
Showing posts from January, 2025

Worthy Brief - January 31, 2025

 Worthy Brief - January 31, 2025 Pray for the harvest in Israel! Matthew 9:36-38 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. 38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." I’d like to preface this devotion by offering a few disclaimers: 1. One thing I’ve always stood firmly on, as founder and director of Worthy News, is that we will not report on ministry scandals until investigations have been fully released and the facts are established. 2. I refuse to participate in tearing down a fellow believer— because the enemy does enough damage without me in the mix. 3. I recognize that this devotion is abnormally long and may stir up some emotions, but please bear with me— it’s very important to grasp the full scale of what’s happening so that you can pray with ...

Today's Daily Encounter Friday, January 31, 2025

 Today's Daily Encounter Friday, January 31, 2025 Obedience Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.1   Obedience is a curious thing. We expect it from our children and it is essential for success in organizations such as the military. Although, in reality, no one likes to submit their will to another person. After all, people can fail us. However, God never fails us, and obeying Him is always the wisest thing to do.  Learning to obey involves:  Trust. Obedience comes from a foundation of faith, while most disobedience comes from a lack of it. That means we will believe that God is who He says He is, and we will accept His plans, His methods, and His timing. We show our love to the Heavenly Father by living this way (John 14:15). Remember: God delights in blessing those who obey His will.  Wait. When we don't know what to do, we often try to trust our own ...

This Day's Verse 31st January 2025

 This Day's Verse 31st January 2025 For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 The New Living Translation

This Day's Thought 31st January 2025

 This Day's Thought 31st January 2025 The Christian teacher should pray before preaching—He will succeed more by piety in prayer than by gifts of oratory.

Continual — Nimshach - IFCJ

Continual — Nimshach - IFCJ

Guard Your Mouth and Tongue - Holy Land Moments Devotional

Guard Your Mouth and Tongue - Holy Land Moments Devotional

Streams in the Desert Devotional for January 31

 Streams in the Desert Devotional for January 31 "He giveth quietness." (Job 34:29). Quietness amid the dash of the storm. We sail the lake with Him still; and as we reach its middle waters, far from land, under midnight skies, suddenly a great storm sweeps down. Earth and hell seem arrayed against us, and each billow threatens to overwhelm. Then He arises from His sleep, and rebukes the winds and the waves; His hand waves benediction and repose over the rage of the tempestuous elements. His voice is heard above the scream of the wind in the cordage and the conflict of the billows, "Peace, be still!" Can you not hear it? And there is instantly a great calm. "He giveth quietness." Quietness amid the loss of inward consolations. He sometimes withdraws these, because we make too much of them. We are tempted to look at our joy, our ecstasies, our transports, or our visions, with too great complacency. Then love for love’s sake, withdraws them. But, by His grac...

True Vine Devotional for January 31

 True Vine Devotional for January 31 “ I Appointed You That Ye Should Go and Bear Fruit, and That Your Fruit Should Abide: That Whatsoever Ye Shall Ask of the Father in My Name, He May Give It You ” - John 15:16 In the first verse of our parable, Christ revealed Himself as the true Vine, and the Father as the Husbandman, and asked for Himself and the Father a place in the heart. Here, in the closing verse, He sums up all His teaching concerning Himself and the Father in the twofold purpose for which He had chosen them. With reference to Himself, the Vine, the purpose was, that they should bear fruit. With reference to the Father, it was, that whatsoever they should ask in His name, should be done of the Father in Heaven. As fruit is the great proof of the true relation to Christ, so prayer is of our relation to the Father. A fruitful abiding in the Son, and prevailing prayer to the Father, are the two great factors in the true Christian life. That whatsoever ye shall ask of the Fat...

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for January 31

 Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for January 31 Tozer in the Morning Church Essentials The Church as announced by Christ, seen in the book of Acts and explained by Paul is a thing of great simplicity and rare beauty. The church as we see it today is unsymmetrical, highly complex and anything but beautiful. Indeed I think that if some angel of God were made familiar with the church as it appears in the New Testament and then sent to the earth to try to locate it, it would be extremely doubtful whether the heavenly messenger would recognize anything now existing in the field of religion as the church he was looking for. So far have we departed from the pattern shown us in the mount. The church as the New Testament pictures it is any company of regenerate believers met in the name of Jesus Christ. Such a company is called out from the world and gathered to Christ as a flock of sheep is gathered to the shepherd. The members of this company constitute a despised minority ...

