
Streams in the Desert Devotional for November 27

 Streams in the Desert Devotional for November 27 "For with God nothing shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37). Far up in the Alpine hollows, year by year God works one of His marvels. The snow-patches lie there, frozen with ice at their edge from the strife of sunny days and frosty nights; and through that ice-crust come, unscathed, flowers that bloom. Back in the days of the by-gone summer, the little soldanelle plant spread its leaves wide and flat on the ground, to drink in the sun-rays, and it kept them stored in the root through the winter. Then spring came, and stirred the pulses even below the snow-shroud, and as it sprouted, warmth was given out in such strange measure that it thawed a little dome in the snow above its head. Higher and higher it grew and always above it rose the bell of air, till the flower-bud formed safely within it: and at last the icy covering of the air-bell gave way and let the blossom through into the sunshine, the crystalline texture of its mauve p...

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for November 27

 Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for November 27 Tozer in the Morning Memorization Priority Certain cultures have stressed memorization to a point where education consists largely in learning by rote a few of the classics. . . . About this two things may be said: One, that great skill in memorizing is found almost exclusively among peoples where books are scarce and where a certain limited few important classics are about all the reading matter required for an education as understood by those peoples. In the English-speaking world of today we have available not only everything that has ever been written in our mother tongue, but everything that has ever been written in any language, done for us in English translation. In the face of such a mountain of books, memorizing on any wide scale will be seen to be altogether impossible. The second thing is that excessive memorization kills the impulse to think independent thoughts and makes us into tape recording machines ful...

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for November 27

 Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for November 27 “And the remnant of the oil ... shall pour upon the head” (Leviticus 14:18) In the account of the healing of the Hebrew leper there is a beautiful picture of the touching of his ears, hands and feet, with the redeeming blood and the consecrating oil, as a sign that his powers of understanding, service, and conduct were set apart to God, and divinely endued for the Master’s work and will. But after all this, we are significantly told that “the rest of the oil” was to be poured upon his head. The former anointing was from the oil in the hand of the priest, but the latter was to be from the log, or vessel of oil itself. It was to be literally emptied over him, until he was bathed with all its contents. It is a figure of the large and boundless baptism of the Holy Ghost. It speaks of something more even than the ordinary experiences of the consecrated Christian. It tells of the abundant and redundant supply which God has for us out of...

Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for November 27

 Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for November 27 Morning “Bear ye one another’s burdens.” Galatians 6 Galatians 6:1 Because men travel so slowly, sin overtakes them, overthrows them, and breaks their bones; believers who are in a better case must lovingly endeavour to heal their brethren, saying to themselves, “They fell yesterday, and we shall fall to-day unless the Lord shall hold us up.” Galatians 6:3-5 We have each one his own load of responsibility to bear, and therefore we do well to remember our own faults and sympathise with the infirmities of others. When tempted to condemn others, let us look at home. Galatians 6:6 The preacher who zealously labours for our good in spirituals well deserves to partake of our temporals. Galatians 6:7-9 The rule of reaping what we sow is not changed under the gospel, but obtains an importance greater than before, for now we sow better seed, and through grace reap a richer harvest. At the same time, those who a...

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for November 27

 Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for November 27 “Rest in All Thy Goings ” - Exodus 33:14 Precious promise! LORD, enable me to appropriate it as all my own. We must go at certain times from our abode, for here we have no continuing city. It often happens that when we feel most at home in a place, we are suddenly called away from it. Here is the antidote for this ill. The LORD Himself will keep us company. His presence, which includes His favor, His fellowship, His care, and His power, shall be ever with us in every one of our marchings. This means far more than it says; for, in fact, it means all things. If we have God present with us, we have possession of heaven and earth. Go with me, LORD, and then command me where Thou wilt! But we hope to find a place of rest. The text promises it. We are to have rest of God’s own giving, making, and preserving. His presence will cause us to rest even when we are on the march, yea, even in the midst of battle. R...

Give Thanks for Your Gifts | 1 Corinthians 1:4 - Daily Devotions From Greg Laurie -

Give Thanks for Your Gifts | 1 Corinthians 1:4 - Daily Devotions From Greg Laurie -

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 27th November 2024

 Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 27th November 2024 11/27 Matthew 11:27 27 All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Jesus expressed His uniqueness in this verse. Coming from anyone else it would sound like the ravings of an ego maniac. But when you see the person who made such a claim healing every disease brought to Him, speaking such marvelous expressions, and commanding the elements of nature, you have to listen and consider that it is true. God the Father has handed over to Jesus all things! The next claim is just as staggering. "No one knows the Son except the Father'" We could all say that no one knows us like God does, but Jesus is saying more than that. He is declaring that the only One that truly knows Him is God. He has been with God throughout eternity (John 1:1-2). The immeasurable riches of the Son's nature a...