
Today's Daily Encounter Thursday, November 23, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Thursday, November 23, 2023 That Is His Way "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."1 One morning, an old man went into the market. He was dressed plainly and on his arm he carried a small basket. "I wish to get a fowl for tomorrow's dinner," he said. The market man showed him a fat turkey, plump and white and ready for roasting. "Ah! that's just what I want," said the old man. "My wife will be delighted with it." He paid for it and the market man wrapped it and put it in the basket. Just then a young man stepped up. "I will take one of those turkeys," he said. He was dressed in fine style. "Here's your money," said the young gentleman; "send it to my house at once." "I cannot do that," said th

This Day's Verse 23rd November 2023

This Day's Verse 23rd November 2023 “The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!” Psalm 50:23 The English Standard Version

Unity — Archdut | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Unity — Archdut | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

God’s Everyday Miracles | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

God’s Everyday Miracles | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: November 23rd

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: November 23rd “Acquiring Perseverance ” - Deuteronomy 7:22 We are not to expect to win victories for the LORD Jesus by a single blow. Evil principles and practices die hard. In some places it takes years of labor to drive out even one of the many vices which defile the inhabitants. We must carry on the war with all our might, even when favored with little manifest success. Our business in this world is to conquer it for Jesus. We are not to make compromises but to exterminate evils. We are not to seek popularity but to wage unceasing war with iniquity. Infidelity, popery, drink, impurity, oppression, worldliness, error; these are all to be "put out." The LORD our God can alone accomplish this. He works by His faithful servants, and blessed be His name. He promises that He will so work. "Jehovah thy God will put out those nations before thee." This He will do by degrees that we may learn perseveranc

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: November 23rd

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: November 23rd “It is high time to awake out of sleep” (Romans 13:11) One of the greatest enemies to faith is indolence. It is much easier to lie and suffer than to rise and overcome; much easier to go to sleep on a snow bank and never wake again, than to rouse one’s self and shake off the lethargy and overcome the stupor. Faith is an energetic art; prayer is intense labor; the effectual working prayer of the righteous man availeth much. Satan tries to put us to sleep, as he did the disciples in the garden; but let us not sleep as do others, but let us wake and be sober, continuing in prayer and watching therein with all perseverance, stirring up ourselves to take hold of His strength, “not slothful, but followers of them, who, through patience, inherit the promise.” It is the wind that carries the ship across the waves; but the wind is powerless unless the hand of the boatman is held firmly upon the rudder, and that rudder is set hard against the win

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional: November 23rd

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional: November 23rd Tozer in the Morning PROBLEMS AND PRESSURES Jesus did not promise any of us that consistent Christian living would be easy! He did not promise a release from daily problems and pressures. He did not promise to take us to our heavenly home on a fluffy pink cloud! We live our lives in the knowledge of the grace of God, but we dare not forget that our Lord came to die for us and to express the never-changing moral and redemptive will of God for His people. Before we condemn the Jews of Bible history for their failures, we must be sure that we are not overlooking spiritual and moral shortcomings of our own! As Christian believers, you and I must be careful about the reasons we give for not heeding God's Word and God's warning from heaven. Have we taken His grace seriously enough that we have sought forgiveness for spiritual carelessness, indifference and apathy? Tozer in the Evening The Need for Power from On High Christ