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for January 31

 Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for January 31 “Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30) More and more we are coming to see the supreme importance of getting the right conception of sanctification, not as a blessing, but as a personal union with the personal Saviour and the indwelling Holy Spirit. Thousands of people get stranded after they have embarked on the great voyage of holiness. They find themselves failing and falling, and are astonished and perplexed, and they conclude that they must have been mistaken in their experience, and so they make a new attempt at the same thing and again fall, until at last, worn out with the experiment, they conclude that the experience is a delusion, or, at least, that it was never intended for them, and so they fall back into the old way, and their last state is worse than their first. What people need to-day to satisfy their deep hunger and to give them a permanen...

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for January 31

 Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for January 31 “God Always Hears ” - Micah 7:7 Friends may be unfaithful, but the LORD will not turn away from the gracious soul; on the contrary, He will hear all its desires. The prophet says, "Keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. A man’s enemies are the men of his own house." This is a wretched state of affairs; but even in such a case the Best Friend remains true, and we may tell Him all our grief. Our wisdom is to look unto the LORD and not to quarrel with men or women. If our loving appeals are disregarded by our relatives, let us wait upon the God of our salvation, for He will hear us- He will hear us all the more because of the unkindness and oppression of others, and we shall soon have reason to cry, "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy!" Because God is the living God, He can hear; because He is a loving God, He will hear; because He is our covenant God, He has bo...

Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 31

 Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 31 Morning “The Lord bless thee and keep thee.” Genesis 49:1-15 Genesis 49:2 Jacob was about to speak by inspiration. The blessing of a parent whose tongue is taught of God is priceless beyond conception. Genesis 49:3-4 Though he was the firstborn Reuben missed the. birthright, because he was light and loose. Whatever good points may be in a man, if he be not sober, steady, and substantial, he will come to nothing. To be unstable as the waves of the sea is one of the worst of faults and mars the whole character. Genesis 49:5-7 A great wrong was here disavowed by Jacob. He could not prevent it, for his sons acted hastily in selfwill, and he knew nothing of their murderous deed till it was over, but he takes care to bear his witness against it in the most solemn manner. The follies of youth will come home to men in their riper years. It is a great mercy when from our childhood, we walk uprightly. Genesis 49:...

Feed My Sheep | John 21:24 - Daily Devotions From Greg Laurie -

Feed My Sheep | John 21:24 - Daily Devotions From Greg Laurie -

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 31st January 2025

 Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 31st January 2025 1/31 Mark 8:2 2 "I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat." Jesus had been in Gentile areas, perhaps to avoid the large Jewish crowds. While He was near Tyre, we only read of one woman's daughter being healed. Jesus needed time to teach His disciples, as He was in the last year of His ministry. He returned to Galilee via the Decapolis region. The area was mostly inhabited by Greeks. Apparently, the man from whom the legion of demons had been cast out had done a good job sharing what Jesus had done for him (Mark 5:19). The crowd that gathered around Jesus numbered four thousand. Jesus had performed healings and taught for three days. He told the disciples that many of those people had come from far away, and He was concerned that they needed the strength from food to be able to return to their homes. Jesus shows us the compassionate heart of God, who is concerned...

Meditate On The Word | Patreon

Meditate On The Word | Patreon

'Satan Wants Us to Use Only Human Wisdom' — Matthew 16:23 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Satan Wants Us to Use Only Human Wisdom' — Matthew 16:23 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

"The Counsel of a Friend" — Proverbs 27:9 (Together in Christ)

"The Counsel of a Friend" — Proverbs 27:9 (Together in Christ)

Psalm 84:11 — Today's Verse for Friday, January 31, 2025

Psalm 84:11 — Today's Verse for Friday, January 31, 2025

'Wait for the Promise' — Luke 24:48-49 MESSAGE (God's Holy Fire)

'Wait for the Promise' — Luke 24:48-49 MESSAGE (God's Holy Fire)

'Christ Living in Me' — Romans 8:9-15 (Praying with Paul)

'Christ Living in Me' — Romans 8:9-15 (Praying with Paul)

Proverbs 4:25-26 — Daily Wisdom for Friday, January 31, 2025

Proverbs 4:25-26 — Daily Wisdom for Friday, January 31, 2025

"The Dawning Light" — Matthew 4:14-16 (What Jesus Did!)

