
Showing posts from July, 2023

Unesco recommends adding Venice to endangered list - BBC News

Unesco recommends adding Venice to endangered list - BBC News

Nearly 400 Pakistani migrants rescued in eastern Libya from trafficking warehouses | Fox News

Nearly 400 Pakistani migrants rescued in eastern Libya from trafficking warehouses | Fox News

Worthy Brief - July 31, 2023

Worthy Brief - July 31, 2023 Your commander has enlisted you! 1 Chronicles 12:1 Now these were the men who came to David at Ziklag while he was still a fugitive from Saul the son of Kish; and they were among the mighty men, helpers in the war, 2 Timothy 2:4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. When David was a fugitive from Saul, the men who followed him recognized his rightful place as King of Israel, and they developed a deep loyalty to him, this little band. As we read yesterday, these men were transformed from distress, debt, and discontentment [1 Sam. 22:1-2] into becoming mighty men of war. Having joined David, they quickly realized that they were joining a conflict. But new believers may not immediately realize that they have recently entered the greatest war of all-time  -- the war between good and evil! Claiming the faith of Yeshua (Jesus), they are instantaneously thrust into a battle

Today's Daily Encounter Monday, July 31, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Monday, July 31, 2023 Swimming Against the Tide "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded."1 And as James says about a double-minded person: he is "unstable in all he does."2 Someone has explained how, in the frigid waters around Greenland, "Countless icebergs float around. Some are tiny; others tower skyward. At times the small ones move in one direction while their gigantic counterparts go in another. Why is this? The small ones are pushed around by the winds blowing on the surface of the water, but the huge ice masses are carried along by deep ocean currents."3 In our day there is great pressure to go with the crowd, to be politically correct, to do the convenient thing regardless whether it is right or not. The reality is, however, unless we have deep roots in God, we too

This Day's Verse 31st July 2023

This Day's Verse 31st July 2023 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.  It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God. Isaiah 35:1-2 The King James Version

This Day's Thought 31st July 2023

This Day's Thought 31st July 2023 Acceptances says, “True, this is my situation at the moment.  I’ll look unblinkingly at the reality of it.  But I’ll also open my hands to accept willingly whatever a loving Father sends me.” Catherine Marshall

Bake — Le’afot | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Bake — Le’afot | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Prisoners of Hope | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Prisoners of Hope | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for July 31

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional for July 31 “An Appeal; Deliverance ” This is a promise indeed! Here is an urgent occasion -- "the day of trouble." It is dark at noon on such a day, and every hour seems blacker than the one which came before it. Then is this promise in season: it is written for the cloudy day. Here is condescending advice, "Call upon me." We ought not to need the exhortation: it should be our constant habit all the day and every day. What a mercy to have liberty to call upon God! What wisdom to make good use of it! How foolish to go running about to men! The LORD invites us to lay our case before Him, and surely we will not hesitate to do so. Here is reassuring encouragement: "I will deliver thee." Whatever the trouble may be, the LORD makes no exceptions but promises full, sure, happy deliverance. He will Himself work out our deliverance by His own hand. We believe it, and the LORD honors faith. Here is

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for July 31

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for July 31 Tozer in the Morning Unseen Realities Let us not be shocked by the suggestion that there are disadvantages to the life in Christ. There most certainly are. Abel was murdered. Joseph was sold into slavery, Daniel was thrown into the den of lions, Stephen was stoned to death, Paul was beheaded, and a noble army of martyrs was put to death by various painful methods down the long centuries. And where the hostility did not lead to such violence (and mostly it did not and does not) the sons of this world nevertheless managed to make it tough for the children of God in a thousand cruel ways. Everyone who has lived for Christ in a Christless world has suffered some losses and endured some pains that he could have avoided by the simple expedient of laying down his cross. However, the pains are short and the losses inconsequential compared with the glory that will follow, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worket

What Confession Really Means

What Confession Really Means

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 31st July 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 31st July 2023 July 31 Acts 17:26-28 26From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.' While Paul was preaching in Berea, the Jews again stirred up opposition toward him. The brothers escorted him from there to Athens. Paul was disturbed at all the idolatry he saw there and began using every opportunity to speak about Jesus. When we see problems in our world, do we look for opportunities to share the answer we have found? The philosophers of Athens invited Paul to address them. The Holy Spirit spoke through Paul in a way that these Greeks could relate. He even used quotes that they

A Bible Devotional 31st July 2023

A Bible Devotional 31st July 2023 If You Don't Know What To Believe JOHN 17:17 NKJ 17 ". . . Your word is truth. According to Jesus, the Word of God is truth. Yet many people proclaim quite different messages -- all using the Bible as their text. How can you know who to believe? Jesus also told us that continuing to abide in the Word of God would produce freedom -- not bondage. JOHN 8:31-32 NKJ 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." So, look at the fruit produced by the message proclaimed. Is it freedom? If not, then it must not be the ACCURATE message of Jesus Christ. The true message of Jesus Christ will set people free -- not put them in bondage. It truly is good news, and makes people happy when they correctly understand it. JOHN 10:10 NKJ 10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have

Just Then

Just Then

Quotemeal for Monday, July 31, 2023

Quotemeal for Monday, July 31, 2023

Isaiah 30:18 — Daily Wisdom for Monday, July 31, 2023

Isaiah 30:18 — Daily Wisdom for Monday, July 31, 2023

'Watch Out for False Messiahs and Prophets' — Mark 13:21-23 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Watch Out for False Messiahs and Prophets' — Mark 13:21-23 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

Morning, July 31st (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, July 31st (Spurgeon's Devotional)

When the Holy Spirit Groans in Prayer

When the Holy Spirit Groans in Prayer

John 1:12-13 (Complete Jewish Bible)

John 1:12-13 (Complete Jewish Bible) But to as many as did receive him, to those who put their trust in his person and power, he gave the right to become children of God, not because of bloodline, physical impulse or human intention, but because of God.

