
Showing posts from April, 2024

First failed asylum seeker sent from UK to Rwanda on voluntary scheme | Politics News | Sky News

First failed asylum seeker sent from UK to Rwanda on voluntary scheme | Politics News | Sky News

UN migration agency chief warns even more Syrian refugees will leave Lebanon | Fox News

UN migration agency chief warns even more Syrian refugees will leave Lebanon | Fox News

Nigeria: Fulani Terrorists Massacre Christians In Benue State, "I Am Afraid That By 2030 We Will Have Lost A Generation"

Nigeria: Fulani Terrorists Massacre Christians In Benue State, "I Am Afraid That By 2030 We Will Have Lost A Generation"

Mozambique: Christians Under Increasing Threat From Islamic Insurgents

Mozambique: Christians Under Increasing Threat From Islamic Insurgents

Wiktionary's word of the day: 30th April 2024

Wiktionary's word of the day: 30th April 2024 tchotchke: 1. A small ornament of minor value; a knick-knack, a trinket. 2. (figurative, dated) Chiefly in Jewish contexts: an attractive girl or woman.

Today's selected anniversaries: 30th April 2024

Today's selected anniversaries: 30th April 2024 1943: Second World War: The Royal Navy submarine HMS Seraph began Operation Mincemeat to deceive Germany about the upcoming invasion of Sicily. 1963: A refusal by the Bristol Omnibus Company and the Transport and General Workers' Union to permit the employment of black bus crews led to a bus boycott in Bristol, England. 1975: American forces completed a helicopter evacuation (aircraft and evacuees pictured) of U.S. citizens, South Vietnamese civilians and others from Saigon, just before North Vietnamese troops captured the city and ended the Vietnam War. 2021: A crowd crush killed 45 people during the annual pilgrimage to the tomb of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in Israel.

Worthy Brief - April 30, 2024

Worthy Brief - April 30, 2024 Pass through the drill! Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. When I was in school, it seemed they ran a “fire drill” at least once a year. A long, loud, kind of scary bell would sound and we knew it was either a real fire, or, more likely, just another drill. We were formed into lines, ushered down the halls, and out the doors we went. Of course, the point was we would be prepared for a real fire. Drills are preparations for real threats. They are "trials". They test and prepare our readiness, give us opportunity to try on the emotions and actions we would experience in a genuine crisis. We need them and should even "count it pure joy" because they're necessary for our growth and maturity [James 1]. And trials are graduated; that is they get harder, kind of like math tests, they seem even to build on one another. Abr

Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, April 30, 2024 The Importance of Quiet Time ...he said to them, "Take to heart all the words by which I am warning you today, that you may command them to your children, that they may be careful to do all the words of this law. For it is no empty word for you, but your very life, and by this word you shall live long in the land that you are going over the Jordan to possess."1 Growing up, I remember Mom trying to make her Bible time a priority. Since we, her children, were hard at obliging her that time, she took whatever means necessary to acquire it. And so it was that on many occasions we would see her grab her Bible and her coffee and head to the bathroom where she was most likely to have a moment's peace. We eventually caught on to the fact that she was having her quiet time with the Lord and was not to be disturbed.   In the Old Testament, when Moses was setting laws for God's people to follow, he encouraged them to teach God&

Atonement — Kapara | IFCJ

Atonement — Kapara | IFCJ

An Act of Faith and Trust | IFCJ

An Act of Faith and Trust | IFCJ

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 30th

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 30th “The Overcomer’s Reward ” - Revelation 2:17 My heart, be thou stirred up to persevere in the holy war, for the reward of victory is great. Today we eat of heavenly food which falls about our camps; the food of the wilderness, the food which comes from heaven, the food which never fails the pilgrims to Canaan. But there is reserved for us in Christ Jesus a still higher degree of spiritual life and a food for it which, as yet, is hidden from our experience. In the golden pot which was laid up in the ark there was a portion of manna hidden away, which though kept for ages never grew stale. No one ever saw it; it was hid with the Ark of the Covenant, in the Holy of Holies. Even so, the highest life of the believer is hid with Christ, in God. We shall come to it soon, Being made victorious through the grace of our LORD Jesus, we shall eat of the King’s meat and feed upon royal dainties. We shall feed upon Jesus.

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 30th

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 30th “Love believeth all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7) Beautiful is the expression in the Book of Isaiah which reflects with exceeding sweetness the love of our dear Lord. He said, “They are My people, children that will not lie; so He was their Saviour.” They did lie, but He would not believe it. At least He speaks as if He would not believe it in the greatness of His love, because they were His people. He has not seen iniquity in Jacob nor perversity in Israel. There is plenty of it to see, and the devil sees it all, and a good many people are only too glad to see it; but the dear Father will not see it. He covers it with His love and the precious blood of His dear atoning Son. Such a wonderful love ought surely to make us gentler to others, and more anxious to cause our Father less need to hide His loving eyes from our imperfections and faults. If we have the mind and heart of Christ, we shall clothe even the world with those graces which fai

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 30

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 30 Tozer in the Morning CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED Much of our full gospel literature and much of our preaching tend to perpetuate a misunderstanding of what the Bible says about obedience and Christian discipleship. I think the following is a fair statement of what I was taught in my early Christian experience and before I began to pray and study and anguish over the whole matter: "We are saved by accepting Christ as our Savior." "We are sanctified by accepting Christ as our Lord." "We may do the first without doing the second." What a tragedy that in our day we often hear the gospel appeal made in this way: "Come to Jesus! You do not have to obey anyone. You do not have to give up anything. Just come to Him and believe in Him as Savior!" The fact that we hear this everywhere does not make it right! To urge men and women to believe in a divided Christ is bad teaching-for no one can receive a ha