"The Dawning Light" — Matthew 4:14-16 (What Jesus Did!)

Quotemeal for Friday, January 31, 2025

Quotemeal for Friday, January 31, 2025

'He Never Grows Weak or Weary' (Passion for Praise)

'He Never Grows Weak or Weary' (Passion for Praise)

Today's Scripture | Patreon

Today's Scripture | Patreon

Quote Of The Day | Patreon

Quote Of The Day | Patreon

God's Word Will Make You Free

God's Word Will Make You Free

Joyful Jesus (1)

Joyful Jesus (1)

Our Absolute and Progressive Sanctification

Psalm 86:5 Complete Jewish Bible

 Psalm 86:5 Complete Jewish Bible 5 Adonai, you are kind and forgiving, full of grace toward all who call on you.

Pakistan Christians Fear Mob Violence After Arrest Mentally Challenged Believer

Pakistan Christians Fear Mob Violence After Arrest Mentally Challenged Believer

Nicaragua: Evangelicals Increasingly Targeted By Ortega Regime

Nicaragua: Evangelicals Increasingly Targeted By Ortega Regime

IDF fighters shot and hit two terrorists who threw Molotov cocktails at - The Jerusalem Post

IDF fighters shot and hit two terrorists who threw Molotov cocktails at - The Jerusalem Post

Nigerian Church Leader Killed During Worship Service  - International Christian Concern

Nigerian Church Leader Killed During Worship Service  - International Christian Concern

Christians Call for Unity, Support Amid Growing Tensions with Fulani Extremists - International Christian Concern

Christians Call for Unity, Support Amid Growing Tensions with Fulani Extremists - International Christian Concern

Mozambique: Christians Targeted By Islamic Terrorists Amid Political Unrest

Mozambique: Christians Targeted By Islamic Terrorists Amid Political Unrest

Hamas confirms death of military chief Mohammed Deif - BBC News

Hamas confirms death of military chief Mohammed Deif - BBC News

Mexico asks Google Maps not to rename Gulf of Mexico - BBC News

Mexico asks Google Maps not to rename Gulf of Mexico - BBC News

Israel War Crisis Response - IFCJ

Israel War Crisis Response - IFCJ

Worthy Brief - January 30, 2025

 Worthy Brief - January 30, 2025 Relax! Matthew 8:26-27 But He said to them, "Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?" Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. So the men marveled, saying, "Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?" Imagine being one of the disciples in that boat, waves crashing all around, the boat rocking wildly. They were terrified, thinking this might be the end. But there was  Yeshua (Jesus), asleep in the same boat! He was with them the whole time, waiting for them to trust Him. Isn't that just like our lives sometimes? We're in the thick of it, storms raging, calling out, "Lord, do you not see what's happening to me?!" But yes, He sees! The same Yeshua who calmed the sea back then is with us today. He knows what we're going through, and at His command, our fiercest storms can turn into peace so profound it leaves us in awe. So let’s find our peace, our "sh...

Today's Daily Encounter Thursday, January 30, 2025

 Today's Daily Encounter Thursday, January 30, 2025 Simple Acts of Kindness Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty.1 While walking home from school, Mark noticed the boy ahead of him had stumbled to the ground and dropped everything he was carrying. Mark hurried to the boy’s side and helped him collect his belongings. Surprisingly, the boy was carrying an especially hefty load. There was a baseball glove and bat, a couple of sweaters, a small tape recorder, and an armful of books. Mark helped him carry the things home and his new friend, Bill, was most appreciative of his compassion. During the walk home, Mark discovered Bill was struggling in school and had just broken up with his girlfriend. When they arrived at Bill’s house, he invited Mark in for a Coke and they spent the rest of the afternoon talking, laughing, and watching TV. Although the two boys never became real close friends, they kept up with each other throughout the rest of j...

