
This Day's Verse 2nd January 2025

 This Day's Verse 2nd January 2025 And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.” Mark 1:17 The Revised Standard Version

This Day's Thought 2nd January 2025

 This Day's Thought 2nd January 2025 There is many a thing which the world calls disappointment, but there is no such a word in the dictionary of faith. What to others are disappointments are to believers intimations of the way of God. John Newton

Morning — Boker - IFCJ

Morning — Boker - IFCJ

Why Is Hanukkah Eight Nights Long?

Why Is Hanukkah Eight Nights Long?

True Vine Devotional for January 2

 True Vine Devotional for January 2 “And My Father is the Husbandman” - John 15:1 A vine must have a husbandman to plant and watch over it, to receive and rejoice in its fruit. Jesus says: “My Father is the husbandman.” He was “the vine of God’s planting.” All He was and did, He owed to the Father; in all He only sought the Father’s will and glory. He had become man to show us what a creature ought to be to its Creator. He took our place, and the spirit of His life before the Father was ever what He seeks to make ours: “Of him, and through him, and to him are all things.” He became the true Vine, that we might be true branches. Both in regard to Christ and ourselves the words teach us the two lessons of absolute dependence and perfect confidence. My Father is the Husbandman.—Christ ever lived in the spirit of what He once said: “The Son can do nothing of himself.” As dependent as a vine is on a husbandman for the place where it is to grow, for its fencing in and watering and prunin...

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for January 2

 Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for January 2 “I will cause you to walk in My statutes” (Ezekiel 36:27) The highest spiritual condition is one where life is spontaneous and flows without effort, like the deep floods of Ezekiel’s river, where the struggles of the swimmer ceased, and he was borne by the current’s resistless force. So God leads us into spiritual conditions and habits which become the spontaneous impulses of our being, and we live and move in the fulness of the divine life. But these spiritual habits are not the outcome of some transitory impulse, but are often slowly acquired and established. They begin, like every true habit, in a definite act of will, and they are confirmed by the repetition of that act until it becomes a habit. The first stages always involve effort and choice. We have to take a stand and hold it steadily, and after we have done so a certain time, it becomes second nature, and carries us by its own force. The Holy Spirit is willing to form such...

Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 2

 Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 2 Morning “Praise ye the Lord.” Genesis 1:14-23 There was light before the appearance of sun or moon; but God made these the bearers thereof, that they might declare his glory. He could have done without them, but he did not please so to do. He could enlighten men’s minds without his ministers or his church; but, if he chooses to use them as lights in the world, let us be thankful for them, and pray for them. Genesis 1:16 Thus a chaos of light was reduced to order. Order is a law of God. Families are unhappy without it. Genesis 1:17-18 The delightful alternation of the day so suitable for labour, and the night so proper for rest, is certainly “good” for us in many ways, and we ought to adore the goodness of God therein. Genesis 1:19-20 Thus the Lord’s work of creation advanced to higher stages each day, and we shall find it so in grace; he will yet reveal choicer mercies to us. Genesis 1:23 The inconceivab...