Plane crashes into sea by busy New Hampshire beach - BBC News

Plane crashes into sea by busy New Hampshire beach - BBC News

Islamic State claims responsibility for Pakistan suicide bombing - The Jerusalem Post

Islamic State claims responsibility for Pakistan suicide bombing - The Jerusalem Post

Ukraine and Croatia agree on use of Croatian ports for grain exports - The Jerusalem Post

Ukraine and Croatia agree on use of Croatian ports for grain exports - The Jerusalem Post

Sebastián Marset: Thousands hunt for alleged drug trafficker - BBC News

Sebastián Marset: Thousands hunt for alleged drug trafficker - BBC News

Ukraine war: Girl, 10, and her mother among five dead in Russian missile strike on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's home city | World News | Sky News

Ukraine war: Girl, 10, and her mother among five dead in Russian missile strike on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's home city | World News | Sky News

Niger military junta arrests ministers, party says - The Jerusalem Post

Niger military junta arrests ministers, party says - The Jerusalem Post

Two dead and thousands flee homes as heavy rain batters China after Typhoon Doksuri | ITV News

Two dead and thousands flee homes as heavy rain batters China after Typhoon Doksuri | ITV News

Niger coup: Ousted President Mohamed Bazoum meets Chad's leader - BBC News

Niger coup: Ousted President Mohamed Bazoum meets Chad's leader - BBC News

China floods: Man rescued from overturned car - BBC News

China floods: Man rescued from overturned car - BBC News

Pakistan explosion: Eyewitness describes doomsday scenes - BBC News

Pakistan explosion: Eyewitness describes doomsday scenes - BBC News

Mysterious object found on Australian beach is identified | World News | Sky News

Mysterious object found on Australian beach is identified | World News | Sky News

15 Israelis lightly injured in minibus collision near Netanya - The Jerusalem Post

15 Israelis lightly injured in minibus collision near Netanya - The Jerusalem Post

No hope of survivors from MRH-90 helicopter crash in Australia - BBC News

No hope of survivors from MRH-90 helicopter crash in Australia - BBC News

China says will launch joint air force training with UAE in August - The Jerusalem Post

China says will launch joint air force training with UAE in August - The Jerusalem Post

Sudan extends airspace closure until Aug. 15 due to conflict - The Jerusalem Post

Sudan extends airspace closure until Aug. 15 due to conflict - The Jerusalem Post

Denmark considers banning protests burning Quran and other religious texts - BBC News

Denmark considers banning protests burning Quran and other religious texts - BBC News

Six killed at Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon - BBC News

Six killed at Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon - BBC News

Bicycling — Rechivah al Oph’naim | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Bicycling — Rechivah al Oph’naim | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Never Lose Hope | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Never Lose Hope | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: July 30th

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: July 30th “Promise of Future Meeting ” - John 16:22 Surely He will come a second time, and then, when He sees us and we see Him, there will be rejoicings indeed. Oh, for that joyous return! But this promise is being dainty fulfilled in another sense. Our gracious LORD has many "agains" in His dealings with us. He gave us pardon, and He sees us again and repeats the absolving word as fresh sins cause us grief. He has revealed to us our acceptance before God, and when our faith in that blessing grows a little dim, He comes to us again and again and says, "Peace be unto you," and our hearts are glad. Beloved, all our past mercies are tokens of future mercies. If Jesus has been with us, He will see us again. Look upon no former favor as a dead and buried thing, to be mourned over; but regard it as a seed sown, which will grow, and push its head up from the dust, and cry, "I will see you again.&quo

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for July 30

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for July 30 Tozer in the Morning The Cross is a Radical Thing The cross of Christ is the most revolutionary thing ever to appear among men. The cross of the Roman times knew no compromise; it never made concessions. It won all its arguments by killing its opponent and silencing him for good. It spared not Christ, by slew Him the same as the rest. He was alive when they hung Him on that cross and completely dead when they took him down six hours later. That was the cross the first time it appeared in Christian history. After Christ was risen from the dead the apostles went out to preach His message, and what they preached was the cross. And wherever they went into the wide world they carried the cross, and the same revolutionary power went with them. The radical message of the cross transformed Saul of Tarsus and changed him from a persecutor of Christians to a tender believer and an apostle of the faith. Its power changed bad men into good

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 30th July 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 30th July 2023 July 30 Acts 17:2-4, 11 2As his custom was, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, 3explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead. "This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Christ," he said. 4Some of the Jews were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a large number of God-fearing Greeks and not a few prominent women. 11Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Paul usually began working in a city from a Jewish synagogue. It was a place where he could speak to people with some background in prophecies about the Messiah. His approach was to show the people that the prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. He explained that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. To explain why Jesus had

A Bible Devotional 30th July 2023

A Bible Devotional 30th July 2023 Prayer Strengthens You ISAIAH 40:31 NKJ 31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength... Too many people think of prayer only as asking God for what they want. But prayer is much more than that. Prayer is communication and communion with Almighty God. Somehow, in the act of prayer we receive a transfusion of God's strength. LUKE 22:46 NKJ 46 ..."pray, lest you enter into temptation." Being strong enables you to not enter into temptation. Time spent in prayer strengthens you spiritually. (Temptation strikes us all. But we decide whether to yield to the temptation, or not.) JUDE 1:20 NKJ 20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, According to Jude, praying builds you up, or edifies you. Prayer is a spiritual exercise; the more you do it the stronger you get spiritually. Some may protest that they don't know how to pray. Just begin to talk to God. And listen for His res

No Ministry Too Small

No Ministry Too Small

Christian Quote of the Day - Wondrous, Matchless Grace!