This Day's Verse 30th January 2025

 This Day's Verse 30th January 2025 I thought it good to declare the signs and wonders that the Most High God has worked for me. How great are His signs, And how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And His dominion is from generation to generation. Daniel 4:2-3 The New King James Version

This Day's Thought 30th January 2025

 This Day's Thought 30th January 2025 You can’t pump up faith out of your own heart. Whenever faith is starved in your soul, it is because you are not in contact with Jesus; get in contact with him, and lack of faith will go in two seconds. Oswald Chambers

Future — Ateed - IFCJ

Future — Ateed - IFCJ

People with Hardened Hearts - Holy Land Moments Devotional

People with Hardened Hearts - Holy Land Moments Devotional

What Is True Kindness? - IFCJ

What Is True Kindness? - IFCJ

True Vine Devotional for January 30

 True Vine Devotional for January 30 “ I Chose You, and Appointed You, That Ye Should Go and Bear Fruit, and That Your Fruit Should Abide ” - John 15:16 There are some fruits that will not keep. One sort of pears or apples must be used at once; another sort can be kept over till next year. So there is in Christian work some fruit that does not last. There may be much that pleases and edified, and yet there is no permanent impression made on the power of the world or the state of the Church. On the other hand, there is work that leaves its mark for generations or for eternity. In it the power of God makes itself lastingly felt. It is the fruit of which Paul speaks when he describes the two styles of ministry: “My preaching was not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstrations of the Spirit and of power; that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” The more of man with his wisdom and power, the less of stability; the more of God’s Spirit, th...

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for January 30

 Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for January 30 Tozer in the Morning Helping or Hindering New Believers The happiest man in the world," said a well-known preacher some time ago, "is the new convert before he has met too many Bible teachers and seen too many church members." . . . The first half of our opening quotation, then, is so true as to need no verification. "The happiest man in the world is a new convert." But it is the last half that disturbs me. Why should a Bible teacher or a church member tend to destroy the joy of the new convert? Well, to be just to everyone I must assert positively that not all Bible teachers and church members would have such an adverse effect. I know Bible teachers who would delight in piling more fuel on the blazing altar of the young Christian's heart, and I know church members whose influence and example would be a source of great strength to his whole life. But I also know many of the other kind, the kind ...

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for January 30

 Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for January 30 “A Heavenly Escort ” - Genesis 28:15 Do we need journeying mercies? Here are choice ones -- God’s presence and preservation, In all places we need both of these, and in all places we shall have them if we go at the call of duty, and not merely according to our own fancy. Why should we look upon removal to another country as a sorrowful necessity when it is laid upon us by the divine will? In all lands the believer is equally a pilgrim and a stranger; and yet in every region the LORD is His dwelling place, even as He has been to His saints in all generations. We may miss the protection of an earthly monarch, but when God says, "I will keep thee," we are in no real danger. This is a blessed passport for a traveler and a heavenly escort for an emigrant. Jacob had never left his father’s room before; he had been a mother’s boy and not an adventurer tike his brother. Yet he went abroad, and God wen...

Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 30

 Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 30 Morning “O give thanks unto the Lord.” Psalms 105 The Psalmist commemorates the providential care of the Lord towards the chosen family in the delightful verses of Psalms 105:1 Thankfulness should sweeten our spirit, worship should be our delight, and to make known the goodness of the Lord our constant employment. Psalms 105:2 Both singing and talking ought to be consecrated to the Lord’s honour, though, alas! they are too often desecrated to the most unworthy purposes. Psalms 105:3 We are very prone to glory in something; wise are they who glory only in the Lord. Psalms 105:4 Even when we have found him and know his love, let us press onward and seek him more and more. Psalms 105:5 , Psalms 105:6 Those who receive special favours should consider themselves under peculiar obligations to glorify God by publishing abroad his goodness and power. Psalms 105:8 Glory be to God, he has never ceased to be faith...

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for January 30

 Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for January 30 “Cast down but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:9) How did God bring about the miracle of the Red Sea? By shutting His people in on every side, so that there was no way out but the divine way. The Egyptians were behind them, the sea was in front of them, the mountains were on every side of them. There was no escape but from above. Some one has said that the devil can wall us in, but he cannot roof us over. We can always get out at the top. Our difficulties are but God’s challenges, and He makes them so hard, often, that we must go under or get above them. In such an hour, if there is a divine element, it brings out the highest possibilities of faith and we are pushed by the very emergency into God’s best. Beloved, this is God’s hour. If you will rise to meet it you will get such a hold upon Him that you will never be in extremities again, or if you are, you will learn to call them not extremities, but opportunities, and like Jacob, ...