The Limitless Love of God

The Limitless Love of God

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 30th April 2024

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 30th April 2024 4/30 1 Samuel 8:18 18 And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you in that day." Samuel was a godly judge, but he had the same problem that Eli had before him. His sons became corrupt. Because there are godly fathers does not always mean there will be godly sons. The people saw the corruption and asked Samuel to appoint a king to reign over Israel so that they could be like the other nations. That did not sit well with Samuel. He took it to the LORD. The LORD told him it was because they had rejected the LORD ruling over them. He had Samuel warn them about how the king would treat them: taxation, conscription, annexation, and other abuses. When man reigns, selfishness and power mongering become evident. The greater the power, the more they will abuse that power. Our verse today was the final warning. They could choose a king, but they shouldn't expect

Proverbs 10:19 — Daily Wisdom for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Proverbs 10:19 — Daily Wisdom for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Morning, April 30th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, April 30th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

'How Great You Are!' (Passion for Praise)

'How Great You Are!' (Passion for Praise)

'All Things in Order' — 1 Corinthians 14:26-33 (Praying with Paul)

'All Things in Order' — 1 Corinthians 14:26-33 (Praying with Paul)

'A Fool and His Earthly Wealth' — Luke 12:20-21 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'A Fool and His Earthly Wealth' — Luke 12:20-21 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

Ephesians 4:30-31 — Today's Verse for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Ephesians 4:30-31 — Today's Verse for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

How Faith Works

How Faith Works

The Punishment You Dish Out

The Punishment You Dish Out

Carefully Read the Warning Label

Carefully Read the Warning Label

Daily Christian Quote 30th April 2024


Amir Tsarfati on X: "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God. - Psalm 20:7 Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters that they would call on the name of the Lord!" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God. - Psalm 20:7 Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters that they would call on the name of the Lord!" / X

Ephesians 4:15 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Ephesians 4:15 (Complete Jewish Bible) Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in every respect grow up into him who is the head, the Messiah.

Stabbed Bishop Returns to Preach Two Weeks after Attack - International Christian Concern

Stabbed Bishop Returns to Preach Two Weeks after Attack - International Christian Concern

Christian Man Jailed, Forced to Convert to Islam - International Christian Concern

Christian Man Jailed, Forced to Convert to Islam - International Christian Concern

Biden holds phone calls with Egypt, Qatar officials over ceasefire talks - The Jerusalem Post

Biden holds phone calls with Egypt, Qatar officials over ceasefire talks - The Jerusalem Post

Greg Laurie on X: "The Jewish people have been chosen by God. This rise of anti-semitism on our college campuses being led by students and professors is wrong. As Christians, we need to speak up for our Jewish friends. More here-" / X

 Greg Laurie on X: "The Jewish people have been chosen by God. This rise of anti-semitism on our college campuses being led by students and professors is wrong. As Christians, we need to speak up for our Jewish friends. More here-" / X

Nigeria: 30 Christians Slaughtered In Plateau State, "No Effort Has Been Made By The Government To Curtail These Attacks"

Nigeria: 30 Christians Slaughtered In Plateau State, "No Effort Has Been Made By The Government To Curtail These Attacks"

Greg Laurie on X: "As a pastor, I will not stand by idly as the horror of antisemitism unfolds before our very eyes. Not us. Not now. We stand with Israel." / X

 Greg Laurie on X: "As a pastor, I will not stand by idly as the horror of antisemitism unfolds before our very eyes. Not us. Not now. We stand with Israel." / X

Worthy Brief - April 29, 2024

Worthy Brief - April 29, 2024 Be a good citizen! Phillipians 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, When we think of a good citizen, we probably think of a law-abiding, productive contributor to society who takes pride in his country. I'm sure all of us would like to be thought of as good citizens of the countries in which we live. My wife has dual citizenship, she's both Israeli and American -- I guess that means she has to work extra hard at being loyal! We, as believers in Yeshua (Jesus), have to remember that we also have dual citizenship. We must become good citizens of both Heaven and Earth. How do we do this? We love God with all our heart, mind and soul and love our neighbor as ourselves. We become productive contributors in our local assemblies and/or in our local communities, and we continually give our best to the Lord, living our lives for Him and for His Kingdom. So often we forget that we are &

Today's Daily Encounter Monday, April 29, 2024

Today's Daily Encounter Monday, April 29, 2024 A Simple Prayer "When you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."1 The other day I received a text from a young man. Previously, he and I had met several times to talk, as he tried to overcome certain addictions in his life, but for different reasons, we hadn't been able to meet in a while. His text to me simply read, "Can you pray for me? All I need right now is a simple prayer." His text reminded me of two things. First, it reminded me of the type of prayer that God longs to hear from us. God does not care about the eloquent words we use or how beautifully our sentences flow together. He cares about the heart behind the prayer. It doesn't matter if our prayer is 5 seconds long or 5 minutes long, God wants us to be sincere, genuine, and humble in the way w

Proberbs 17:22 Scripture Image


Asking Questions | IFCJ

Asking Questions | IFCJ

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 29th

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 29th “Forget and Forgive ” - Proverbs 20:22 Be not in haste. Let anger cool down. Say nothing and do nothing to avenge yourself. You will be sure to act unwisely if you take up the cudgels and fight your own battles; and, certainly, you will not show the spirit of the LORD Jesus, It is nobler to forgive and let the offense pass. To let an injury rankle in your bosom and to meditate revenge is to keep old wounds open and to make new ones. Better forget and forgive. Peradventure, you say that you must do something or be a great loser; then do what this morning’s promise advises: "Wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee." This advice will not cost you money but is worth far more, Be calm and quiet. Wait upon the LORD; tell Him your grievance; spread Rabshakeh’s letter before the LORD, and this of itself will be an ease to your burdened mind. Besides, there is the promise "He shall save thee." G