Christian Quote of the Day - Wondrous, Matchless Grace! Wondrous, matchless grace!  We cannot for a moment look outside the grace of God for any motive or reason why He should ever have noticed us, still less had respect unto such ungodly wretches. — A. W. Pink (1886-1952) More quotes from A. W. Pink -

Daily Christian Quote 30th July 2023

Daily Christian Quote 30th July 2023 Jake Kaill July 30, 2023 Scripture is never meant to be used as a means to control or manipulate another person. Consider this: when the Word of God gets separated from the heart of God and the Spirit of God, it is no longer the Word of God, and you are not obligated to obey it. “The letter kills but the Spirit gives life” (2 Corinthians 3:6). Jesus showed that we don’t have to obey a Scripture when it is quoted to us by the devil. We must learn to discern the spirit behind the words, not just the content of the words. Rejecting spiritual abuse is not disobeying God; it is resisting the devil!

Quotemeal for Sunday, July 30, 2023

Quotemeal for Sunday, July 30, 2023

Proverbs 12:11 — Daily Wisdom for Sunday, July 30, 2023

Proverbs 12:11 — Daily Wisdom for Sunday, July 30, 2023

'Avoid People Who Cause Divisions' — Romans 16:17-18 GNT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Avoid People Who Cause Divisions' — Romans 16:17-18 GNT (Spiritual Warfare)

Morning, July 30th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, July 30th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Redemption of Our Bodies

Redemption of Our Bodies

Matthew 5:14,16 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Matthew 5:14,16 (Complete Jewish Bible) “You are light for the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "UGANDA: Pray for Christian converts receiving vocational training after being rejected by their families." / X

Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "UGANDA: Pray for Christian converts receiving vocational training after being rejected by their families." / X

Niger coup backers wave Russian flags and attack French embassy as Wagner mercenary boss offers support | World News | Sky News

Niger coup backers wave Russian flags and attack French embassy as Wagner mercenary boss offers support | World News | Sky News

Moscow skyscraper hit with explosion #itvnews #russia #ukraine - YouTube

Moscow skyscraper hit with explosion #itvnews #russia #ukraine - YouTube

Pakistan explosion: At least 40 dead in blast at political rally in northwest province - reports | World News | Sky News

Pakistan explosion: At least 40 dead in blast at political rally in northwest province - reports | World News | Sky News

Russia storm: High winds kill 10 in central Volga region - BBC News

Russia storm: High winds kill 10 in central Volga region - BBC News

Niger coup leader warns regional and Western powers against military intervention - BBC News

Niger coup leader warns regional and Western powers against military intervention - BBC News

Australia grounds MRH-90 helicopter fleet after crash - BBC News

Australia grounds MRH-90 helicopter fleet after crash - BBC News

Moscow drone attack briefly shuts Vnukovo airport - BBC News

Moscow drone attack briefly shuts Vnukovo airport - BBC News

Scottish climber, 80-year-old, dies after falling from 3,000ft mountain | Fox News

Scottish climber, 80-year-old, dies after falling from 3,000ft mountain | Fox News

Vladimir Putin says African and Chinese initiatives could be basis for peace in Ukraine | World News | Sky News

Vladimir Putin says African and Chinese initiatives could be basis for peace in Ukraine | World News | Sky News

Europe fires: The Canadair water bombers battling Mediterranean blazes - BBC News

Europe fires: The Canadair water bombers battling Mediterranean blazes - BBC News

Adam Boulton: Netanyahu's power grab is tearing society apart and delighting Israel's enemies | World News | Sky News

Adam Boulton: Netanyahu's power grab is tearing society apart and delighting Israel's enemies | World News | Sky News

(3) USGS Tweet Earthquake Dispatch on Twitter: "Prelim M5.6 Earthquake off the coast of Central America Jul-30 01:10 UTC, updates" / X

(3) USGS Tweet Earthquake Dispatch on Twitter: "Prelim M5.6 Earthquake off the coast of Central America Jul-30 01:10 UTC, updates" / X

An American woman and her child have been kidnapped in Haiti, organization says

An American woman and her child have been kidnapped in Haiti, organization says

Firefighter dies battling wildfire in northeastern B.C. | CTV News

Firefighter dies battling wildfire in northeastern B.C. | CTV News

Rotterdam: Three injured in shooting in Dutch city | World News | Sky News

Rotterdam: Three injured in shooting in Dutch city | World News | Sky News

Putin: Russia does not reject talks with Ukraine and will not intensify - The Jerusalem Post

Putin: Russia does not reject talks with Ukraine and will not intensify - The Jerusalem Post

Covid test sales have increased by a third, says Boots #itvnews #covid19 - YouTube

Covid test sales have increased by a third, says Boots #itvnews #covid19 - YouTube

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: July 29th

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: July 29th “He Routs Our Enemy ” - Zephaniah 3:15 What a casting out was that! Satan has lost his throne in our nature even as he lost his seat in heaven. Our LORD Jesus has destroyed the enemy’s reigning power over us. He may worry us, but he cannot claim us as his own. His bonds are no longer upon our spirits: the Son has made us free, and we are free indeed. Still is the archenemy the accuser of the brethren; but even from this position our LORD has driven him. Our Advocate silences our accuser. The LORD rebukes our enemies and pleads the causes of our soul, so that no harm comes of all the devil’s revilings. As a tempter, the evil spirit still assails us and insinuates himself into our minds; but thence also is he cast out as to his former preeminence. He wriggles about like a serpent, but he cannot rule like a sovereign. He hurls in blasphemous thoughts when he has opportunity; but what a relief it is when he is t