Streams in the Desert Devotional for January 30

 Streams in the Desert Devotional for January 30 "I will be as the dew unto Israel" (Hosea 14:5). The dew is a source of freshness. It is nature’s provision for renewing the face of the earth. It falls at night, and without it the vegetation would die. It is this great value of the dew which is so often recognized in the Scriptures. It is used as the symbol of spiritual refreshing. Just as nature is bathed in dew, so the Lord renews His people. In Titus 3:5 the same thought of spiritual refreshing is connected with the ministry of the Holy Ghost-- "renewing of the Holy Ghost." Many Christian workers do not recognize the importance of the heavenly dew in their lives, and as a result they lack freshness and vigor. Their spirits are drooping for lack of dew. Beloved fellow-worker, you recognize the folly of a laboring man attempting to do his day’s work without eating. Do you recognize the folly of a servant of God attempting to minister without eating of the heavenly ...

He Is Risen | John 20:29 - Daily Devotions From Greg Laurie -

He Is Risen | John 20:29 - Daily Devotions From Greg Laurie -

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 30th January 2025

 Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 30th January 2025 1/30 Mark 7:15 15 "There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him." The Jews believed that evil could enter into a person through the mouth. They were fearful of eating off a plate or drinking from a vessel that had been touched by a Gentile. Dishes purchased from a foreigner would be carefully washed, or if possible, taken through a fire. They ritually washed their hands before eating. They also believed non-kosher foods would make a person unclean. While these are good dietary and hygienic practices, evil has another origin. Jesus explained that sin comes from within one's own heart. It was against the laws of Moses to eat non-kosher food (Leviticus 11), but eating it in spite of God's command is not the issue, for following God's Law begins in the heart. Those food laws were for the health of the nation, but for a Jew to eat ...

"Transforming Our Talk to Bless Unbelievers" — Colossians 4:5-6 (Together in Christ)

"Transforming Our Talk to Bless Unbelievers" — Colossians 4:5-6 (Together in Christ)

'Greed for Things Is Idolatry in God’s Sight' — Colossians 3:5b NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Greed for Things Is Idolatry in God’s Sight' — Colossians 3:5b NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

Proverbs 19:21 — Today's Verse for Thursday, January 30, 2025

Proverbs 19:21 — Today's Verse for Thursday, January 30, 2025

'Walking in the Spirit' — Romans 8:1-8 (Praying with Paul)

'Walking in the Spirit' — Romans 8:1-8 (Praying with Paul)

Proverbs 15:15 — Daily Wisdom for Thursday, January 30, 2025

Proverbs 15:15 — Daily Wisdom for Thursday, January 30, 2025

"Starting Signals" — Matthew 4:12-13 (What Jesus Did!)

"Starting Signals" — Matthew 4:12-13 (What Jesus Did!)

'Blaspheming the Holy Spirit' — Mark 3:28-30 NIV (God's Holy Fire)

'Blaspheming the Holy Spirit' — Mark 3:28-30 NIV (God's Holy Fire)

'The Heaven's Proclaim God's Glory' (Passion for Praise)

'The Heaven's Proclaim God's Glory' (Passion for Praise)

Quote Of The Day | Patreon

Quote Of The Day | Patreon

Today's Scripture | Patreon

Today's Scripture | Patreon

Cast Your Cares

Cast Your Cares

A Chosen People

A Chosen People

Living the Christian Life

Living the Christian Life

Ephesians 4:2 Complete Jewish Bible

 Ephesians 4:2 Complete Jewish Bible 2 Always be humble, gentle and patient, bearing with one another in love,

Sisi: Palestinian state is only path to regional stability - The Jerusalem Post

Sisi: Palestinian state is only path to regional stability - The Jerusalem Post

Significant Shift: American Protestant Churches Increasingly Identify As Non-Denominational Evangelicals

Significant Shift: American Protestant Churches Increasingly Identify As Non-Denominational Evangelicals

Christian Prayer App ‘Hallow’ Banned in Europe  - International Christian Concern

Christian Prayer App ‘Hallow’ Banned in Europe  - International Christian Concern

Pastor Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Distributing Christian Materials - International Christian Concern

Pastor Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Distributing Christian Materials - International Christian Concern

