed.Sky's Special Correspondent Alex Crawfor...

Former in-laws charged with murder after model Abby Choi's legs found in fridge | World News | Sky News

Former in-laws charged with murder after model Abby Choi's legs found in fridge | World News | Sky News : Warning: The following article contains details of a graphic nature.

Israel's social workers threaten to strike over salaries - The Jerusalem Post

Israel's social workers threaten to strike over salaries - The Jerusalem Post : Israel's Union of Social Workers announced on Sunday that, because the Finance Ministry has not kept its commi

Dispatch: Nigerians vote in tight presidential election - YouTube

Dispatch: Nigerians vote in tight presidential election - YouTube : Nigerians headed to the polls on Feb. 25 in the country's most closely contested presidential race in recent history. Read more: Sub...

Nokia changes iconic logo to signal strategy shift | Reuters

Nokia changes iconic logo to signal strategy shift | Reuters : Nokia announced plans on Sunday to change its brand identity for the first time in nearly 60 years, complete with a new logo, as the telecom equipment maker focuses on aggressive growth.

Israel and Palestinians agree to de-escalate tensions and 'prevent more violence' ahead of holy month | World News | Sky News

Israel and Palestinians agree to de-escalate tensions and 'prevent more violence' ahead of holy month | World News | Sky News : In a joint statement, Israel agreed to halt new settlement approvals in the occupied West Bank for four to six months and the representatives agreed to work towards a "just and lasting peace".

Today's selected anniversaries: 26th February 2023

Today's selected anniversaries: 26th February 2023 1815: Napoleon escaped from the Italian island of Elba (depicted), to which he had been exiled after the signing of the Treaty of Fontainebleau. 1917: The Original Dixieland Jass Band recorded "Livery Stable Blues", the first jazz single ever released. 2008:   In the first significant cultural visit from the United States to North Korea since the Korean War, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra performed in East Pyongyang Grand Theatre.

Japanese fire-bellied newt - Wikipedia

Japanese fire-bellied newt - Wikipedia

Fushiya | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Fushiya | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : Learn the English meaning of Fushiya, IFCJ's Hebrew Word of the Day and get the Hebrew translation for this basic color vocabulary word.

God Hears It All | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

God Hears It All | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : God hears all of it — whether your prayer is expressed spontaneously or from words written centuries ago, God hears you.

Daily Disciples - February 26 - Daily Devotional

Daily Disciples - February 26 - Daily Devotional : Read Daily Disciples - February 26 from today's daily devotional. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly devotionals.

Streams in the Desert - February 26 - Daily Devotional

Streams in the Desert - February 26 - Daily Devotional : Read Streams in the Desert - February 26 from today's daily devotional. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly devotionals.

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 26th February 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 26th February 2023 February 26 Matthew 13:13-15 (NIV) 13This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. 14In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: "'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. 15For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.' The disciples couldn't understand why Jesus spoke in parables. The natural man would think that a smooth compelling message would draw more people to the cause. Jesus was after more than numbers. He was seeking to draw people into a kingdom. This required a heart change, not merely a convinced mind. People will follow the intelligent speaker because of his ability to persuad

A Bible Devotional 26th February 2023

A Bible Devotional 26th February 2023 Don't Give Me What I Deserve Do you really want what you deserve? Maybe you should first find out what you really deserve. PSALM 103:8-10 NIV 8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. 9 He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; 10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. Thank God that I don't get what I deserve! People clamoring to get what they deserve are really in the dark. God is the judge and He declares that we have all fallen short -- none of us deserves good. But the wonderful news is that God loves us so much that He is not giving us what we deserve. But it doesn't stop there. It gets better. Believers are actually going to receive what Jesus deserves! Jesus took what we deserved -- punishment. And now, because of His great love, offers us what He deserves -- freely as a gift of love. How can you not respond to Someone like that!

If Only…

If Only…

Daily Christian Quote 26th February 2023

Daily Christian Quote 26th February 2023 Kris Vallotton 26th February 2023 Even very gifted people are not necessarily mature Christians. They may not even have good character. Therefore, it is important for us to recognize that the gifts of the Spirit do not validate our walk with God. They can never serve as the measuring stick for spiritual maturity. Rather, it is the fruit of the Spirit that is developed as a person matures in Christ. The Greek word for gift is charis or charisma, which means favor that one receives without any merit of his or her own. The fruit of the Spirit is the evidence of maturity in our lives. This fruit grows in our lives as we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us—not just through us.