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for July 29

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for July 29 Tozer in the Morning CHEAP RELIGION What passes for Christianity in our day is cheap religion! To listen to the current concepts of Christianity, we would conclude it is little more than bits of beautiful poetry, a man-made bouquet of fragrant flowers, a kindly smile for our neighbor and a couple of good deeds on behalf of a brother or sister. When I consider some of the elements now offered in Christianity as acceptable religion, I have to restrain myself lest I speak too disapprovingly. I fear my words would be so strong that I would have to repent of them! And I read in the Scriptures that there are some things God does not want us to say even about the devil. What do we find surfacing in much of our Christian fellowship? The complaint that God takes a long time to work out His will. We do not want to take the time to plow and cultivate. We want the fruit and the harvest right away. We do not want to be engaged in any spirit

Coming Clean

Coming Clean

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional July 29 Acts 16:25-26, 33 25About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose. 33At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his family were baptized. The Holy Spirit guided Paul and Silas by forbidding them to go in certain directions and through a night vision. In Philippi they found some Jewish women who accepted the Word and believed. After Paul had cast a spirit of divination out of a young lady, those who had used her to make money stirred up the town against them. They were whipped and thrown into prison. The prisoners must have been amazed to hear these men who had been beaten and sat in stocks singing praise to God. At midnight an earthquake opened the pr

(1) Maranatha777 on Twitter: ""You don't know the day or the hour," doesn't stand alone. It comes accompanied by a verb/action which is: "WATCH". This is a command given by Jesus. It's not an expression of giving up; it means the total opposite - it means to give strict attention to, be cautious, and active!…" / X

(1) Maranatha777 on Twitter: ""You don't know the day or the hour," doesn't stand alone. It comes accompanied by a verb/action which is: "WATCH". This is a command given by Jesus. It's not an expression of giving up; it means the total opposite - it means to give strict attention to, be cautious, and active!…" / X

Quotemeal for Saturday, July 29, 2023

Quotemeal for Saturday, July 29, 2023

2 Corinthians 5:17 — Daily Wisdom for Saturday, July 29, 2023

2 Corinthians 5:17 — Daily Wisdom for Saturday, July 29, 2023

'Stay Strong in Jesus Without Being Deceived' — Colossians 2:4-5 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Stay Strong in Jesus Without Being Deceived' — Colossians 2:4-5 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

Morning, July 29th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, July 29th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

A Bible Devotional 29th July 2023

A Bible Devotional 29th July 2023 Fight The Good Fight Of Faith 1 TIMOTHY 6:12 NKJ 12 Fight the good fight of faith . . . . Christians are supposed to fight -- just not with each other. Our struggle is about our faith. The devil wants our faith in God to wither and die. God wants our faith to grow stronger. The battlefield is your mind. The devil tries to keep his evidence foremost in your thoughts: negative circumstances and what your senses tell you. God's evidence is contained in His unchanging Word: the Bible. We must choose to feed the truths of the Bible into our thinking to keep our faith strong. The devil still tells mankind his old lie, "Has God said?" which we could modernize as, "Did God really mean that?" Yes, God meant what He said and said what He meant. "Then why doesn't it seem that way when I look around at my circumstances?" Because you are supposed to fight the good fight of faith and actively receive the promised blessings. God

Simply Showing Up

Simply Showing Up

Daily Christian Quote 29th Julu 2023

Daily Christian Quote 29th Julu 2023 Faith is not about moving God. Faith is about moving you into a place of receiving from God. William Wood

Christian Quote of the Day - Bible Study

Christian Quote of the Day - Bible Study The longer you read the Bible, the more you will like it; it will grow sweeter and sweeter; and the more you get into the spirit of it, the more you will get into the spirit of Christ. -- William Romaine (1714-1795) More quotes from William Romaine -

Psalm 119:93 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Psalm 119:93 (Complete Jewish Bible) I will never forget your precepts, for with them you have made me alive.

France suspends all development aid to Niger following coup - The Jerusalem Post

France suspends all development aid to Niger following coup - The Jerusalem Post

Thailand Drone shows destruction after fireworks warehouse explosion - BBC News

Thailand Drone shows destruction after fireworks warehouse explosion - BBC News

North Korea and China share ‘comradeship written with blood,’ Xi tells Kim in official letter | Fox News

North Korea and China share ‘comradeship written with blood,’ Xi tells Kim in official letter | Fox News

China's use of exit bans leaves Americans at risk of being arbitrarily detained

China's use of exit bans leaves Americans at risk of being arbitrarily detained

West Bank settlers set fire to Palestinian fields in revenge attack - The Jerusalem Post

West Bank settlers set fire to Palestinian fields in revenge attack - The Jerusalem Post

Colombian president's son arrested in money laundering probe - BBC News

Colombian president's son arrested in money laundering probe - BBC News

Nine killed in Thailand fireworks warehouse explosion - BBC News

Nine killed in Thailand fireworks warehouse explosion - BBC News

(1) Open Doors UK on Twitter: ""May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you." (1 Thessalonians 3:12) #VerseOfTheDay" / X

(1) Open Doors UK on Twitter: ""May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you." (1 Thessalonians 3:12) #VerseOfTheDay" / X

Elephant on the loose spotted outside supermarket in southern Italy - BBC News

Elephant on the loose spotted outside supermarket in southern Italy - BBC News

Four killed in Turkish drone strike against PKK members in Iraq - The Jerusalem Post

Four killed in Turkish drone strike against PKK members in Iraq - The Jerusalem Post