Worthy Brief - January 29, 2025

 Worthy Brief - January 29, 2025 Take your enemy by surprise! Matthew 5:39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. People read this verse, and think God is telling them to be passive -- to overlook what happened. That is not a bad thing -- but it isn't exactly what Yeshua (Jesus) was saying. Turning the other cheek is noat about being passive. It's about being active! So active that it actually confounds your enemy! Turning the other cheek is about taking an action so revolutionary, so shocking, so out of the ordinary that it shocks everyone around. It confounds the world -- and can also change it! Do you truly want to overcome evil? So stop sulking about it, stop dwelling on it and stop doing nothing about it! Take a most unexpected action of surprising love -- because that is what Yeshua did for us.....and it changed our lives, didn't it? Has someone hurt you or sinned against you? Those t...

Today's Daily Encounter Wednesday, January 29, 2025

 Today's Daily Encounter Wednesday, January 29, 2025  Who is in Your Corner? Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.1 As a child, I remember watching boxing matches on Saturday nights with my dad. The excitement would rise as we heard the announcer say with a booming voice, “In this corner, weighing 230 pounds, the heavyweight champion of the world…” then he would give a name spiced up with descriptive adjectives. He would then go on to announce the opponent in the same manner. We would watch as the coach would give the boxer his final words of advice and encouragement and then send him into battle. Round after round the boxers would return to their corners where their coaches were waiting with a stool, water, ice, and towels to care for them. The coaches’ words helped keep the boxer focused on the plan, and the ultimate goal of winni...

This Day's Verse 29th January 2025

 This Day's Verse 29th January 2025 The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall exult in the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 29:19 The Revised Standard Version

This Day's Thought 29th January 2025

 This Day's Thought 29th January 2025 Christ looks not to the work of praying but to the heart of the prayer. Hugh Latimer

Daily — Yo’mi - IFCJ

Daily — Yo’mi - IFCJ

Gratitude to Everyone and Everything - Holy Land Moments Devotional

Gratitude to Everyone and Everything - Holy Land Moments Devotional

Israel War Crisis Response - IFCJ

Israel War Crisis Response - IFCJ

True Vine Devotional for January 29

 True Vine Devotional for January 29 “ Ye Did Not Choose Me, But I Chose You, and Appointed You That Ye Should Go and Bear Fruit ” - John 15:16 The branch does not choose the vine, or decide on which vine it will grow. The vine brings forth the branch, as and where it will. Even so Christ says: “Ye did not choose me, but I chose you.” But some will say is not just this the difference between the branch in the natural and in the spiritual world, that man has a will and a power of choosing, and that it is in virtue of his having decided to accept Christ, his having chosen Him as Lord, that he is now a branch? This is undoubtedly true. And yet it is only half a truth. The lesson of the Vine, and the teaching of our Lord, points to the other half, the deeper, the divine side of our being in Christ. If He had not chosen us, we had never chosen Him. Our choosing Him was the result of His choosing us, and taking hold of us. In the very nature of things, it is His prerogative as Vine to ch...

Streams in the Desert Devotional for January 29

 Streams in the Desert Devotional for January 29 "God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early" (Psalms 46:2-3; Psalms 46:5) "Shall not be moved"-- what an inspiring declaration! Can it be possible that we, who are so easily moved by the things of earth, can arrive at a place where nothing can upset us or disturb our calm? Yes, it is possible; and the Apostle Paul knew it. When he was on his way to Jerusalem where he foresaw that "bonds and afflictions" awaited him, he could say triumphantly, "But none of these things move me." Everything in Paul’s life and experience that could be shaken had been shaken, and he no longer counted his life, or any of life’s possessions, dear to him. And we, if we will but let God have His way with us, may come to the same place, so that neither the fret and tear of little things of life, nor the great and heavy trials, can have power to move us from the peace that pa...

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for January 29

 Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for January 29 Tozer in the Morning Standing for Truth We have developed in recent times a peace-loving, soft-spoken, tame and harmless brand of Christian of whom the world has no fear and for whom it has little respect. We are careful, for instance, never to speak in public against any of the false cults lest we be thought intolerant. We fear to talk against the destructive sins of modern civilization for fear someone will brand us as bigoted and narrow. Little by little we have been forced off the hard earth into a religious cloud-land where we are permitted to wing our harmless way around, like swallows at sundown, saying nothing that might stir the ire of the sons of this world. That Neo-Christianity, which seems for the time to be the most popular (and is certainly the most aggressive), is very careful not to oppose sin. It wins its crowds by amusing them and its converts by hiding from them the full implications of the Christian...