Proverbs 4:11 — Daily Wisdom for Sunday, February 26, 2023

Proverbs 4:11 — Daily Wisdom for Sunday, February 26, 2023 : I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.

'The Anointing' — 1 John 2:20-21 NIV (God's Holy Fire)

'The Anointing' — 1 John 2:20-21 NIV (God's Holy Fire) : Key Thought: Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit, whom he called the Comforter (or Counselor or Advocate, depending on the translation), would come....

Voting continues in Nigerian election a day after polls were meant to close due to disruption | ITV News

Voting continues in Nigerian election a day after polls were meant to close due to disruption | ITV News : From no ink available to cast ballots, to armed men firing shots and stealing a ballot box, the Nigerian election has faced huge disruption. | ITV National News

Morning, February 26th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, February 26th (Spurgeon's Devotional) : Thought: Salvation is the work of God. It is he alone who quickens the soul "dead in trespasses and sins," and it is he also who maintains.... [ More Morning & Evening ]

'The God of Daniel' (Passion for Praise)

'The God of Daniel' (Passion for Praise) : [Tremble with fear before the God of Daniel] For he is the living God, and he will endure forever. His kingdom will never be.... — Daniel 6:26-27

'The Last Days' — Romans 13:11-14 (Praying with Paul)

'The Last Days' — Romans 13:11-14 (Praying with Paul) : Prayer: Dear Father, object of my desires, Everything points to the fact that we live in the last days. Knowing what hour it is, let me wake up... [ Read More ]

Psalm 95:1 — Today's Verse for Sunday, February 26, 2023

Psalm 95:1 — Today's Verse for Sunday, February 26, 2023 : Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. [ Read devo thought and prayer for this Bible verse ]

"Lovingly On Guard" — 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (Together in Christ)

"Lovingly On Guard" — 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (Together in Christ) : Key Thought: Yesterday, we saw Peter emphasize our need to live.....

"Jesus Is Back!" — Acts 4:7-10 (Unstoppable!)

"Jesus Is Back!" — Acts 4:7-10 (Unstoppable!) : Key Thought: Our verses today are so rich in emotion, irony, and truth. Once again, the religious leaders were looking to punish someone for doing.....

"Home Court Disadvantage" — Luke 4:22-24 (What Jesus Did!)

"Home Court Disadvantage" — Luke 4:22-24 (What Jesus Did!) : Key Thought: In sports, teams play all season to have the home-court advantage in the playoffs. Yet the ancient proverb is true in matters...

Appropriating Christ Daily

Appropriating Christ Daily : It is the supreme responsibility of the believer to appropriate that life. Abide in Me, and I in you.

1 John 4:9 CJB - Here is how God showed his love among - Bible Gateway

1 John 4:9 CJB - Here is how God showed his love among - Bible Gateway : Here is how God showed his love among us: God sent his only Son into the world, so that through him we might have life.

Trapped driver rescued from flash flood - YouTube

Trapped driver rescued from flash flood - YouTube : This is the moment a driver has been rescued from a car trapped in floodwaters in California.#California #Weather #Shorts SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel fo...

Ukraine War: Russian spring offensive 'could be decisive' - YouTube

Ukraine War: Russian spring offensive 'could be decisive' - YouTube : Sky's military analyst Sean Bell says that the expected Russian spring offensive in Ukraine "could be decisive" and the supply of Western weapons is "key".Th...

California storm brings flooding and leaves thousands without power - BBC News

California storm brings flooding and leaves thousands without power - BBC News : Mass power outages, flooding and the closures of motorways and beaches are reported in California.

California storm brings flooding and leaves thousands without power - BBC News

California storm brings flooding and leaves thousands without power - BBC News : Mass power outages, flooding and the closures of motorways and beaches are reported in California.

China should be judged by its actions, not words - German defense min. - The Jerusalem Post

China should be judged by its actions, not words - German defense min. - The Jerusalem Post : German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius on Sunday reacted with skepticism to a Chinese ceasefire proposal for

Dozens protest, block highway near Hebron after terror attack - report - The Jerusalem Post

Dozens protest, block highway near Hebron after terror attack - report - The Jerusalem Post : Dozens of settlers staged a protest on Sunday, blocking Highway 60 in the Beit Einun area near Hebron, followi