Chinese families being 'destroyed' by burden of facing rare disease ALS | World News | Sky News

Chinese families being 'destroyed' by burden of facing rare disease ALS | World News | Sky News

US told ousted Niger president it will work to restore order - The Jerusalem Post

US told ousted Niger president it will work to restore order - The Jerusalem Post

Majority in fires in Greece were started by 'human hand', official says | World News | Sky News

Majority in fires in Greece were started by 'human hand', official says | World News | Sky News

Australia helicopter crash: Four military aircrew missing - BBC News

Australia helicopter crash: Four military aircrew missing - BBC News

Body found near Canada/US border linked to migrant death investigation | Fox News

Body found near Canada/US border linked to migrant death investigation | Fox News

US to provide Taiwan with military aid, White House says - The Jerusalem Post

US to provide Taiwan with military aid, White House says - The Jerusalem Post

Biden says a deal may be on the way with Saudi Arabia - The Jerusalem Post

Biden says a deal may be on the way with Saudi Arabia - The Jerusalem Post

Tesco recalls Tesco British Cooking Salt because it may contain small pieces of plastic | Food Standards Agency

Tesco recalls Tesco British Cooking Salt because it may contain small pieces of plastic | Food Standards Agency

Coup attempt in Niger could shape US counterterrorism efforts in Africa, empower Russian interests: report | Fox News

Coup attempt in Niger could shape US counterterrorism efforts in Africa, empower Russian interests: report | Fox News

2 dead in German capital after 12-story jumps from burning apartment building | Fox News

2 dead in German capital after 12-story jumps from burning apartment building | Fox News

Missile hits residential building in Ukrainian city of Dnipro - The Jerusalem Post

Missile hits residential building in Ukrainian city of Dnipro - The Jerusalem Post

Wiktionary's word of the day: 28th July 2023

Wiktionary's word of the day: 28th July 2023 urbane: 1. Of a person (usually a man): having refined manners; courteous, polite, suave. 2. Of an act, expression, etc.: suited to a person of refined manners; elegant, sophisticated. 3. Obsolete spelling of urban (“of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a city or town, or life in such a place; living in a city or town; having authority or jurisdiction over a city or town”)

Today's selected anniversaries: 28th July 2023

Today's selected anniversaries: 28th July 2023 1821: Peruvian War of Independence: Argentine general José de San Martín declared the independence of Peru from the Spanish Empire. 1917: In New York City, the NAACP and church and community leaders organized a silent march (newsreel footage featured) of at least 8,000 people to protest violence directed towards African Americans. 1976: An earthquake registering 7.6 Mw, one of the deadliest in history, devastated Tangshan, China, and killed at least 240,000 people. 2001: At the World Aquatics Championships in Fukuoka, Japan, Australian Ian Thorpe  became the first swimmer to win six gold medals at a single FINA world championship.

European rock pipit - Wikipedia

European rock pipit - Wikipedia

Worthy Brief - July 28, 2023

Worthy Brief - July 28, 2023 Peter, you are free to rest! Deut. 5:14-15 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant, or your ox or your donkey or any of your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates, that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the LORD your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day. When the children of Israel were enslaved under Pharaoh, they were forced to labor seven days a week, working relentlessly without a break. Can you imagine doing hard labor for years on end without a break? This was Israel’s reality in Egypt. In His great mercy, God sent Moses to free them from bondage. He gave them ten commandments, one of them being to take a Sabbath

Today's Daily Encounter Friday, July 28, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Friday, July 28, 2023 Keep Giving Cornelius stared at him in fear. "What is it, Lord?" he asked. The angel answered, "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God."1 When my children were younger, we ministered regularly to homeless and under-privileged families. My kids got used to "giving to the poor" and never missed an opportunity to help someone out. One day, while in the car, we pulled up to a stoplight and came upon a man holding a sign that simply read, "Hungry". Having just picked up some fast food, my son immediately thought of sharing a burger with this person. But when he reached his small hand out the window to hand over the treat, the "hungry" man scowled as he took the food without appreciation. That action was enough to discourage my son from wanting to help a needy person again.     Feeling as if a gift has been wasted can keep us from giving in the future

This Day's Verse 28th July 2023

This Day's Verse 28th July 2023 Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is profit to them that see the sun.  For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it. Ecclesiastes 7:11-12 The King James Version

This Day's Thought 28th July 2023

This Day's Thought 28th July 2023 When we yield to discouragement, it is usually because we give too much thought to the past or to the future. Therese of Lisieux

Roller skating — Le’hachlik Roller | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Roller skating — Le’hachlik Roller | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

The Greatest Light | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

The Greatest Light | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: July 28th

Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Devotional: July 28th “Bow Down; Be Lifted Up ” - 1 Peter 5:6 This is tantamount to a promise: if we will bow down, the LORD will lift us up. Humility leads to honor; submission is the way to exaltation. That same hand of God which presses us down is waiting to raise us up when we are prepared to bear the blessing. We stoop to conquer. Many cringe before men and yet miss the patronage they crave; but he that humbles himself under the hand of God shall not fail to be enriched, uplifted, sustained, and comforted by the ever-gracious One. It is a habit of Jehovah to cast down the proud and lift up the lowly. Yet there is a time for the LORD’s working. We ought now to humble ourselves, even at this present moment; and we are bound to keep on doing so whether the LORD lays His afflicting hand upon us or not. When the LORD smites, it is our special duty to accept the chastisement with profound submission. But as for the LORD’s exaltati