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for January 29

 Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for January 29 “Obedience Brings Blessing ” - Deuteronomy 12:28 Though salvation is not by the works of the law, yet the blessings which are promised to obedience are not denied to the faithful servants of God. The curses our LORD took away when He was made a curse for us, but no clause of blessing has been abrogated. We are to note and listen to the revealed will of the LORD, giving our attention not to portions of it but to "all these words." There must be no picking and choosing but an impartial respect to all that God has commanded. This is the road of blessedness for the Father and for His children. The LORD’s blessing is upon His chosen to the third and fourth generation. If they walk uprightly before Him, He will make all men know that they are a seed which the LORD has blessed. No blessing can come to us or ours through dishonesty or double dealing. The ways of worldly conformity and unholiness canno...

Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 29

 Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for January 29 Morning “The Lord will provide.” Genesis 45:16-28 Joseph’s meeting with his family could not be long concealed; the happy fact oozed out, and the news was carried to the King himself Genesis 45:16 They were glad because so great a benefactor of their nation was made happy. Genesis 45:17-19 take you wagons or chariots Genesis 45:20 Pharaoh thus delicately and with lordly generosity, spared Joseph any scruples about inviting his kinsmen to dwell in the land; they were to come into the country as the king’s own guests. Observe how he bids them leave all their “stuff” behind, as if he meant to give them so much that would be better that they need not bring their tents or their furniture with them. Certainly, when we come to Jesus, and receive his treasures of grace, all earthly things become mere “stuff” to us. Genesis 45:22 How Joseph’s goodness contrasted with their former cruelty. “They sent him naked to...

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for January 29

 Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional for January 29 “Send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared” (Nehemiah 8:10) That was a fine picture in the days of Nehemiah, when they were celebrating their glorious Feast of Tabernacles. “Neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions to them for whom nothing is prepared.” How many there are on every side for whom nothing is prepared! Let us find out some sad and needy heart for whom there is no one else to think or care. Let us pray for some one that has none to pray for him. Let us be like Him who, one Christmas Day, gave His life and His all, and came to those who would not appreciate His holy gift, but rejected His blessed Babe, and murdered His only Son. Let us not be afraid to know something even of the love that is unrequited and is thrown away on the unworthy. That is the love of Christ, and God has for such love a rich recompense. How Christ must...

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 29th January 2025

 Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 29th January 2025 1/29 Mark 6:37 37 But he answered them, "You give them something to eat." And they said to him, "Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give it to them to eat?" Jesus had tried to get away from the crowds to get some rest, but they could see where Jesus' boat was going and followed from along the shoreline. There were five thousand men plus women and children. Jesus taught them all day. As evening approached, the disciples suggested that Jesus send the crowd away so that they could get something to eat. Jesus responded, "You give them something to eat." Jesus had shortly before sent the disciples out in twos as a part of their training. Now He is telling them to consider what they should do in a case like this. Their solution is probably the same one that you or I would have come up with: Send a team and a cart to go buy a whole bunch of bread and haul it back. We look to ourselves ...

'Avoid Sexual Immorality and All Impurity' — Colossians 3:5a NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Avoid Sexual Immorality and All Impurity' — Colossians 3:5a NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

"Praying to Empower Our Evangelists and Missionaries" — Colossians 4:2-4 (Together in Christ)

"Praying to Empower Our Evangelists and Missionaries" — Colossians 4:2-4 (Together in Christ)

Psalm 22:5 — Today's Verse for Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Psalm 22:5 — Today's Verse for Wednesday, January 29, 2025

'Resisting the Holy Spirit?' — Acts 7:51-53 NLT (God's Holy Fire)

'Resisting the Holy Spirit?' — Acts 7:51-53 NLT (God's Holy Fire)

'A Sufficient Answer' — Romans 7:21-8:1 (Praying with Paul)

'A Sufficient Answer' — Romans 7:21-8:1 (Praying with Paul)

Proverbs 19:23 — Daily Wisdom for Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Proverbs 19:23 — Daily Wisdom for Wednesday, January 29, 2025