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 29th

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 29th “Love never faileth” (1 Corinthians 13:8) In our work for God it is a great thing to find the key to men’s hearts, and recognize something good as a point of contact for our spiritual influence. When Jesus met the woman at Samaria He immediately seized hold of the best things in her, and by this He reached her heart, and drew from her a willing confession of her salvation. A Scotchman once said that his salvation was all due to the fact that a good man (Lord Shaftsbury, we believe) once put his arms around him and said, “John, by the grace of God we will make a man of you yet.” The old legend tells the story of a poor, dead dog lying on the street in the midst of the crowd, every one of whom was having something to say, until Jesus came along, and immediately began to admire its beautiful teeth. He had something kind to say even of him. There is but One can live and love like this; The Christ-love from the living Christ must spring. O! Jes

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 29

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 29 Tozer in the Morning We Were Made to Worship Mans nature indicates that he was created for three things: To think, to worship and to work. But thinking is not enough. Men are made to worship also, to bow down and adore in the presence of the Mystery inexpressible. Mans mind is not the top peak of his nature. Higher than his mind is his spirit, that something within him which can engage the supernatural, which under the breath of the Spirit can come alive and enter into conscious communion with heaven, can receive the divine nature and hear and feel and see the ineffable wonder that is God. When, therefore, an institution dedicated to the growth and development of the thinking person seeks at the same time to turn this thinker into a worshiper, our debt to that institution becomes all the greater. So many schools on every level are content to train the intellect, forgetting that they are dealing with but part of the man-an impo

The Savior of the World

The Savior of the World

Wayside Chapel Daily Devoional 29th April 2024

Wayside Chapel Daily Devoional 29th April 2024 4/29 1 Samuel 7:12 12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer; for he said, "Till now the LORD has helped us." The Ark of the Covenant had been returned to Israel, but the people knew God was not pleased with them. It was a time of national repentance. The nation gathered at the city of Mizpah to fast and pray. The Philistines saw this as an opportunity to attack them again. The Israelites cried out for Samuel to intercede for them. The LORD thundered a mighty sound and threw the Philistines into a state of confusion. Israel soundly defeated them and took back the cities the Philistines had captured. Samuel took a stone and stood it up as a marker and reminder that the LORD had helped them. He called the stone, Ebenezer, which means stone of help. During the life of Samuel, the Israelites would be free from Philistine invasions. In the classic hymn, "Come, Thou Fount of Eve

Amir Tsarfati on X: "In these last days it is important to stand with the few, not the many. -" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "In these last days it is important to stand with the few, not the many. -" / X

Proverbs 17:14 — Daily Wisdom for Monday, April 29, 2024

Proverbs 17:14 — Daily Wisdom for Monday, April 29, 2024

Morning, April 29th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, April 29th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

'He Is Here!' (Passion for Praise)

'He Is Here!' (Passion for Praise)

'Speaking Truth' — 1 Corinthians 14:13-25 (Praying with Paul)

'Speaking Truth' — 1 Corinthians 14:13-25 (Praying with Paul)

Quotemeal for Monday, April 29, 2024

Quotemeal for Monday, April 29, 2024

'Last Days!' — 2 Timothy 3:1-2 NCV (Spiritual Warfare)

'Last Days!' — 2 Timothy 3:1-2 NCV (Spiritual Warfare)

Deuteronomy 4:29 — Today's Verse for Monday, April 29, 2024

Deuteronomy 4:29 — Today's Verse for Monday, April 29, 2024

Read Your Letters

Read Your Letters

The Kindest Person in the Room

The Kindest Person in the Room

MeWe - The Next-Gen Social Network

MeWe - The Next-Gen Social Network

Daily Christian Quote 29th April 2024

Daily Christian Quote 29th April 2024 Kris Vallotton April 29, 2024 These days, it’s easier than ever to get caught up in what could go wrong, and imagine wretched worst-case scenarios. But I want to challenge us to take Paul’s instruction in Philippians 4 to heart! Let’s choose to feed our souls on something better than the worst possible outcome. I encourage you to find whatever is pure, worthy, excellent, and anything of good-repute – and meditate on that today!

Job 19:25 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Job 19:25 (Complete Jewish Bible) “But I know that my Redeemer lives, that in the end he will rise on the dust;

Amir Tsarfati on X: "It’s easy to trust the Lord when everything in life is great. It’s a testimony to trust the a Lord when many things are not good. “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord.  For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its…" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "It’s easy to trust the Lord when everything in life is great. It’s a testimony to trust the a Lord when many things are not good. “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord.  For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its…" / X

Tim Loughton: MP deported from Djibouti over criticisms of China - BBC News

Tim Loughton: MP deported from Djibouti over criticisms of China - BBC News

Crowns of Courage: Serving the Lord in Temporary Bodies - International Christian Concern

Crowns of Courage: Serving the Lord in Temporary Bodies - International Christian Concern

Amir Tsarfati on X: "We must have a heart for the nation of Israel and long for their salvation. Regardless of personal feelings, Israel is God's people, and we are called to love, support, pray for, and share the gospel with them. Watch this entire teaching:" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "We must have a heart for the nation of Israel and long for their salvation. Regardless of personal feelings, Israel is God's people, and we are called to love, support, pray for, and share the gospel with them. Watch this entire teaching:" / X