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for July 28

Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for July 28 Tozer in the Morning WHO IS YOUR EXAMPLE? The Christian churches of our day have suffered a great loss in rejecting the example of good men, choosing instead the "celebrity of the hour" for their pattern. We must agree that it is altogether unlikely that we know who our "greatest" men are. One thing is sure, however-the greatest man alive today is the best man alive today. That is not open to debate. Spiritual virtues run deep and silent. The holy and humble man will not advertise himself nor allow others to do it for him. The Christian who is zealous to promote the cause of Christ can begin by living in the power of God's Spirit, and so reproducing the life of Christ in the sight of men. In deep humility and without ostentation he can let his light shine. To sum it all up: the most effective argument for Christianity is still the good lives of those who profess it! Tozer in the Evening Devotion to Thing

The Blessing of Forgiveness

The Blessing of Forgiveness

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 28th July 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 28th July 2023 July 28 Acts 15:1-2, 28 1Some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers: "Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved." 2This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about this question. 28It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: Some of the group of the Pharisees had come to believe in Jesus as Messiah. They brought with them their intense desire to see that everyone obeyed the laws of Moses. When some of them visited Antioch, where many Gentile believers worshiped, they insisted that they learn all the details of the law. They even taught that unless they keep the law, they could not be saved. At that point Paul and Barnabas began to debate wi

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "BURKINA FASO: Pray for churches in the north whose congregations fled after recent Islamist attacks." / X

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "BURKINA FASO: Pray for churches in the north whose congregations fled after recent Islamist attacks." / X

A Bible Devotional 28th July 2023

A Bible Devotional 28th July 2023 Letters To Christians 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 NKJ 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. All of God's Word is truth, but we must rightly divide the Bible, or we will be confused and misled. ALL Scripture is written FOR us, but it is not all written TO us, nor is it all ABOUT us. Every verse in the Bible is a message of truth we can learn from. But every verse is not specific directions for us. For example, instructions to offer daily animal sacrifices show us a truth of the need for a payment for sin, but those verses are not written directly to us. After Jesus' final sacrifice we are no longer instructed to offer daily animal sacrifices. The whole Bible is the inspired Word of God, but only the letters in the New Testament are specifically and directly written to us. While we can learn many things from reading a letter written to someone else, reading one written

'Persecution Coming!' — 2 Timothy 3:12-13 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Persecution Coming!' — 2 Timothy 3:12-13 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

Morning, July 28th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, July 28th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Philippians 1:21 — Daily Wisdom for Friday, July 28, 2023

Philippians 1:21 — Daily Wisdom for Friday, July 28, 2023

Love is Extravagant!

Love is Extravagant!

Philippians 3:14 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Philippians 3:14 (Complete Jewish Bible) I keep pursuing the goal in order to win the prize offered by God’s upward calling in the Messiah Yeshua.

Niger coup: General Abdourahmane Tchiani declares himself new leader and asks for support | World News | Sky News

Niger coup: General Abdourahmane Tchiani declares himself new leader and asks for support | World News | Sky News

Skipper of Philippine ferry that capsized and left 27 dead allegedly knew boat was filled beyond capacity | Fox News

Skipper of Philippine ferry that capsized and left 27 dead allegedly knew boat was filled beyond capacity | Fox News

Ammunition dump explosion triggered by Greek wildfires #greece #europe #wildfire #travel #climate - YouTube

Ammunition dump explosion triggered by Greek wildfires #greece #europe #wildfire #travel #climate - YouTube

Body of climber missing since 1986 discovered on melting Swiss glacier | World News | Sky News

Body of climber missing since 1986 discovered on melting Swiss glacier | World News | Sky News

Wreck of ancient Roman cargo ship found off the coast near Rome - The Jerusalem Post

Wreck of ancient Roman cargo ship found off the coast near Rome - The Jerusalem Post

Israel-Lebanon border tension raises fears of bloody escalation - BBC News

Israel-Lebanon border tension raises fears of bloody escalation - BBC News

Greece wildfires trigger massive explosions at air force ammunition depot - BBC News

Greece wildfires trigger massive explosions at air force ammunition depot - BBC News

Firefighters battle blaze at site shaken by explosion a month ago - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post

Firefighters battle blaze at site shaken by explosion a month ago - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post

S Korea tunnel tragedy: Officials ignored multiple warnings - BBC News

S Korea tunnel tragedy: Officials ignored multiple warnings - BBC News

Rare synchronised breach by three whales caught on film | US News | Sky News

Rare synchronised breach by three whales caught on film | US News | Sky News

Eritrea Pastors Spend 7,000 Nights In Prison

Eritrea Pastors Spend 7,000 Nights In Prison

Israel: Archaeologists Find 2,000 Year-old Half-shekel Coin Inscribed “Holy Jerusalem” In Hebrew

Israel: Archaeologists Find 2,000 Year-old Half-shekel Coin Inscribed “Holy Jerusalem” In Hebrew

Ministry of Defence accidentally sends classified information to Kremlin ally | Politics News | Sky News

Ministry of Defence accidentally sends classified information to Kremlin ally | Politics News | Sky News

Are arsonists behind Italy's devastating wildfires? - BBC News

Are arsonists behind Italy's devastating wildfires? - BBC News

Ukraine Claims Some Victories In Counteroffensive

Ukraine Claims Some Victories In Counteroffensive

Biden Mulls Saudi Deal Forcing Netanyahu To Abandon Extremists

Biden Mulls Saudi Deal Forcing Netanyahu To Abandon Extremists

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "Churches in Uganda are implementing strategies to advance the gospel despite ongoing persecution. Local pastors are learning to care for Christian converts. Pray for the equipping of these pastors and church members to proclaim the gospel effectively to the Muslims around them." / X

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "Churches in Uganda are implementing strategies to advance the gospel despite ongoing persecution. Local pastors are learning to care for Christian converts. Pray for the equipping of these pastors and church members to proclaim the gospel effectively to the Muslims around them." / X

Tunisia fires: 'We had no water to douse the flames' - BBC News

Tunisia fires: 'We had no water to douse the flames' - BBC News

Typhoon Doksuri approaches China and Taiwan, bringing heavy winds and disruptions | Fox News

Typhoon Doksuri approaches China and Taiwan, bringing heavy winds and disruptions | Fox News

Sierra Leone vows to ramp up anti-piracy efforts after Chinese ship hijacked | Fox News

Sierra Leone vows to ramp up anti-piracy efforts after Chinese ship hijacked | Fox News

Ukraine war: Kyiv claims success as southern fighting intensifies - BBC News

Ukraine war: Kyiv claims success as southern fighting intensifies - BBC News

Niger coup makes the troubled Sahel region yet more fragile - BBC News

Niger coup makes the troubled Sahel region yet more fragile - BBC News

(1) Maranatha777 on Twitter: "Without a doubt, the world is setting the stage to deceive people into believing that the soon disappearance of millions (The body of Christ) will be caused by UFOs, aliens, or other false explanations. It will be just lies! It will be THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!! This is not a…" / Twitter

(1) Maranatha777 on Twitter: "Without a doubt, the world is setting the stage to deceive people into believing that the soon disappearance of millions (The body of Christ) will be caused by UFOs, aliens, or other false explanations. It will be just lies! It will be THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!! This is not a…" / Twitter

Worthy Brief - July 27, 2023

Worthy Brief - July 27, 2023 Will we learn from history? Isaiah 61:3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. Last night, Jewish people around the world recognized Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of the fifth month of the Hebrew calendar year. Some of you may know that a lot of bad things have happened to the Jewish people on this date, the first of which was when the spies returned with an evil report of Canaan, the Promised Land, recounted in Numbers 13 and 14. Both the first and the second Temple were destroyed on this exact date, hundreds of years apart. The Crusades began on this day in 1095. The Jews were expelled out of England on this day in 1290, and again were expelled from Spain and Portugal on Tisha B'Av in 1492. And there are many more examples of this in

Mother and daughter killed in Montreal double-homicide: police | CTV News

Mother and daughter killed in Montreal double-homicide: police | CTV News

Today's Daily Encounter Thursday, July 27, 2023

Today's Daily Encounter Thursday, July 27, 2023 Running the Race "We who are strong ought to bear with the failing of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up."1 Joni Eareckson Tada once told a story commenting on today's key verse. She wrote, "My husband, Ken, serves as a track-and-field coordinator for Special Olympics. There is always band music, colorful banners, and flags everywhere. Scattered across the infield are teams of young people with disabilities. "A few years ago, at the games, Ken blew his whistle to signal the contestants for the 50-yard dash. A girl with Down's Syndrome and a boy in baggy shorts were the first to line up (he also had Down's Syndrome). There was a moment of stillness, then a bang from the starting gun. Off they sprinted - six contestants bobbing and weaving down the track. "Suddenly the boy in baggy shorts began running toward his friends in th

This Day's Verse 27th July 2023

This Day's Verse 27th July 2023 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. Proverbs 11:25 The English Standard Version
This Day's Thought 27th July 2023 Not what the disciple says in public prayer, not what he preaches from pulpit or platform, not what he writes on paper or in letters, but what he is in his heart which God alone knows, determines God’s revelation of himself to him.  Character determines revelation. Oswald Chambers

Draw — Letzayer | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Draw — Letzayer | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Always Room for Hope | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Always Room for Hope | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Choose It

Choose It

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 27th July 2023

Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 27th July 2023 July 27 Acts 14:21-23 21They preached the good news in that city and won a large number of disciples. Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, 22strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. "We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God," they said. 23Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust. After being stoned and left for dead, Paul got up and went to Derbe. Many disciples were won there. What does it mean to win? There is a battle raging over the souls of men. Paul and Barnabas were instruments to win them to the Lord. After the successful time in Derbe, they went back through the cities they had preached in. They did so to strengthen the disciples and encourage them to remain true to the faith. We need leaders who will do that in our churches. They reminded the

Quotemeal for Thursday, July 27, 2023

Quotemeal for Thursday, July 27, 2023

1 Peter 5:8 — Daily Wisdom for Thursday, July 27, 2023

1 Peter 5:8 — Daily Wisdom for Thursday, July 27, 2023

'Warn Each Other Every Day' — Hebrews 3:13-14 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

'Warn Each Other Every Day' — Hebrews 3:13-14 NLT (Spiritual Warfare)

Morning, July 27th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

Morning, July 27th (Spurgeon's Devotional)

"I Doubt It: Dirty Feet & Open Hands" — Heartlight®

"I Doubt It: Dirty Feet & Open Hands" — Heartlight®

A Bible Devotional 27th July 2023

A Bible Devotional 27th July 2023 God's Protection God doesn't want us to live our lives in fear. Over and over the Bible tells us to fear not. Yet with all the terrible things happening in the world, how can we not be afraid? How can we overcome the temptation to fear? We must know and remember that God loves us and has a good plan for us: including a home in Heaven and going to be with Jesus when we die. So we should not fear death as it is a promotion and a gain for a Christian believer (Philippians 1:21). Also, we must know and remember the promises of God given in the Bible concerning protection from evil, accident, and harm in this life. For example: PSALM 91:9-11 NKJ 9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, 10 No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; 11 For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. This is not to say that victims of tragic events are sinners,

What Kingdom Really Means

What Kingdom Really Means

Daily Christian Quote 27th July 2023

Daily Christian Quote 27th July 2023 There's nothing happening in your life, your nation, or the world, that God can't use for His glory; He reigns. Sean Smith