UK will 'not take back asylum seekers from Ireland until France takes back Channel migrants' | UK News | Sky News

UK will 'not take back asylum seekers from Ireland until France takes back Channel migrants' | UK News | Sky News

Passover, Marriage & the Kingdom of God - YouTube

Passover, Marriage & the Kingdom of God - YouTube

It would have been sufficient — Dayenu | IFCJ

It would have been sufficient — Dayenu | IFCJ

The Lord’s Passover | IFCJ

The Lord’s Passover | IFCJ

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 28th

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 28th “It Becomes Mutual ” - 2 Corinthians 6:16 Here is a mutual interest. Each belongs to each. God is the portion of His people, and the chosen people are the portion of their God. The saints find in God their chief possession, and He reckons them to be His peculiar treasure. What a mine of comfort lies in this fact for each believer! This happy condition of mutual interest leads to mutual consideration. God will always think of His own people, and they will always think of Him. This day my God will perform all things for me; what can I do for Him? My thoughts ought to run toward Him, for He thinketh upon me. Let me make sure that it is so and not be content with merely admitting that so it ought to be. This, again, leads to mutual fellowship. God dwells in us, and we dwell in Him; He walks with us, and we walk with God.... Oh, for grace to treat the LORD as my God: to trust Him and to serve Him, as His Godhead

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 28th

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 28th “For it is God which worketh in you” (Philippians 2:13) Sanctification is the gift of the Holy Ghost, the fruit of the Spirit, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the prepared inheritance of all who enter in, the greatest obtainment of faith, not the attainment of works. It is divine holiness, not human self-improvement, nor perfection. It is the inflow into man’s being of the life and purity of the infinite, eternal and Holy One, bringing His own perfection and working out His own will. How easy, how spontaneous, how delightful this heavenly way of holiness! Surely it is a “highway” and not the low way of man’s vain and fruitless mortification. It is God’s great elevated railway, sweeping over the heads of the struggling throngs who toil along the lower pavement when they might be borne along on His ascension pathway, by His own almighty impulse. It is God’s great elevator carrying us up to the higher chambers of His palace, without over-

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 28

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 28 Tozer in the Morning Christmas Breezes For those nations of the earth which have known the story of Jesus, Christmas is undoubtedly the most beautiful time of the year. Though the celebration of the Savior's birth occurs in the dead of winter, when in many parts of the world the streams are frozen and the landscapes cold and cheerless, still there is beauty at the Christmas season--not the tender beauty of spring flowers or the quiet loveliness of the full-blown summer, or yet the sad sweet graces of autumn colors. It is beauty of another kind, richer, deeper and more elevating, that beauty which considerations of love and mercy bring before the mind. Though we are keenly aware of the abuses that have grown up around the holiday season, we are still not willing to surrender this ancient and loved Christmas Day to the enemy. Though those purer emotions which everyone feels at Christmas are in most hearts all too fleeting, y

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 28th April 2024

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 28th April 2024 4/28 1 Samuel 6:6 6 Why should you harden your hearts as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? After he had dealt severely with them, did they not send the people away, and they departed? The LORD brought His word to pass in one day. The Philistines went to war with Israel. Eli's sons were killed. The Ark of the Covenant was captured. When Eli heard the news, he fell backward and broke his neck and died. The Philistines put the ark in their temple. The next morning, the statue of their god, Dagon, was found lying on the ground before the ark. They stood it back up. The next morning it was on the ground again with the head and arms broken away from the trunk. The people began to grow tumors and some died. They realized these were judgments from the God of Israel and decided they wouldn't make the same mistake the Egyptians made. This shows us that even four-hundred years after the exodus the people of the land were still

Proverbs 11:28 — Daily Wisdom for Sunday, April 28, 2024

Proverbs 11:28 — Daily Wisdom for Sunday, April 28, 2024

Morning, April 28th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, April 28th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

'He Does Not Ignore Their Cries' (Passion for Praise)

'He Does Not Ignore Their Cries' (Passion for Praise)

'Order Out of Confusion' — 1 Corinthians 14:1-12 (Praying with Paul)

'Order Out of Confusion' — 1 Corinthians 14:1-12 (Praying with Paul)

'Overflow of God's Grace' — 2 Corinthians 8:1-3 NCV (Spiritual Warfare)

'Overflow of God's Grace' — 2 Corinthians 8:1-3 NCV (Spiritual Warfare)

Acts 4:28 — Today's Verse for Sunday, April 28, 2024

Acts 4:28 — Today's Verse for Sunday, April 28, 2024

God Really Does Love You

God Really Does Love You

Along the Path of Goodness

Along the Path of Goodness

Love is Extravagant!

Love is Extravagant!

Love is Extravagant!

Love is Extravagant!

Daily Christian Quote 28th April 2024


Philippians 2:5-8 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Philippians 2:5-8 (Complete Jewish Bible) Let your attitude toward one another be governed by your being in union with the Messiah Yeshua: Though he was in the form of God, he did not regard equality with God something to be possessed by force. On the contrary, he emptied himself, in that he took the form of a slave by becoming like human beings are. And when he appeared as a human being, he humbled himself still more by becoming obedient even to death — death on a stake as a criminal!

Amir Tsarfati on X: "Fewer and fewer nations in the world are going to stand by Israel. However, God is calling a specific one to stand for His people. It’s a special nation that is made of many people from many nationalities. These are His “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's…" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "Fewer and fewer nations in the world are going to stand by Israel. However, God is calling a specific one to stand for His people. It’s a special nation that is made of many people from many nationalities. These are His “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's…" / X

Maranatha777 on X: "🔊Church: The darkness in this world is growing exponentially, and many of us feel overwhelmed as if we're about to be swept underwater in the currents of this evil world. But don't grow weary and hold long tight! The Lord Jesus will reach down from heaven to rescue us from the…" / X

Maranatha777 on X: "🔊Church: The darkness in this world is growing exponentially, and many of us feel overwhelmed as if we're about to be swept underwater in the currents of this evil world. But don't grow weary and hold long tight! The Lord Jesus will reach down from heaven to rescue us from the…" / X

Explosive device explodes in a car lot in Israel, no casualties reported - The Jerusalem Post

Explosive device explodes in a car lot in Israel, no casualties reported - The Jerusalem Post

Israel Air Force strikes southern Lebanon following alerts in the North - The Jerusalem Post

Israel Air Force strikes southern Lebanon following alerts in the North - The Jerusalem Post

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 27th

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 27th “God Finished His Work ” - Psalms 138:8 He who has begun will carry on the work which is being wrought within my soul. The LORD is concerned about everything that concerns me. All that is now good, but not perfect, the LORD will watch over, preserve, and carry out to completion. This is a great comfort. I could not perfect the work of grace myself. Of that I am quite sure, for I fail every day and have only held on so long as I have because the LORD has helped me. If the LORD were to leave me, all my past experience would go for nothing, and I should perish from the way. But the LORD will continue to bless me. He will perfect my faith, my love, my character, my lifework. He will do this because He has begun a work in me. He gave me the concern I feel, and, in a measure, He has fulfilled my gracious aspirations, He never leaves a work unfinished; this would not be for His glory, nor would it be like Him. He

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 27th

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 27th “The sweetness of the lips” (Proverbs 16:21) Spiritual conditions are inseparably connected with our physical life. The flow of the divine life-currents may be interrupted by a little clot of blood; the vital current may leak out through a very trifling wound. If you want to keep the health of Christ, keep from all spiritual sores, from all heart wounds and irritations. One hour of fretting will wear out more vitality than a week of work; and one minute of malignity, or rankling jealousy or envy will hurt more than a drink of poison. Sweetness of spirit and joyousness of heart are essential to full health. Quietness of spirit, gentleness, tranquility, and the peace of God that passes all understanding, are worth all the sleeping draughts in the country. We do not wonder that some people have poor health when we hear them talk for half an hour. They have enough dislikes, prejudices, doubts, and fears to exhaust the strongest constitution. B

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 27

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 27 Tozer in the Morning Discipling As Many As Possible Now the serious Christian wants to escape both extremes. Yet he is much concerned about the whole matter of numbers and is eager to find the will of God for his life and ministry. Should he go out for larger crowds or accept smaller ones as the will of God for him? Does success in the Lord's work depend upon numbers? Is it possible to make up in quantity what is lacking in quality and so accomplish the same result? Perhaps an illustration or two might help. If our country should be visited by a famine and you were put in charge of feeding the starving in your section of the city, would numbers matter? Most surely they would. Would it not be better to feed five hungry children than two? Would you not feel obligated to feed hundreds rather than tens, thousands rather than hundreds? Certainly you would. Or if a ship sank and your church were given a rescue boat, would number

The Great Tragedy

The Great Tragedy

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 27th April 2024

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 27th April 2024 4/27 1 Samuel 2:35 35 And I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who shall do according to what is in my heart and in my mind. And I will build him a sure house, and he shall go in and out before my anointed forever. Eli was unable to control his sons who were priests of the tabernacle. They would rob the offerings and even have relations with women that ministered to the LORD. A prophet came to Eli and told him that because of his sons' actions, the priesthood would be given to another family. Eli's sons would both die on the same day. Now we begin to see why Hannah would have in her heart to give her son, Samuel, to the LORD. Eli must have learned from his mistakes with his sons. He appears to have raised Samuel to have the fear of the LORD and a desire to be faithful to Him. The words of our verse for today are a part of the prophecy to Eli. Like most prophecies, they have an intermediate and an ultimate fulfillment. The

Proverbs 4:27 — Today's Verse for Saturday, April 27, 2024

Proverbs 4:27 — Today's Verse for Saturday, April 27, 2024

'Greatly Encouraged by Strong Faith' — 1 Thessalonians 3:7-8 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Greatly Encouraged by Strong Faith' — 1 Thessalonians 3:7-8 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

Quotemeal for Saturday, April 27, 2024

Quotemeal for Saturday, April 27, 2024

'Love Never Ends' — 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 (Praying with Paul)

'Love Never Ends' — 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 (Praying with Paul)

'Your Name is Holy!' (Passion for Praise)

'Your Name is Holy!' (Passion for Praise)

Morning, April 27th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, April 27th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Proverbs 17:27 — Daily Wisdom for Saturday, April 27, 2024

Proverbs 17:27 — Daily Wisdom for Saturday, April 27, 2024

God Is A Father

God Is A Father

Voice of the Martyrs on X: "Yemen: Pray that churches will continue to worship and proclaim the gospel after being attacked." / X

Voice of the Martyrs on X: "Yemen: Pray that churches will continue to worship and proclaim the gospel after being attacked." / X

Don’t be Lazy

Don’t be Lazy

M 6.1 - 102 km S of Banjar, Indonesia

M 6.1 - 102 km S of Banjar, Indonesia

Justified or Condemned

Justified or Condemned

Daily Christian Quote 27th April 2024

Daily Christian Quote 27th April 2024 Dan McCollam April 27, 2024 Our practice of hearing what God is saying and speaking encouragement, comfort, and strength into others doesn't need to be limited to church services. Whether it be your job, friends, family, or even someone you just met on the street, you are meant to be that candle in a dark place. Go and encourage someone today. Be the beacon of love God intended you to be.