Suffering is the Christian’s Path to Glory

Suffering is the Christian’s Path to Glory

Hebrews 12:1 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Hebrews 12:1 (Complete Jewish Bible) So then, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us, too, put aside every impediment — that is, the sin which easily hampers our forward movement — and keep running with endurance in the contest set before us,

Christian Quote of the Day - Christ's Coming Kingdom

Christian Quote of the Day - Christ's Coming Kingdom Christ hath told us He will come, but not when, that we might never put off our clothes, or put out the candle. — William Gurnall (1617-1679) More quotes from William Gurnall -

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "Christian communities have been repeatedly attacked by militant Muslims in central Ethiopia. VOM has helped restore homes and churches; love shown by Christians is opening doors for people to find faith in Jesus. Give online at" / Twitter

(1) Voice of the Martyrs on Twitter: "Christian communities have been repeatedly attacked by militant Muslims in central Ethiopia. VOM has helped restore homes and churches; love shown by Christians is opening doors for people to find faith in Jesus. Give online at" / Twitter

People wounded in bomb blast at shrine near Syrian capital - state media - The Jerusalem Post

People wounded in bomb blast at shrine near Syrian capital - state media - The Jerusalem Post

Supreme Court clears way for Mountain Valley Pipeline construction to proceed | CNN Politics

Supreme Court clears way for Mountain Valley Pipeline construction to proceed | CNN Politics

France lands military aircraft in Niger despite airspace closure - The Jerusalem Post

France lands military aircraft in Niger despite airspace closure - The Jerusalem Post

Several injured in stabbing outside Magnolia Bakery in New York’s West Village | The Independent

Several injured in stabbing outside Magnolia Bakery in New York’s West Village | The Independent

Strong gusts of wind cause Greek wildfires to flare up, EU detects steep increase in carbon emissions | Fox News

Strong gusts of wind cause Greek wildfires to flare up, EU detects steep increase in carbon emissions | Fox News

Indonesian President Joko Widodo arrives in China for meeting with Xi Jinping | Fox News

Indonesian President Joko Widodo arrives in China for meeting with Xi Jinping | Fox News

Niger coup: Captive President Bazoum defiant after takeover - BBC News

Niger coup: Captive President Bazoum defiant after takeover - BBC News

Rhodes fires: View from Glystra beach - BBC News

Rhodes fires: View from Glystra beach - BBC News

Ukrainian troops reportedly break through Russian defences in Zaporizhzhia | World News | Sky News

Ukrainian troops reportedly break through Russian defences in Zaporizhzhia | World News | Sky News

Six killed, seven injured in Siberian helicopter crash - TASS - The Jerusalem Post

Six killed, seven injured in Siberian helicopter crash - TASS - The Jerusalem Post

Ukraine to limit Israelis visiting Uman for Rosh Hashanah - The Jerusalem Post

Ukraine to limit Israelis visiting Uman for Rosh Hashanah - The Jerusalem Post

Italy's Meloni draws comparison to legendary European leader ahead of visit with Biden | Fox News

Italy's Meloni draws comparison to legendary European leader ahead of visit with Biden | Fox News

It Is Better to Give Than to Receive - International Christian Concern

It Is Better to Give Than to Receive - International Christian Concern

Experts cautious about Iran's bold claim of AI-guided 'ghost' missiles | Fox News

Experts cautious about Iran's bold claim of AI-guided 'ghost' missiles | Fox News

North Korea: Kim Jong Un shows off missiles to Russia defence chief Shoigu - BBC News

North Korea: Kim Jong Un shows off missiles to Russia defence chief Shoigu - BBC News

Moldova expels 45 Russian diplomatic staff in spy row - BBC News

Moldova expels 45 Russian diplomatic staff in spy row - BBC News

Ukraine war: Western armour struggles against Russian defences - BBC News

Ukraine war: Western armour struggles against Russian defences - BBC News

Russia-Africa summit: Putin seeks to extend influence - BBC News

Russia-Africa summit: Putin seeks to extend influence - BBC News

(1) USGS Tweet Earthquake Dispatch on Twitter: "Prelim M5.5 Earthquake Vanuatu Jul-27 01:25 UTC, updates" / Twitter

(1) USGS Tweet Earthquake Dispatch on Twitter: "Prelim M5.5 Earthquake Vanuatu Jul-27 01:25 UTC, updates" / Twitter

Niger soldiers say President Bazoum's government has been removed - The Jerusalem Post

Niger soldiers say President Bazoum's government has been removed - The Jerusalem Post

North Korea's Kim Jong Un meets Russia's defense minister - The Jerusalem Post

North Korea's Kim Jong Un meets Russia's defense minister - The Jerusalem Post

Mediterranean fires: Evacuations as new blazes break out in Greece - BBC News

Mediterranean fires: Evacuations as new blazes break out in Greece - BBC News

Dozens of Christians Falsely Jailed on Anti-Conversion Charges in India  - International Christian Concern

Dozens of Christians Falsely Jailed on Anti-Conversion Charges in India  - International Christian Concern

Dengue outbreak surges in Bangladesh, raising alarm over record deaths and infections | Fox News

Dengue outbreak surges in Bangladesh, raising alarm over record deaths and infections | Fox News

Greece arrests 2 for smuggling migrants onto wildfire-ravaged island | Fox News

Greece arrests 2 for smuggling migrants onto wildfire-ravaged island | Fox News

US F-35 fighters arrive in Middle East to deter Iran, assist mission in Syria | Fox News

US F-35 fighters arrive in Middle East to deter Iran, assist mission in Syria | Fox News