Luke 19:10 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Luke 19:10 (Complete Jewish Bible) For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost.”

Maranatha777 on X: "🔊Church: Let's come together and pray for those young people who are under the influence of this heinous, demonic hatred toward Jews. They are totally unaware of the gravity of their actions and have no clue whom they are fighting or what they are fighting for! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Lord,…" / X

Maranatha777 on X: "🔊Church: Let's come together and pray for those young people who are under the influence of this heinous, demonic hatred toward Jews. They are totally unaware of the gravity of their actions and have no clue whom they are fighting or what they are fighting for! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Lord,…" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל-מֹשֶׁה בֹּא אֶל-פַּרְעֹה וְאָמַרְתָּ אֵלָיו כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה שַׁלַּח אֶת-עַמִּי וְיַעַבְדֻנִי.  The above Hebrew verse is Exodus 7:26 where God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let His people, Israel, go - so they can serve/worship Him! That’s the reason for…" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל-מֹשֶׁה בֹּא אֶל-פַּרְעֹה וְאָמַרְתָּ אֵלָיו כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה שַׁלַּח אֶת-עַמִּי וְיַעַבְדֻנִי.  The above Hebrew verse is Exodus 7:26 where God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let His people, Israel, go - so they can serve/worship Him! That’s the reason for…" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "Happy Feast of Firstfruits from Amir and the Behold Israel Team! We rejoice knowing that because Christ our Firstfruits lives forever, we too will live with Him forever!" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "Happy Feast of Firstfruits from Amir and the Behold Israel Team! We rejoice knowing that because Christ our Firstfruits lives forever, we too will live with Him forever!" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "What's next for Israel and why does it matter to you?" / X

Amir Tsarfati on X: "What's next for Israel and why does it matter to you?" / X

Luke 22:42 Scripture Image


Worthy Brief - April 26, 2024

Worthy Brief - April 26, 2024 We are the "bikoreem" of creation! Leviticus 23:10-12 "Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: 'When you come into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest. He shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted on your behalf; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. And you shall offer on that day, when you wave the sheaf, a male lamb of the first year, without blemish, as a burnt offering to the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ's at His coming. This season of the Resurrection also occurs during a

Today's Daily Encounter Friday, April 26, 2024

Today's Daily Encounter Friday, April 26, 2024 Do It for Them "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification."1 Motivation to do or not do something is a curious thing. There are many factors that influence motivation. We can be motivated by the fear of injury or illness. Motivation can also take the form of pleasure and fulfillment. Some are motivated by greed while others are motivated by selflessness; and so on. Sometimes, therefore, it is difficult not only to find the right motivational idea or emotion, but it can also be misunderstood as to which factor actually motivated the action you desired to take place. "On a Western Airlines flight to San Francisco, fried chicken tycoon Col. Harland Sanders, 89, had made himself agreeable to staff and fellow passengers, then dropped his chin to his narrow black tie and closed his eyes. Somewhere in the back of the plane a child had been shrieking for some time. One flight attendan

This Day's Verse 26th April 2024

This Day's Verse 26th April 2024 He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy. Proverbs 14:21 The New International Version

This Day's Thought 26th April 2024

This Day's Thought 26th April 2024 I would have you, one by one, ask yourselves, Wherein do I take up the cross daily? E. B. Pusey

Have a kosher and happy holiday — Chag kasher sameach | IFCJ

Have a kosher and happy holiday — Chag kasher sameach | IFCJ

Forward in Faith | IFCJ

Forward in Faith | IFCJ

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 26th

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 26th “Gracious Dealing ” - Deuteronomy 15:18 An Israelitish master was to give his bondservant liberty in due time, and when he left his service he was to start him in life with a liberal portion, This was to be done heartily and cheerfully, and then the LORD promised to bless the generous act. The spirit of this precept, and, indeed, the whole law of Christ, binds us to treat people well. We ought to remember how the LORD has dealt with us, and that this renders it absolutely needful that we should deal graciously with others, It becomes those to be generous who are the children of a gracious God. How can we expect our great Master to bless us in our business if we oppress those who serve us? What a benediction is here set before the liberal mind! To be blessed in all that we do is to be blessed indeed. The LORD will send us this partly in prosperity, partly in content of mind, and partly in a sense of His favo

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 26th

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 26th “Strangers and pilgrims” (Hebrews 11:13) If you have ever tried to plough a straight furrow in the country—we are sorry for the man that does not know how to plough and more sorry for the man that is too proud to want to know—you have found it necessary to have two stakes in a line and to drive your horses by these stakes. If you have only one stake before you, you will have no steadying point for your vision, but you can wiggle about without knowing it and make your furrows as crooked as a serpent’s coil; but if you have two stakes and ever keep them in line, you cannot deviate an inch from a straight line, and your furrow will be an arrow speeding to its course. This has been a great lesson to us in our Christian life. If we would run a straight course, we find that we must have two stakes, the near and the distant. It is not enough to be living in the present, but it is a great and glorious thing to have a distant goal, a definite objec

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 26

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 26 Tozer in the Morning The Barrenness of Busyness Satan's distracting words often come from the most unexpected quarters. Martha would call Mary away from sitting at the feet of the Master. Sometimes, if we are not careful, our best friend may distract us. Or it might be some very legitimate activity. This day's bustle and hurly-burly would too often and too soon call us away from Jesus' feet. These distractions must be immediately dismissed, or we shall know only the "barrenness of busyness." The multiplying agencies and the extraneous activities of much of the current gospel "programming" may distract us if we are not wary and lead us into some meandering by-path that comes to a dead end. Our genius is preserved by sticking at the task of worldwide evangelization that God has called us to by the tried and proven methods that God has blessed, thereby avoiding the slough of an effete denominationa

Open Doors UK on X: "“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household…” (Ephesians 2:19) #VerseOfTheDay" / X

 Open Doors UK on X: "“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household…” (Ephesians 2:19) #VerseOfTheDay" / X

After We Die

After We Die

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 26th April 2024

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 26th April 2024 4/26 1 Samuel 1:11 11 And she vowed a vow and said, "O LORD of hosts, if you will indeed look on the affliction of your servant and remember me and not forget your servant, but will give to your servant a son, then I will give him to the LORD all the days of his life, and no razor shall touch his head." Hannah had gone with her husband to worship at the tabernacle which was under the care of Eli the high priest. She had not been able to have children. It was a great burden on her heart. She poured her heart out to God in prayer and fasting. Our verse today is her prayer. Eli saw her lips moving and thought she was drunk. He rebuked her. But then, after hearing her story, he blessed her and told her God would answer her prayer. God did answer her prayer and she was faithful to do as she promised. The boy's name was Samuel. He was the last and greatest Judge of Israel before the period of the kings. I know a woman who prayed t

Morning, April 26th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, April 26th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

'Be Undaunted!' — John 16:33 AMP (Spiritual Warfare)

'Be Undaunted!' — John 16:33 AMP (Spiritual Warfare)

Proverbs 10:13 — Daily Wisdom for Friday, April 26, 2024

Proverbs 10:13 — Daily Wisdom for Friday, April 26, 2024

'The Qualities of Love' — 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (Praying with Paul)

'The Qualities of Love' — 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (Praying with Paul)

Ephesians 4:26-27 — Today's Verse for Friday, April 26, 2024

Ephesians 4:26-27 — Today's Verse for Friday, April 26, 2024

'The LORD Made the Heavens' (Passion for Praise)

'The LORD Made the Heavens' (Passion for Praise)

Talk Back To The Devil

Talk Back To The Devil

Don’t Be Surprised

Don’t Be Surprised

The Perfect Righteousness of Christ

The Perfect Righteousness of Christ

Hebrews 7:25 (Complete Jewish Bible

Hebrews 7:25 (Complete Jewish Bible) and consequently, he is totally able to deliver those who approach God through him; since he is alive forever and thus forever able to intercede on their behalf.

Egypt: Islamic Extremists Destroy Homes In Christian Village

Egypt: Islamic Extremists Destroy Homes In Christian Village

Jewish Voice Ministries International on X: "As we consider God’s power and lovingkindness towards His people during this Passover season, we can look to His Word for inspiration about ways to pray for deliverance for the Jewish people in our day! Here are some prayer points for this 👉" / X

Jewish Voice Ministries International on X: "As we consider God’s power and lovingkindness towards His people during this Passover season, we can look to His Word for inspiration about ways to pray for deliverance for the Jewish people in our day! Here are some prayer points for this 👉" / X

Nehemiah 9:6


Worthy Brief - April 25, 2024

Worthy Brief - April 25, 2024 Inspect your temple! Matthew 21:10-14 And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this? And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them. There is a long-standing tradition of cleaning one’s house in the springtime – hence the term “spring cleaning”. One source for this tradition is certainly the Jewish Passover (Pesach). Each spring as the holiday approaches observant householders in Israel and around the world perform a meticulous cleaning of their homes, especially to be sure there is no leaven in the house before Pesach begins.

Today's Daily Encounter Thursday, April 25, 2024

Today's Daily Encounter Thursday, April 25, 2024 God's Word is Forever "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever."1 Most people enjoy having live plants and flowers in and around their home. Most enjoy the sight of a beautiful landscape filled with trees and green grass. There are those blessed with the gift to grow and maintain beautiful green plants and flowers, and then there are those who, although they enjoy plants, cannot keep one alive long enough to enjoy it! I, myself, am one of the latter. There is one plant in my home, and I truly believe that it has simply resigned itself to living under my very black thumb! I love having plants and fresh flowers in my home, but for some reason they never seem to thrive under my care. Recently, I was searching the internet for tips on proper plant care, when I came across an advertisement for an application that you can download onto your smartphone which allows you to take a picture

Passover sacrifice — Korban Pesach | IFCJ

Passover sacrifice — Korban Pesach | IFCJ

The Bible’s Bitter Herbs | IFCJ

The Bible’s Bitter Herbs | IFCJ

The Certainty of Eternal Life

The Certainty of Eternal Life

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 25th April 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 25th April 2023 4/25 Ruth 2:20 20 And Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, "May he be blessed by the LORD, whose kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead!"Naomi also said to her, "The man is a close relative of ours, one of our redeemers." Every tribe and family had land that God had given to them. It was to remain with that tribe or family. You could rent it but you could not sell it permanently unless it was to someone within the tribe. Because there were no male heirs for the property of Naomi's husband, the closest kinsman had the option of buying it from her. To do so was called "redeeming the land." It just so happened in God's providence that the field Ruth was gleaning belonged to Boaz, a close relative of Naomi's son. But there was a closer relative than he. The one who redeems the land must also take the wife of the son to raise up children as heirs of the property. Boaz decided to redeem the land

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 25th

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: April 25th “What to Leave Children ” - Proverbs 20:7 Anxiety about our family is natural, but we shall be wise if we turn it into care about our own character. If we walk before the LORD in integrity, we shall do more to bless our descendants than if we bequeathed them large estates. A father’s holy life is a rich legacy for his sons. The upright man leaves his heirs his example, and this in itself will be a mine of true wealth, How many men may trace their success in life to the example of their parents! He leaves them also his repute. Men think better of us as the sons of a man who could be trusted, the successors of a tradesman of excellent repute, Oh, that all young men were anxious to keep up the family name! Above all, he leaves his children his prayers and the blessing of a prayer-hearing God, and these make our offspring to be favored among the sons of men. God will save them even after we are dead. Oh, that t

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 25th

Days of Heaven on Earth Devotional: April 25th “The very God of Peace sanctify you wholly” (1 Thessalonians 5:23) A great tidal wave is bearing up the stranded ship, until she floats above the bar without a straining timber or struggling seaman, instead of the ineffectual and toilsome efforts of the struggling crew and the strain of the engines, which had tried in vain to move her an inch until that heavenly impulse lifted her by its own attraction. It is God’s great law of gravitation lifting up, by the warm sunbeams, the mighty iceberg which a million men could not raise a single inch, but melts away before the rays and the warmth of the sunshine, and rises in clouds of evaporation to meet its embrace until that cold and heavy mass is floating in fleecy clouds of glory in the blue ocean of the sky. How easy all this! How mighty! How simple! How divine! Beloved, have you come into the divine way of holiness! If you have, how your heart must swell with gratitude! If you have not, do yo

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 25

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for April 25 Tozer in the Morning COMPROMISE IS COSTLY Christianity today is so entangled with this present world that millions never guess how radically they have missed the New Testament pattern. Compromise is everywhere-but actually no real union between the world and the Church is possible. When the Church joins up with the world it is the true Church no longer but only a pitiful hybrid thing, an object of smiling contempt to the world, and an abomination to the Lord! Nothing could be clearer than the pronouncements of the Scriptures on the Christian's relation to the world. The confusion which gathers around this matter results from the unwillingness of professing Christians to take the Word of the Lord seriously. This whole thing is spiritual in its essence. A Christian is what he is not by ecclesiastical manipulation but by the new birth. He is a Christian because of a Spirit which dwells in him. Only that which is born by the S

Morning, April 25th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, April 25th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

'Humble Prayer and Seeking' — 2 Chronicles 7:14 NCV (Spiritual Warfare)

'Humble Prayer and Seeking' — 2 Chronicles 7:14 NCV (Spiritual Warfare)

Proverbs 18:10 — Daily Wisdom for Thursday, April 25, 2024

Proverbs 18:10 — Daily Wisdom for Thursday, April 25, 2024

'Joyful Dancing' (Passion for Praise)

'Joyful Dancing' (Passion for Praise)

'The Greatest Is Love' — 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (Praying with Paul)

'The Greatest Is Love' — 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (Praying with Paul)

Romans 4:25 — Today's Verse for Thursday, April 25, 2024

Romans 4:25 — Today's Verse for Thursday, April 25, 2024

Quotemeal for Thursday, April 25, 2024

Quotemeal for Thursday, April 25, 2024

Voice of the Martyrs on X: "Indonesia: Pray that Muslims in Aceh province will see the harshness of Islamic law and seek freedom in Christ (Romans 7:6)." / X

 Voice of the Martyrs on X: "Indonesia: Pray that Muslims in Aceh province will see the harshness of Islamic law and seek freedom in Christ (Romans 7:6)." / X

Who Is Right?

Who Is Right?

The Certainty of Salvation

The Certainty of Salvation

God’s Saving Gospel

God’s Saving Gospel

Daily Christian Quote 25th April 2024

Daily Christian Quote 25th April 2024 Hayley Braun April 25, 2024 We can say we know the baker because he bakes our bread but do we really know him? We can say we know the cashier because he checks out our groceries, but do we really know him? We can say we know Jesus because he's a refiner, he's a transformer, he's a deliverer, but do we know his hand of refinement, transformation, and deliverance?

Colossians 1:27-28 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Colossians 1:27-28 (Complete Jewish Bible) To them God wanted to make known how great among the Gentiles is the glorious richness of this secret. And the secret is this: the Messiah is united with you people! In that rests your hope of glory! We, for our part, proclaim him; we warn, confront and teach everyone in all wisdom; so that we may present everyone as having reached the goal, united with the Messiah.

Christian Rights Group Renews Call For End To India's Anti-Conversion Laws

Christian Rights Group Renews Call For End To India's Anti-Conversion Laws

Maranatha777 on X: "🔊Those opposing Israel and its people: Be very careful of what you are doing! All attempts to destroy Israel and its people will utterly fail! You are going directly against God's chosen people — the apple of His eye and His Holy City! God's judgment is upon you! Stop and" / X

 Maranatha777 on X: "🔊Those opposing Israel and its people: Be very careful of what you are doing! All attempts to destroy Israel and its people will utterly fail! You are going directly against God's chosen people — the apple of His eye and His Holy City! God's judgment is upon you! Stop and" / X

Free North Korea Radio: A Daring Act of Defiance Against Tyranny - International Christian Concern

Free North Korea Radio: A Daring Act of Defiance Against Tyranny - International Christian Concern